Chapter 31 : My Strength And Courage

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"There is nothing more precious in this world than a mother," Swara remembered what Sanskar had told her once. But that was a time when she didn't know how emotionally arousing that statement was for him. And remembering it now... she felt so helpless that she couldn't do anything.

"She saw the same dream again." Ram sighed mournfully. Sanskar stared blankly at his mother through the glass on the door to her ward, she was sleeping. Swara just stood at her spot listening, ready to support her love if need be. She knew he was too distressed about his mother's health... who wouldn't? How would any child feel seeing his mother in such a vulnerable state?

"She said the same thing as last time. When she woke up from her sleep, she was in lot of panic because of the emotional impact of everything on her," he continued, "I think she has started to realize she has forgotten her life memories, all the people in her life, all the important events, including herself. I didn't know what else to do, so I just called you. Right now, she is sleeping as I gave her some sedative to calm her down."

Sanskar nodded his head listening to all that his father said. He didn't understand what to do, he just felt so helpless to see his mother like this. Was there any way he could fight with fate for the well-being of his mother?

Not wanting to stand there still any more, he opened the door to the room and made his way inside, his eyes focusing only on his mother.

"Sanskar..." Swara mumbled out to him worriedly as she looked at him.

"Swara?" Ram called out to her.

She turned towards him, "Yes, sir."

"I have an important conference call to attend. I don't want to leave my family alone but I think... I won't have to worry much if you stay here. Can you please be here with Sanskar until I come? I'll be back soon."

"Yes, sir. I will." Swara nodded her head and Ram sucked in a breath sadly.

"You know... he never shares his pain with anyone. Not even with me. In fact, he tries to be strong in front of me so that I don't break down. But I know how much everything happening with Sujata is affecting him. But with you, I think he will be more comfortable in opening up. I have seen that he really cares for you."

"Yes sir," she answered obediently. "Please don't worry, I won't leave Sanskar's side. I'm here with him and I'll always be there for him."

Seeing the sincerity and determination in her eyes, Ram gave her a light smile and patted on her shoulder before walking away from there for his work.

Swara opened the door and saw Sanskar sitting on a stool near his mother. She walked towards them and found him running his palm over Sujata's forehead as he relished on all the lovely memories of him with her. Seeing him become a doctor was her dream and he made sure to make that dream of hers come true even when she wasn't there to watch him become one.

As he was lost in his own sea of thoughts, he felt a familiar warmth over his shoulder from behind. He didn't even need to see who it was. He knew it was Swara. From the corner of his eye, he saw her taking a stool and sat down besides him.

"I'm here, Sanskar," came her soft voice and he slightly nodded his head acknowledging her presence besides him. Knowing his feelings very well, she placed her hand on his to calm the throbbing pain that had been spreading throughout his whole being at the lovely memories of him with his mom. A few moments passed by in silence. None of the two said a word as Swara knew no word was enough in front of what he was going through.

"I don't know what to say, Sanskar," she broke the silence that brought his attention towards her. She stared at his mother and continued, "Your pain, your loss is so huge and it is beyond anything I can say or do. But one thing I'm absolutely sure of is that I'm not going to let you go through this alone," she turned her head to look at him, "I'm here with you. Whether you want to scream, whether you want to cry, I'm here for you. It's not that we are supposed to be together only during our good times. We promised to stay together no matter how the situation is. In darkness, in adversity, we will always be together. We will face everything together."

Her words filled him with so many feelings at once. For once, he wanted to let go off all the barriers keeping him controlled. All his bottled up feelings and pain -- that he had been controlling since one and a half decade -- were ready to spill out and this time, he made no effort to hide them for any longer now that someone was here to listen to him and hold him.

She was not just 'someone'. She was his Swara! The one he chose to love for all his life and beyond.

"I really hope she gets fine soon, Swara." after moments of silence, he finally opened up, "It kills me everytime when I see this condition of mom. How I hope... this had not happened to her."

He bowed his head a little closing his eyes for a while and Swara kept her other hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay," she assured him softly, "It will be okay. Very soon."

"I really hope so. At least she realized she has forgotten her life memories. That makes me hopeful that she will remember everything soon. But... somewhere I feel like I have failed as a son, as a doctor. I feel so helpless that even after being a doctor I'm not able to do anything to help my own mother."

"Don't think this way, Sanskar. You are doing all that you can for her. That is why she is still here between us, alive. You took care of her when she was in coma and you are taking care of her now also."

"I don't know. But I don't believe one thing," he choked a bit as he felt the emotional burden too much on him, "Why is it that all of us believe in the power of God but when we need them the most in our difficult times, he turns his back on us?" he asked and she shook her head in denial.

"No Sanskar, don't say this. God is always there with us in our good times and bad times, we should not doubt that. And he is the one who has given us this power to bear the pain. He knows we can survive this. God gives suffering only to his favourite children because he knows we have the power and patience to live through them. And just because of your inner power and courage, your mother came back to you when everyone else gave up the hope. It's your love and your belief that has brought her back to you. And as far as I know, I know God is not so cruel. He won't never let anything wrong happen with his good children like you for longer."

She smiled and seeing her optimism, his heart lifted up a little.

"Swara. Do you also think... I mean... is it true that men should not cry? I was always told that men don't cry, and I guess I grew up with that."

"It's wrong," she said firmly. "Men have every right to cry. They are also human. They also have heart. They also feel pain."

"You're right," he sighed.

"Nobody has said that tears make you appear weak. In fact, it's a sign that you have been strong all this while. Sanskar, you were strong when you lived your life without your mother. And you are strong now and out there to support your father. And now you're being strong for your mom so that she recovers soon. It's absolutely natural to feel vulnerable because all this while you've been investing time on others keeping yourself aside."

Sanskar shaked his head acknowledging whatever she said and he gave it a thought. And he knew everything she said was word by word right. He knew his Swara was never wrong. She was the one he would believe with his eyes closed. He knew his pain of not having his mother with him wouldn't get lessened but a hope that he had his love right here besides him to hear him, understand him like his soulmate and assuring him that things would get better was enough for him to feel lighter.

At last, he smiled slightly and seeing him better relieved Swara too.

"I really wonder how is it that you are so amazing. You're so young, yet so wise and mature."

"So are you!" she stated as a matter of fact and his smile widened by a fraction.

"Thank you, Swara. Your words just have that magic of making anyone feel light."

"Now you will say thank you to me?" she feigned little anger, "Very bad."

He felt flustered and she chuckled. She intended to cheer him up a little.

"You only said it once. No sorry and no thank you in Swara and Sanskar's friendship and love, right?"

Sanskar smiled nodding his head and she too smiled, before turning to look at his mother.

"Please recover soon, ma'am. Your son, your family, everyone is desperately waiting for the day when you will remember everything."


Some time later, Sanskar, Swara and Ramprasad were standing quietly outside Sujata's room as they thought about her situation and something they could do.

"I don't understand, Sanskar. What should we do now..." Ram paced across the corridor. Sanskar looked on as he stood leaning his back against the wall, with Swara standing besides him.

All of a sudden, Ram remembered something and the sadness in his face got replaced with realization dawning upon him, "Oh my god! How can we forget this..."

Sanskar frowned, "What?"

"It's our hospital's twentieth anniversary coming up next week!" he rubbed his palm on his forehead. Realization dawned upon Sanskar also.

"Oh, yeah. We've been so worried about mom lately that even I forgot it."

"Ever since this hospital was built, it's anniversary was celebrated grandly every year. That was until we lost Sujata. After that we never celebrated that day, except for just distributing sweets to the staff." He stated that caught Swara's attention.

"And I don't know whether we should celebrate even this year or not, keeping your mother's condition in mind. I don't think we should," Ram admitted that made Swara contemplate at something. Something came in her mind and she took a step forward.

"Umm, Sir," she called out awkwardly and soon she was under the gaze of two pairs of eyes, "I'm sorry to interrupt you both in between. I know I have no right to speak in between as it's your family matter. But... if you don't mind, I have something to share. I think... I have an idea to help ma'am."

"Idea?" Ram repeated. "What is it, Swara?"

"I think we can celebrate this year's anniversary, just like you used to do in the early years," she said making both of them frown. She continued, "Sir, I understand her health is not good right now but it is also true that she has fought death and come back to you and your family. It's her presence among us that we can celebrate -- the one who was involved with you in bringing this hospital where it is today. Both of you built and handled it together and it's going to complete twenty years of your dream and it's success. Right now she is on the path of her recovery as she is slowly remembering everything. So, we can make the best out of it by helping her to retrieve some of her old, good memories with this hospital."

"So, what is it that we can do?"

She nodded her head in acknowledgement and started narrating them her idea. Both of them listened keenly for a while and by the time she finished, Sanskar looked at her with pride in his eyes for his love but Ram looked a bit thoughtful.

"The idea is very good, Swara." Ram said. "But... will this work?"

"It's Swara's idea, papa and she can never be wrong. It will definitely work." Sanskar said in satisfaction. Ram pondered for a while before finally nodding his head, making Swara smile as he agreed.

"Okay, then. We will make arrangements for that. I just hope it helps my Sujata regain her memory. I can't see her like this anymore longer." He said taking a deep breath.

"She will be alright, don't worry," Sanskar gave him a smile and kept his one hand over his back and held his arm by other hand with affection. He rested his head on his shoulder silently assuring his father that everything would be fine soon and they would get what they wanted. Feeling hopeful by his assurance, Ram returned the affection by keeping his hand on Sanskar's hand around his arm. Seeing this bonding made Swara smile in utmost satisfaction.

No matter what, she wanted to help Sanskar and his family in any way!


In the Main Cabin...

"Durgaprasad ji," Surinder called out to his friend sitting besides him, "I know there's a lot that is going on in your family, but in all this we have forgotten one thing."

"I know, Surinder." Durgaprasad sighed knowing very well what he was talking about. "It's Kolkata College and Hospital's twentieth anniversary in a week which is really a big thing for our hospital. But with everything going on, I'm not sure if we can convince Ram to do anything huge..."

Surinder was about to say something but was interrupted by the sound of clicking of the door.

"Bhai sa. It's our hospital's anniversary in a week!" Ram exclaimed.

"Yes, Ram. So-"

"So... you know that in the initial years, we used to celebrate by throwing a party." Ram smiled.

"And there is no doubt that this time, too, we will be celebrating it!" Sanskar declared with equal enthusiasm.

"After all, the woman who was involved with me in bringing this hospital where it is today is also there with us!"

"And we all will make sure that this time the celebration is more grand and special than the ones we had in past years. It's because we have the person right here between us who has a hand in bringing this hospital where it is today. So, why not celebrate this time to the fullest? Am I right or am I right?" Sanskar asked.

"Ram uncle, Sanskar, this is a great idea! I'm in." Rajat beamed as he listened to the exchange of words between everyone.

"Of course Sanskar, you are right." Durgaprasad smiled at his nephew's enthusiastic words. All the others in the cabin too were happy and uplifted by the decision. Seeing that, Sanskar felt excited. This was for his mom!

"So it's done!" Rajat cheered in determination sealing the deal, "We are having a grand party in our hospital on the occasion of twentieth anniversary! All the responsibilities of this party will be taken by yours truly -- me and Sanskar."

"O hello, you!" Surinder hit on his son's shoulder and threatened in his Punjabi accent, "Are all of us standing here a joke to you?" He said indicating himself, Ram and Durgaprasad.

"Oh, of course dad! Aap logon ko kaise bhulenge," Rajat laughed nervously trying not to sweat because his father just embarrassed him in front of everyone, "Of course you three will also be included in the responsibilities."

"What are we waiting for then?" Ram asked, "Let us start the preparation already. We only have a week left!"

"I hope that by throwing this party and after feeling all the emotions accompanying it, it will help mom remember at least something about herself." Sanskar smiled and thought in his mind.


It was morning and as usual, the hospital was in hustle and bustle.

Swara stood quietly in a place as her eyes narrowed looking at a figure few distances away from her, chatting animatedly with her friends as if there was no tomorrow. She huffed. If looks could kill, she would have already done the honours. If she said that she hated her, it would not be an exaggeration because she really detested her from her heart for putting her and her Sanskar through all that suffering.


She winced getting scared of the sudden voice behind her that was meant to scare her. But next moment she relaxed when she saw it was just Sanskar playing a prank with her.

"Woah! Sanskar, you scared me." she whined causing him to look at her in amusement.

"What is there to get scared of?" he chuckled and came in front of her, "I thought you would be expecting me. But I don't see why was it so astonishing to you."

"Woh..." she found herself speechless trying to find the right words, "I was..."

"Do you know when it happens?" he asked, understanding that something was bothering her, "When you are so focused on something that you happen to forget everything else. Now tell me, what is it that you are looking at for so long?"

"See for yourself."

She pointed towards what she was looking at and his eyes followed hers. And what he saw next in front of him caused him to roll his eyes and sigh in exaggeration, "Oh... the trouble is back."

"I don't understand this thing," she began as her eyes stayed fixed on Kavita who was back after her leave, "How can anyone be so happy after setting fire in other's lives? I have never seen such a hypocrite person like her. You know what? I'm going to confront her. We can't just stand here and tolerate all the nonsense she is doing to break us apart."

Not worried about Kavita's minions surrounding her, Swara made her way towards her with long strides, startling Sanskar.

"Swara... Damn!" he commented knowing how furious she was, "This girl is fire when she has to be. Not that I don't like this but..."

He decided not to waste time by talking to himself and followed her.

When Swara was close enough to her, she grabbed Kavita's wrist in anger and pulled her away from her group to make her face her, shocking Kavita by the sudden force.

"Swara!" Kavita shouted immediately when she saw it was Swara, "What the hell!"

"I need to talk to you." She said sharply, unaffected by Kavita's anger. "I don't care whether you are free or not. I want to talk to you now!"

Kavita glared at her angrily and then at Sanskar when he came and stood besides Swara, looking equally livid. She turned towards her friends who were totally clueless about what just happened.

"Guys, you can go ahead with the lunch. I'll join you all as soon as I'm done talking to them."

And with the assurance from their friend, her friends dispersed from there. When they were fully gone, Kavita rounded on Swara.

"Swara! The audacity of you to do all that with me! What nonsense is it?"

"And what about your nonsense?" she rounded with equal anger, "How dare you!"

"Excuse me?"

"How dare you to do that. Every time I think you won't stoop anymore lower, you finally prove me wrong by doing the same." she retorted.

"Oh really?" she folded her arms, "What did I do?"

"You did this! You lied about me to Mrs Maheshwari! You said everything wrong about me and because of that she has a wrong idea about me. Everything is a lie, even you know that well!" she snapped, unable to digest the fact that this girl was so relaxed even after doing so much wrong to them.

"Ohhh, about that..." she suppressed a yawn with no hint of remorse for what she did, "I don't think I said anything wrong. Since the day you joined this hospital, you have completely lured Sanskar by your so-called innocence and sweet talks. And when he took a step towards you, you took four steps close to him and trapped him-"

"Kavita!" Sanskar broke his silence as she crossed her limit, "Mind your language. Don't forget you are talking with my Swara and before that with a woman."

"Fine," Kavita mumbled glaring at both of them, "You're right! I did everything to break you both apart. Because I could not see you two together. I was not able to bear the fact that Sanskar loves someone as average as you and not me. But get this thing very clear in your head, Ms Swara Bose," she raised a finger towards Swara while continuing, "if you think I'm at fault, then you are also equally at fault. Because it's you who came in between me and Sanskar and ruined my chances with him!"

"What are you saying?" Swara looked on in disbelief as instead of accepting she was wrong, she was blaming her for something that was never her intention.

"Everything! Everything was fine before you came!" Kavita went on admitting, "Our fathers were partners, my father was going to ask for his hand for our marriage. And then you came and diverted his mind away from me. He began thinking about no one else but you. He began to be with nobody else but you. He has been my crush since the first time I saw him and I could have got him if you hadn't come between us. You ruined everything between us. If you weren't there, Sanskar and I would have already got married and a happy life together."

"Kavita, even you know I never had anything in my mind like what you are thinking. I admit what started brewing between us was not in our control. It just happened. It was our destiny to be together, that is why, even after the stunt you pulled, we are still here together." Saying this, she took Sanskar's free hand in hers, infuriating Kavita. Swara continued, "But why am I explaining this to you? You don't even know what love is. If you knew, then you would have realized that love is something you can't claim forcefully. It is something you earn. And if you are forcing someone to be with you just because you are attracted to them, then that's not love. Because love is not selfish."

"And you act like you know everything about love, right? Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart, I never asked you to explain love and you are not my freaking teacher. So stop this shit already," she retorted furiously, "Only I know how hard I try everyday to get him to notice me. But he... he never notices me. And it's all because of you."

"It's not because of me, Kavita. He never notices you because he is not interested in a beautiful face like you think. What he expects is the one who understands him, the one he is comfortable with. The one he will love with his everything!"

"And you think he loves you?" She let out a laugh, "You think you are the one he should be with?" she asked challengingly.

"There is nothing for her to think, Kavita," Sanskar interrupted, "It's the truth. I love Swara and she is the only one I want to be with for all my life! And who are you to think who I should be with? It's my life and my choice. And my choice is Swara," he tightened the grip on Swara's hand.

"I'm not talking with you, Sanskar," she showed him a palm, "I'm talking with Swara. So, you better stay out of it!" she raised a finger towards him with hatred in her eyes.

Swara immediately stood in between so that the finger pointed her instead of Sanskar, and she glared at Kavita with such an intensity that she never glared before. The anger and lividness was evident in her expressions, the one Kavita never saw before, and for the first time ever, she found herself a bit shocked and intimidated by Swara.

"W-What..." she uttered mustering up some courage.

Swara didn't say anything. Instead, she started taking slow, heavy steps towards Kavita making her flinch back.

"What do you think you are doing?" Kavita asked not trying to get scared by her, "What is this new drama?"

"Drama is something that you do, Kavita. I'm just here to put an end to it forever." Swara continued stepping closer that made her step back. Swara reached out and winded her fingers around Kavita's finger very tightly.

"What... Aah!" She winced a bit due to the painful grip and Swara gave her sharpest of all glares.

"When you raise your finger on someone, Ms Kavita Roy, remember you have your own three fingers pointing back at you." she said in a threatening voice. Sanskar could not take his eyes off the happenings in front of him. He so loved this tigress side of Swara but at the same time feared it. But right now, he had a great time watching Swara show this girl her real face, the girl he had detested since long.

"Swara... look," Kavita tried to let go off her tight grip, "What do you think, you can threaten me by doing this? You don't scare me by doing all this."

"For the final time..." she let go off her finger harshly making Kavita wince again. "If you ever... ever do anything that threatens Sanskar and my relationship, or ever try to break us apart -- which is never going to happen -- mark my words, Ms Kavita Roy... I won't leave you!" She gave her the final warning and Kavita just looked like she had been slapped in the face.

"The truth is that you don't love Sanskar," Swara revealed the truth right in her face,"You are just infatuated towards him and this feeling of yours is absolutely selfish. You are only thinking about yourself and what you want, not what Sanskar wants. And if you think looking beautiful is everything, then let me tell you Sanskar has never loved me because of how I look. But he saw that I have a good heart and I don't do wrong with others like you do. That is the reason why he fell in love with me. And same is my reason. Like you, I never drooled over his looks or his handsomeness. But what made me fall in love with him was, again, his beautiful heart," she continued while looking at Sanskar affectionately who looked at her with equal love, "The fact that he loved me selflessly without expecting anything in return, his love, him being there with me in all the situations, it made me love him back. Both of us won each other because of our good hearts, not because of how we look or how we dress."

Sanskar smiled determinedly while nodding his head. Standing besides Swara, he winded his arm around her shoulder, "And this is my Swara, Kavita. The one who is beautiful not only from outside but also from inside. She is younger than you but the level of goodness and maturity she has is beyond the understanding of self-centered people like you. So yes, for the love of your own self, please stay away from us."

Kavita made fists on either sides of her and Sanskar noticed her massaging her painful finger with her thumb.

"And make sure to apply something on your finger. It must be paining a lot, right?"

"To hell with both of you!" Kavita gritted her teeth angrily. She turned over her heels and walked away from there huffing making Sanskar and Swara chuckle.

"I don't like to be so harsh with people, but some people do deserve it." Swara admitted.

"That was really smooth!" Sanskar commented. "I just loved the way you threatened Kavita. Did you see her face? She looked like a fish out of water. I wish I had recorded it."

"Hopefully, she won't do anything wrong now. She was scared enough."

Sanskar kept his palms over her shoulders and made her turn towards him, "She won't be able to do anything now. Not just her, no one can. Our togetherness is our biggest strength, Swara. And no Kavita or anyone can just come by and break us apart."

Swara smiled nodding her head, "You're right, Sanskar. And I could not have done all this without you by my side. You are my strength. You give me the strength to fight, and the courage to stand up for us."

Sanskar nodded his head smiling at her and Swara smiled back.


Next morning...

Shobha stood outside the gate and peeped inside to see whether she had come in the correct location or not. As she saw the huge building -- the huge hospital rather -- she held the cloth bag tightly and carefully between her fingers as she didn't want the contents inside to get ruined.

She walked inside towards the entrance, her gaze never leaving the hospital as she felt proud her granddaughter worked in such a renowned and influential place.

"I have made these rasgullas after so long," she remembered sharing her plan with Shomi today in the morning when they were cooking together in the kitchen. She continued, "I'm planning to go to the hospital and take some for Shoru also. That way, I'll also get to meet her. It's been long I haven't met her."

"Rehne do, Maa," Shomi teased as she knew the intention of her mother very well. "I know very well why you are going. You don't have anymore patience left to wait to meet Sanskar, right? Fine. You can go but take care of yourself. And give half of the rasgullas to him as well."

She remembered agreeing with her daughter's suggestion.

As she opened the entrance to the hospital, she was stunned by the length and width of the basement. Of course, the building was so big so the basement would be, too!

"Itna bada hospital," she looked around in the basement and wondered to herself, "Hamara Shoru itna bada hospital mein kaam karta hai. Par ab hum usko kaisa dhundega?"

She could see that the people around were very busy. Some rushing to go for their work, others because of emergency, every single person was engaged in one or the other matter. But she could not see her Shoru anywhere.

She walked but stumbled upon a female doctor by mistake, "Ouch!"

"What the heck," the doctor commented. "Watch your way, woman."

And with that, she immediately went away from there leaving Shobha shocked because of the arrogant attitude.

"I did, you were the one who was not looking ahead and walking!" she scolded even when she knew the lady doctor was not listening, but still she was very annoyed by her behavior, "Mera Shoru idhar doctor hai, usse milne aayi hoon! Yeh aaj kal ke log bhi na, they have no manners how to talk with elders. They don't have the decency to stop and apologize when they are wrong. Pehle khud galti kare or kisi or ke upar daal de... Uff!"

She was so lost in venting her anger out that she did not realize she dashed towards someone again. When she looked up, she found out this time it was a male doctor, who... looked really young.

"Oh my god, Are you okay?" Sanskar asked, "I'm so sorry I didn't see."

Shobha furrowed her eyebrows at him. She did not know if all doctors were as arrogant as the one she just crossed paths with before, but she could see this one was definitely more polite than that female doctor.

"Kya tum doctor log bina acche se dekh ke aage chal nahi sakta kya," she snapped at him in frustration, "Ek ke baad ek koi aake mere se takra ke chala jaata hai! Woh ladki ne toh mujhe attitude dikhaya, idhar tum sorry bol raha hai..."

"I'm very sorry about that," he apologized sincerely, "I was just in a hurry. Umm... is there any way I can help you?" He could see that she needed some help.

Shobha, after seeing how nice he was that he was offering her help even after she scolded him, realized that not everyone deserved rudeness.

"You seem like a very good person." Shobha smiled a bit before keeping a palm over his arm and caressed it, "Maaf karna humko, lagta hai woh ladki ke upar ka gussa tum par nikal diya. I'm sorry. Okay?"

Sanskar smiled, "It's okay. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No... actually yes! Umm... can you tell me where I can find my granddaughter? She works in this hospital as an intern."

"Sure. Who is your granddaughter?" he asked.

"Shoru!" she uttered enthusiastically.

"Huh?" he asked a bit confused.

"Oh, sorry. Her name is Swara. Swara Bose!"

"Swara..." Realization dawned upon him and he was visibly surprised. "Did you say Swara?" 'So she is Swara's Dida?' he thought to himself.

Shobha came a bit closer to him and held his ear moving it to and fro, as if checking his ear.

"What... What are you doing?" he asked in confusion.

"Just checking if you have some hearing problem."

"No, no," he chuckled nervously because of her gesture. "I'm absolutely fine. I got it. You are Swara's grandmother!" he said and she left his ear.

"Yes. Took you long enough to understand." she said in enthusiasm, "Pata hai, bohot mehnat kar ke woh yaha internship paaya hai. Woh hamara naatini hai. Did I say it right? Sorry, my Hindi is not that good."

Ever since Sanskar met this woman, he had not been able to control his smile. She really seemed delightful. He already liked her.

"It's okay."

"I hope I'm not taking your time, but can you please take me to her? It's a huge hospital and I think I will lose my way if I search for her on my own. You look like someone I can trust, it would be great if you help me out."

"Sure, I will take you to her." Sanskar smiled nodding her head making Shobha smile in excitement.

"Thank you so much, beta!"

And with that, Sanskar led her across the corridor to take her to Swara.

"Are you a doctor here?" Shobha asked.


"Then you must be knowing all of your staff, right?"

"Yes, I do." he answered.

"Do you know someone by the name of... 'Sanskar', I think that was his name."

Sanskar gulped as he didn't understand what to say. Just then, he thought of something.

"Uhh... yes."

"You know, my daughter had an accident and she was admitted here a few months back. She told me he is a nice boy who cares for Shoru... I mean, Swara. That is why I brought these rasgullas for him. I know he will like it as much as my Shoru loves it! And you can also have them, as you are helping me."

"Thank you." he smiled.

"Are you her friend?"

"Umm... yes?"

'Friend!' He honestly felt like laughing. She was more than a friend to him now. But would he tell that to her grandmother? No! He didn't want to invite her wrath yet.


Precap : Dida and Sanskar meet in an interesting way, SwaSan scene and the beginning of anniversary celebration

A/N : Hope you all liked the chapter. I know there wasn't much SwaSan scenes but this was also important. Do let me know how you feel.

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