Chapter 33 : When You're Jealous

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Evening, at the Shopping Mall...

Swara, Sanskar, Rajat and Anushka entered the Mall together. When they were on their way to here, it was decided that the girls would go their way for their shopping and boys would go their way for their shopping and after getting done, they would all see each other at the cafeteria. The four of them divided themselves into two pairs and started their own shopping.

But things do not always go as planned, right?

What happened was that Sanskar and Rajat had got done with their shopping quite sooner than expected and Swara and Anushka were still not done with their shopping. So, what could they do next? Both of them decided to barge into the girls' shopping, split them up much to their annoyance, so that they could give their respective lady loves some 'company'.

So, Rajat went with Anushka to accompany her while she did her shopping, and Sanskar went with Swara. Swara warned Sanskar it was not a good idea and that he would get sick while shopping with her, but Sanskar did not listen to anything and said he did not mind. After all, they just had to stay by their girls' side while they shopped whatever they wanted, right? Not a hard task.


Easier said than done.

Sanskar pitied himself as Swara thought of going to another boutique store of the Mall after she refused to buy anything from the first three stores where she was shown more than ten dresses and she still did not like anything from those. She had a certain image of her dream dress in her mind, and she wanted a dress that matched that image. Yes, she was a typical girl when it came to shopping.

The truth was that all the dresses she had seen till now were not upto her expectations and she felt like she would not look good enough to be with Sanskar in those dresses. She wanted a dress so that she looked good enough to him!

As Swara searched around to see if any boutique was left, Sanskar felt like plunging his whole self down as he felt like he would not be able to take it any more longer. Never in his whole life he had been so much bored, and even his legs had started to ache because of standing continuously for three hours. Much to his luck, he caught sight of a chair nearby, so he claimed it before anyone else could and sat down on it to release himself from the tension his body was bearing since so many hours.

As Swara folded her arms feeling disappointed for still not being able to find what she wanted, Sanskar looked at his watch.

"Swara..." he called out to her.

"Hmm?" she asked, her mind still half occupied thinking what to buy.

"How long is it going to take for you to select a dress? I was done with mine in just twenty minutes," he stated and Swara turned towards him, knowing he was going to say it sooner or later.

"I already warned you before, Sanskar. You will get tired if you come with me. It would have been better if you had gone with Rajat," she sighed and Sanskar regretted his choice of words.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But I just wanted to be with you," he admitted. Swara saw his condition and she knew he was not exaggerating. He really looked so tired and sleepy as he was accompanying her in her shopping and here she was still not able to choose her dress even after three hours passed by.

"I'm so sorry, Sanskar," she felt guilty by seeing his state, "Actually I'm not getting the kind of dress I'm searching for. That's why it's taking too long."

"Is it? But what exactly are you searching for?"

"A salwar suit or a lehenga," she revealed.

"There were so many of them back there at those three boutiques. Why didn't you select anything from those?"

"I didn't like those much and a lot of them are out of my budget."

"Swara..." he shaked his head, "if it is about budget, then you can tell me. I can-"

"No, no," she refused, "it's okay. I can't take this much from you."

"It's okay, Swara. It's not like you are anyone different from me that I won't buy something for you," he insisted.

"No, Sanskar, it's not about that. I can't let you do that much for me. Just... please?" she made a puppy face to convince him and he sighed.

"Okay, fine. I will not disrespect your wish. But at least let me help you in finding the perfect dress for you. You are not even asking my opinion and instead taking me from here to there like a carry bag."

"A carry bag?" she chuckled, "Seriously, Sanskar?"

"I know my jokes are awesome," he got up from the chair and held her hand, "Now if you will give some rest to your brain and listen to me, then I know one more boutique that is in the third floor. We have not gone there yet."

"What? But... how come I don't know about it?" she asked.

"Actually, it's a new boutique which started in this Mall one or two years back. I think you didn't know about it because you were not here since five years."

"Yeah. Then we should go there now. Come, let's go."

"Yes, let's get done with it as soon as we can and then we can go and have something in the cafeteria," he smiled and she made a sorry face looking at him.

"My bad. I have made you so tired."

He chuckled, "Not gonna lie, you kind of have. How can you girls take so much time in shopping..."

They kept on talking like this as they made their way towards the third floor through the escalator.


Swara and Sanskar entered inside the boutique. It was a huge boutique and the decorum of it was quite posh and well maintained. Swara was left spellbound as she saw some mannequins dressed up with beautiful dresses. She smiled in satisfaction. The boutique seemed to have lot of variety in ladies' outfits, and they were exactly the way she had dreamt of. She just hoped these were in her budget.

"Sanskar... this is so beautiful," she commented and Sanskar smiled.

"I know. That's why I brought you here. It's perfect for a girl like you who is so beautiful, both from inside and outside."

Swara blushed as he stared at her lovingly. Before anyone could notice, she gave him a quick side hug to express how moved she felt by his words, "thank you!"

As they made their way inside, they were greeted by a boy who looked like he was in his mid or late teens.

"Good evening, sir and ma'am," he greeted, "What would you like to see?"

Swara got a bit confused seeing it was a kid who asked her what she wanted to see, and it looked like he was one of those handling this boutique.

"Anything traditional will do," she smiled while answering him, "Maybe a lehenga or a salwar suit?"

"Okay," the boy smiled, "We have lots of great variety in here for beautiful girls like you. I would love to show you."

Swara smiled blushing a little by his compliment but Sanskar narrowed his eyes.

Did this little guy just try to flirt with his Swara? He just looked like he was in his late teens, yet he had the audacity to flirt with someone who was elder to him. And why was he even working here?

"Ma'am, please come this side," the boy guided Swara towards a table, "I think these colours will suit you more than anyone else."

And he had all the best coloured dresses to show her. Swara smiled as she felt like she would finally get her dream dress now. A couple of minutes passed by. All the dresses and lehengas she wanted to see were laid in front of her and she went through them. As she got so engrossed in choosing the right dress for her, Sanskar folded his arms and glared at the boy as he observed he was so overly interested in attending Swara, when there were other customers too who were looking for their outfits themselves.

"Ma'am, why don't you try this?" The boy showed her a dark green coloured lehenga, "this will look so good on you!"

"She does not like this color," Sanskar spoke up for the first time since they have come here and both Swara and the boy looked at him. Sanskar got a bit conscious as two pairs of eyes were on him but he maintained his stance.

"It will be nice if you can show colors that Swara likes, right Swara?" he asked trying to fake a smile but failed. Swara scrunched her eyebrows looking at him as she noticed his weird behavior, but she knew he did not say anything wrong.

"Yeah..." Swara said looking at the boy, "can you please show some other colours?"

"Sure, Ma'am. No problem."

"Thank you so much!" she smiled, "You're such a sweet kid."

Excuse me!

Sanskar nearly gaped looking at Swara. As Swara waited till the boy unpacked all the dresses from the cabinet, Sanskar could not hold himself back for any longer and he abruptly pulled her towards a side, much to her shock.

"Sanskar!" she gasped, "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" Sanskar asked.

"What am I doing?"

"You called him sweet!"

"Huh?" she looked extremely confused.

"No... I mean..." Sanskar found himself at loss for words, "you... I mean I didn't mean that way. Sorry, that came out wrong."

He squirmed under her gaze. Seeing this, she held him by his arm looking at him in concern.

"What happened?" she asked softly, "Is everything alright with you?"

"No, I'm not," he said truthfully, "Why don't we go somewhere else?"

"But why? You only suggested to come here, remember?"

"I know, but I... I don't like the way this guy is behaving. I mean... don't you realise he is openly flirting with you?!" he asked and Swara looked at him for sometime before laughing a little.

"Sanskar! He is a child."

"He might be a child but he shows guts of an adult," he said in irritation.

"What if he is just flattering? Just to impress his customers so that they buy something from his shop?"

"I don't get how you are seeing it, Swara, but whatever it is, it is making me very uncomfortable."

Sanskar folded his arms looking at some other direction, hoping that she would understand him. Of course, she did. But to be very honest, somewhere, she was enjoying his jealousy. Yes, she had realized he was jealous.

As Swara smiled looking at him trying to suppress her laughter, Sanskar turned towards her.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Because I feel like something is burning."

"What?" he frowned, "Who is burning?"

"You!" she pointed out, "Mr Maheshwari, you are burning because you are jealous."

He huffed, "Okay, I'm jealous. I'm jealous because he is flirting with you with no shame regarding his age and you are also complimenting him back in return. If it is jealousy for you, then yes, I'm jealous."

She laughed, "You say you don't like being called cute but here is the universal truth -- you are the cutest guy ever in this whole universe," she pulled him by his cheek annoying him further.

"You are so mean, Swara. Here, I'm feeling jealous and you are enjoying it. Go. I'm not talking with you."

Saying this, he turned around and walked towards the exit but stopped again. He turned to look at Swara and she chuckled expecting this from him. She knew he would never leave her and go, especially when someone was here flirting with her.

Swara walked towards him and pulled him by his cheek for a second, "You are so cute, Sanskar. I love you," she said smiling and Sanskar sighed.

"Can I be any less unfortunate today? First, my legs are paining by standing for so many hours. Then second, that boy is flirting with you and you were calling him 'sweet', and now you called me cute two times, which I told you many times not to call."

"But I said I love you after that. Didn't you hear that?"

"You know what? Fine," he said, "You can see whatever you want but beware of him. I don't trust his intentions."

"Don't worry, Mr Cute. The way you just pulled me towards you might have already made him realize how possessive and protective my lover is towards me. Also, I don't feel like he has any wrong intention. He seems to be quite innocent kid, Sanskar. Don't worry."

"Maybe he is," at last, Sanskar smiled agreeing with her, "I'm sorry. I think I'm just being overly paranoid."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you since long. Just chill. He is just a small kid."

Sanskar nodded his head and Swara held his hand and dragged him with her towards the table, on which the boy had arranged all the dresses.

"Come on, Sanskar. Please be with me and help me choose the best dress for the evening. A dress in which I will look good enough for you," she winked looking at him and Sanskar smiled but before he could say anything, the boy's voice interrupted them.

"Ma'am, here are the dresses you had asked for," he said. He stayed at his best behavior and showed Swara all the dresses of her choice. Swara's focus was only on the dresses and not at the flattery comments passed by the boy.

"Anything you liked, ma'am?"

"Not yet," she replied and Sanskar could make out the thoughts of this little guy very well.

'She's so lovely. Should I ask her out?'

"I swear, when I was in his age, I used to watch my favourite cartoons," Sanskar mumbled to himself.

He got startled as he felt Swara tap on his shoulder.

"What are you doing, Sanskar?" she asked, "You know if anyone sees you mumbling to yourself like this, they will think you are crazy."

"Sorry," he said half-heartedly.

"Tell me one thing..." Swara turned towards the boy, "Why are you working here in such a young age? I mean... isn't it the age where you should be going to college and studying..."

The boy smiled, "I go to college in the morning and then I help my father run this store in the afternoon. Not because we are helpless or anything like that but because I like to help dad in his work. He is the manager of this shop."

"Nice to know, kid..." Sanskar stressed on the word 'kid' on purpose. The boy smiled back in return.

A little later, he got a call from his father and he talked with him for a while.

"What? I have to go now?" he asked his father on call, "But I'm attending a customer here. Why don't you ask someone else to go?" he asked and after a brief silence, he sighed and nodded his head, "Okay, fine!"

Feeling disappointed, he kept the phone and turned towards Swara, "I'm so sorry but I need to leave now. My father has given me some work to do."

"Oh okay, no problem. Now if a father says something then you need to listen to him," Sanskar said innocently but in the inside, he could not tell how relieved he felt now that he was leaving, which didn't go unnoticed by Swara.

The boy took the stuff that he needed and left from there, leaving Swara and Sanskar alone.

"Thank god somebody interfered before me," Sanskar mumbled near Swara's ear, "I was just planning to show him his real place," he stated and Swara narrowed her eyes towards him.

"You are very possessive at times, you know?" she commented.

"As if you are not possessive about me."

"Of course, I am," she defended herself.

"To remind you... you are still due with selecting your dream dress," Sanskar folded his arms and Swara hit her forehead lightly.

"Yes, yes."

"And this time, we will select what we want on our own. I won't let anyone flirt with you now," he said and Swara chuckled.

"Okay, as you say," she raised her hands in surrender and Sanskar got into helping her finding a dress she would love.


Another thirty minutes passed by and by now, Swara had shortlisted three lehengas she loved the most from the whole collection she asked the shopkeeper to unpack and she was wondering what to select as her final outfit.

"Sanskar... what do you think?" Swara asked picking up one of the lehengas in her hand. "Do you think I should try this? I liked it very much. It seems so fresh."

Sanskar saw and tried to think how Swara would look in this colour, and after a while, he smiled nodding his head in agreement.

"You will look amazing in this, Swara. I can tell."

"Then it's done!" she stated, "I'm buying this lehenga. By the way..." she turned towards him and smiled, at the same time feeling bad for him, "Thank you, Sanskar. And I'm sorry too."

"Wait... what? Are you serious?" he asked in disbelief, "Not fair, Swara. You broke the rule of our relationship in just one line."

"I know... but I took so long and you had to wait for such a long time. But trust me, I wouldn't have minded one bit if you had gone with Rajat, because I know I really take very long when it comes to shopping. The fact that you stayed besides me even when it was so hectic for you... it's been four hours since you are with me and it's now that I managed to select a dress for myself. I can't believe anyone can be so patient."

"No, Swara. Don't say like this. I stayed not because I needed to, but because I wanted to," he smiled uttering every word with honesty, making Swara smile.

"Okay... Now that we have finally bought you a dress, now the cafeteria awaits!" he cheered and Swara smiled nodding her head in agreement, once again thanking God for bringing him in her life. And once again, she promised herself she would prove herself worthy of what she got from her destiny.


A couple of days passed by with everyone doing their part in making arrangements for the party together. Everyone wanted it to be a success, especially Swara, Sanskar and Ramprasad and they had promised to make sure of it. And with it, arrived the big day for the hospital.


The Day Of Kolkata College And Hospital's Twentieth Anniversary...

Evening, the time of Anniversary Celebration...

The entire hospital was beautifully decorated with fairy lights, pink and blue balloons put up on the walls, the whole basement of the hospital where the main event was going to be held was decorated like never before. Sanskar, Swara, Rajat, Anushka, Ramprasad, Durgaprasad, and Surinder had left no stone unturned in the decorations and management of the party, and how could they? It was after fifteen years that they had organised a grand party for all the hospital staff on the occasion of twenty years of hardwork and success of the hospital and it's staff, and the party had been possible because Swara was the one who made Ramprasad think about everything differently. She was the one who encouraged him to do exactly what was needed for his wife to regain or at least get some flashes of her lost memories associated with this hospital. And Ramprasad, who was hopeful that Swara's plan would work, decided to go through with it and so did Sanskar. They knew the party was not just for enjoying today's day, but also to relish and reflect upon some old, great memories of the hospital, right from building it to maintaining it's reputation and garnering immense amount of respect and success.

Slowly, the party was getting crowded with people and various guests were coming, the ones who were related to the senior staff of the hospital somehow. Rajat and Anushka, who had got all dressed up in their traditional attire for the evening were in a corner talking with each other and waiting for their friends to come.

"Hasn't your best friend come yet?" Anushka asked Rajat and he chuckled.

"He has come but he has gone to look after some things. But I have told him that you and Swara have come, so he will be here anytime now."

Anushka laughed and so did Rajat, as they knew how impatient Sanskar would be till Swara came all dressed up for the evening.

Just then, Sanskar -- who was looking after how the catering services were being carried out -- caught sight of his friends standing a few distance away from him. He smiled to himself and went towards them.

"Look, here he is!" Anushka waved a hand towards him, "You will definitely live for a hundred years," she told Sanskar and he chuckled at her comment.

"Of course, I will. And that too with Swara! By the way, where is she?" he looked around but could not she her much to his confusion, "Weren't you both supposed to come together?"

"See, I told you," Rajat whispered in Anushka's ear making her chuckle and making Sanskar frown.

"What are you both talking about?" he asked.

"Nothing. I was just saying that yes, Swara and I both have come together only," she said.

"Then where is she?"

"Actually... oh, there she is!"

She said as she caught sight of Swara who was making way towards them only, and when she was nearer, she stopped in her place for a while as her eyes landed on Sanskar, and even Sanskar's eyes landed on Swara. Both of them kind of lost themselves into how captivating the other was looking. Sanskar knew that Swara would look gorgeous in the lehenga that they both selected for her, but he didn't know that she would look this much breathtaking. She looked like a goddess. Dressed in the pink and light blue lehenga, her silver dangling earrings, neckpiece, bangles, the makeover she did for her eyes, face, lips complimented her so well. She often underestimated herself but Sanskar wanted her to believe him... she herself had no idea how beautiful she truly was both from outside and inside.

As for Swara... she knew no matter what Sanskar did, he would always look attractive to her and that's exactly how she felt. He was dressed in a black and grey suit with a grey colored tie, his hairs combed towards a side just the way he liked, his black watch tied on his right hand.

Both of them smiled looking at each other and they could not take their eyes off each other for a long time. Noticing this, Anushka and Rajat smirked and decided to pulled their legs.

"I know..." Anushka teased Swara, "I know your Sanskar is looking so damn handsome!"

"And your Swara is looking as heavenly as an angel!" And Rajat teased Sanskar.

"What's it with you two always ruining our perfect moment?" Sanskar scolded them in a fun way as Swara blushed at what both of them said.

"Anushka, come on," Rajat held her hand, "Let's leave these two lovebirds alone and go our way. Hume kabab mein haddi nahi banna chahiye."

"Exactly, Rajat! Let's go," she said and both of them left from there leaving them alone.

"I always tell Rajat to concentrate in his love life, and not in ours," Sanskar folded his arms while telling Swara.

"Sanskar... they both are our best friends! If they will not tease us then who else will?" Swara chuckled and Sanskar shaked his head.

"Leave all that. Where were you all this while?" he asked.

"I was here only. But I had to go to the washroom in between to pin my dupatta properly as it had got unpinned," she said pointing towards her pink dupatta.

"Oh, so is it okay now?"

"Yes, it is. Just give me a minute, I'm feeling a bit thirsty. I want to drink some water."

"Yeah, sure," he nodded his head smiling, "I can't imagine how you must be feeling in this heavy dress. It's a bit hot here. I have asked a worker to arrange for some table fans and an air conditioner too if possible."

"You're right. Also, I'm wearing a lehenga after many years. So..."

"You go and drink water, I'm here only."

Swara smiled nodding her head and went from there to get water for herself. Sanskar remembered something and he took his phone out of his pocket.

"Now where is this idiot?" he talked to himself, "I told him long back that I was waiting for him. Then what is it that is taking him so long?"

He decided to call him. Dialing his number, he held the phone against his ear. Sanskar had decided if he said he was going to be late, he had made up his mind to pull his ears.

The call was picked up, "Ugh... Hello, bhai!" came Laksh's sheepish voice from the other side as he knew he was doomed.

"Hello ke bachche! Where are you? Almost everyone has come. You are the only one who hasn't shown your stupid face here yet."

"What, bhai!" Laksh knew whenever his Sanskar bhai talked with him like this, that meant he was genuinely pissed off, "Was it so necessary to hurt my feelings like this? I'm just on my way. You won't even know when I'll be standing right in front of you," he said the truth as he was just near the entrance of the hospital.

"Yeah, whatever," Sanskar said, "Just come fast. And I hope you are also bringing her along with you."

"Of course. I can't even dare to forget to bring her here with me. She will bury me alive if I do so," he said truthfully and Sanskar chuckled, also feeling relieved that he didn't forget to bring her.

"Fine. Just come soon. Bye."

"Bye, bhai!"

Both of them kept the phone. Sanskar folded his arms waiting and that was when Swara came to him.

"What happened?" she saw him talk to someone on call, "is someone going to come?"

"Yes. Lucky is coming and also-"

"Sanskar bhai!"

Came the voice that shocked Sanskar. When he turned around, he saw Laksh coming towards him.

"Lucky! Wait... you were here only?!" he asked in shock.

"I was in the entrance when you called me!" Laksh smiled enjoying that look of surprise in his brother's face. At last, Sanskar smiled shaking his head.

"Okay! Finally, my brother is here," he went to him and kept his palm on his shoulder.

"Yes, yes. Finally I managed to take some of my time off to attend this party. It's not everyday that I get to be in such grand parties. By the way, how did Chacha ji's mind change? I thought he will not be willing to celebrate this year too," Laksh said.

"Yes, but someone stepped in and changed our mind and made us see things differently," Sanskar smiled looking at Swara, who smiled back.

"Really? Who is it?" he asked.

"You really want to know? It's someone you have already met."

Sanskar waved a hand towards Swara pointing towards her and Laksh looked at her and instantly remembered who she was.

"Ohhh! It's her. Hello!" He smiled cheerfully and forwarded his hand for a handshake.

"Hi," Swara smiled and shaked hands with him, "Laksh, right?

"Yes, yes. I remember we met that day but we could not talk properly at that time. Nice to see you are now my bhabhi-"

Swara's eyes widened in surprise at the word.

"I mean, my brother's choice." He said and Swara smiled at blood rushed through her cheeks. Laksh smirked looking at Sanskar and decided to tease him a little. He removed his hair comb and started brushing his hair confusing both Swara and Sanskar.

"What are you doing?" Sanskar frowned, "I thought you got ready from home only and came."

"I did, but there are so many beautiful girls around. I also should look good enough," he said indicating Swara and various other beautiful women, pissing Sanskar off by his charming behavior.

"What the hell Lucky?! Oh wait! I know who can control you. Didn't you say she was with you?!" he asked.

"She's just outside clicking pictures of the decorations."

"That is why he is so relaxed. Or else he wouldn't be as he fears her anger very much," Sanskar revealed glaring at him.

Laksh chuckled, "I must say, it's now that I got to know that my bhai has a nice taste in girls."

"Excuse me? Don't even try to flirt with her," Sanskar narrowed his eyes at him.

"Hello! I will never dare to flirt with my brother's love. I was just saying the truth. She is sooo much better than that chhipku Kavita! Thank god you both got rid of her."

He made a weird face making both Sanskar and Swara laugh. Swara smiled and admired the bond that Sanskar shared with Laksh.


A sweet, feminine voice that startled Sanskar, Swara and Laksh. Swara frowned as it was a voice she had never heard before, but Sanskar and Laksh turned around and a huge smile broke on Sanskar's face.

"Oh my..." he uttered in surprise.

Swara looked on confused as Sanskar walked towards the source of the voice and when she turned around to look, her jaw dropped in shock at what she saw in front of her.

A beautiful girl was there and Sanskar had grabbed her in his embrace, patting her back as he met her after very long, and the affection was returned with mutual feelings. There was a huge smile in both of their faces which didn't go well with Swara. Possessiveness hit her as she saw neither of them leaving each other since... like ten seconds! But even a two seconds hug made her so infuriated that she wished she could break them apart with her own hands -- right now!

After some painful seconds, Sanskar was the one who broke the hug, bringing Swara's attention back to him. But even after they broke apart, it didn't stop the overflowing jealousy through her nerves.

"Sanskar... who's she?" she asked in a low voice but neither Sanskar nor the girl could hear her.

"My god! We are meeting after real long time," he admitted, pulling the girl's cheek. "Just look at you! How this face glows so much after being with the one you love!"

"Wait... what the heck does he mean?!" all that Swara's mind shouted. She could not believe he ignored what she said over this girl.

Much to Swara's suspiciousness, the girl blushed as she felt shy with his words.

"Aap bhi na," she replied in her soft voice, "Jab dekho tab meri taang khichte rehte hai."

"Sanskar!" Swara called him again.

"Or nahi toh kya?!" Sanskar chuckled as he again failed to hear Swara was calling him amidst so much noises from the crowd, "Well, just see how red your cheeks turn," he whispered in her ear and Swara noticed the level of proximity between them during this time.

"Sanskar! I'm also here!" Swara could not stop herself from saying in a bit loud voice, at last turning Sanskar and the girl's attention towards her. Sanskar frowned a bit noticing this change in her behavior, not understanding what happened to her but he nodded his head agreeing.

"Yes, Swara. I know. What happened?"

"Why are you not replying me then?" she asked in frustration that shocked Sanskar.

"W-What? I don't understand, Swara," he said honestly.

Swara huffed, "Let it be."

Just then, Sanskar remembered, "Oh yes! By the way, I want to introduce both of you to each other. Swara, come. She is my-"

"I have some work to do, bye," all that she said before turning around and leaving from there, knocking the breath out of Sanskar's body as he got damn confused.

"What happened to her? Abhi tak toh thikh thi..." he wondered to himself.

"Who is she?" The girl also frowned but then she remembered, "Oh my god... is she the one you were talking about that day?"

Sanskar turned towards her and smiled nodding his head, "Yes. She is Swara."

"The only girl ever who managed to steal my Sanskar bhaiyya's heart!" she said in excitement, "I really want to know her. Please take me to her," she insisted and Sanskar chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll see her first and then I'll surely introduce you both to each other. Until then, it will be much of your benefit to go and spend some time with him! Trust me, he is going crazy to be with you."

"Yes, sure, bhaiyya. I'll see you later, then."

Saying this, she went to Laksh and talked to him and Sanskar immediately went from there and followed Swara as she made her way towards the rest room.


Swara banged the door of the rest room open, came in and sat down on a chair with her arms folded, feeling angry because of what just happened and had no words for it.

Just then, Sanskar saw her from the door and entered inside, unable to understand what went wrong between them that Swara left him and came here sulking.

"Swara," he called out to her, "What happened? What's wrong? And why did you say I didn't reply you back then?"

"Nothing," came her nonchalant reply.

"Swara..." he tried to talk with her but in vain.

"Go Sanskar. I'm not in any mood to talk. Why don't you talk to her instead?" she asked sarcastically, "she seems more interesting to you than me."

At first, Sanskar was taken aback by her behavior, but hearing her now, he was coming to realise the reason behind it. A smile came on his face as he realised she was jealous as she saw how close he was to his old sister-like friend.

"Oh damn, I can smell something burning," he whispered in her ear teasing her.

"What? What is it?" The innocent her was shocked.

"You!" He pointed out, "You, Ms Swara Bose. You are burning with jealousy. You think I didn't notice?"

"I literally called you two times, Sanskar," she narrowed her eyes at him, "But you were so interested in her that you couldn't hear me. Let it be. I'm not talking with you."

She turned her face towards other side. Sanskar smiled as he knew what he had to do now. He grabbed a chair and placed it in front of her so that he could be at her level. He sat down on the chair and held her both hands into his.

"I want to know what is in your mind, Swara," he asked her genuinely, and she knew he was melting her with his love already. He continued, "Do you really think she is someone more special than you in my life? Then no! You are wrong."

"No, Sanskar. That's not what I thought. I just..."

"You got jealous, Swara. Just the way I was jealous two days back when we were shopping in that Mall. And when we get jealous, we tend to think what even we know is not true. That's exactly what has happened with you," he chuckled and Swara pouted. Sanskar smiled and cupped her cheeks.

"I'm sorry if you felt bad because of what happened. It's not that I didn't reply you on purpose, Swara. I can never do that. I really could not hear you as maybe your voice was so low and there were also other voices coming from the party. And that's why, even when I was talking with Ragini I had to talk near her ear, so that we both could hear each other."

"'Ragini'?" she frowned, "So, that's her name?" she asked and he nodded.

"Yes, she is Ragini Gadodia. Actually, she used to be our neighbour when we were just five years old. Since childhood, I had always wanted a little sister for myself, and with time, Ragini became that for me. Even she considered me like her elder brother. We all were very good friends, we used to play together and all that. But two years later, her family got shifted to another city. But still, we kept contact with each other and coincidentally, both Laksh and Ragini are studying in the same engineering college. Also... Laksh is the one who likes her," he smiled.

"What? Really?" she asked in shock and instantly feeling bad for how she behaved.

"Yes. Wow, that was really fun!" he could not control his laughter at what just happened, "I can't stop laughing! You-you seriously thought that we... I'll die laughing."

"N-No!" she said innocently defending herself, "That's not what I thought, I swear. Actually I... shit, I didn't know this."

"You didn't know because I never told you, so, technically it's my fault. It's just that her topic never came up in between our conversations."

"I'm so sorry, Sanskar," she was flustered and heat crept up her cheeks in embarrassment, "I should not have behaved the way I did in front of her. And in front of you too. But I was..."

"I know you got jealous, and angry because I didn't reply to what you said back then. It's okay, it happens. Now you are not jealous, right?" he asked and Swara smiled shaking her head in a no.

"No," she said, "okay, now come, let's go out. I'll be more than glad to meet this sister of yours."

They both opened the door and got out of the room. As they were on their way, Sanskar thought something.

"Swara," he called her, "I forgot to tell you one thing."

"What?" she asked frowning.

"You look cute when you are jealous."

She looked at him and he winked towards her, teasing her. She glared at him.

"Do you want me to give you the silent treatment again? Like I gave that day?"

"No. No," Sanskar immediately raised his surrender, "Please. I can take anything but your silent treatment. It is so painful."

Swara laughed seeing his expression and seeing her smile towards him, he too chuckled and smiled back in return.


Precap : Anniversary Celebration and SwaSan Romantic Dance coming up

A/N : I'm sorry for not being able to post this chapter earlier. To be honest, I'm going through a bit tough phase in my life. I hope everything gets better soon. For everyone.

PS : For SwaSan outfits & look for the evening, imagine the following :-

Sanskar : Varun Kapoor's GPA 2016 look in grey and black suit outfit.

Swara : Helly Shah's GPA 2016 lehenga look of when the cast of all the serials come up on stage in the beginning of GPA.

Reference (sorry for poor pic quality) :-

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