•Prologue : A New Beginning For Her•

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'Kolkata Hospital' -- was the dream of every medical practitioner in the city of Kolkata and across India. Every medico had only one aim -- to get into a hospital as promising and as renowned as this hospital was!

A successful Hospital of the city Of Kolkata. A huge building. Various amenities. Arrangements for emergencies. Never ending number of various areas. Posh interiors! There was everything!

And most importantly...

A place where people's prayers were finally answered! The temple of Goddess Durga in the main area of the hospital.

Getting approved by this hospital to work as a doctor or an intern was like a dream come true for any newly graduated medical student. Undoubtedly, it was the most renowned hospital for its amazing infrastructure and for having it's own accomplishments. From a team of highly qualified high authorities to a team of most talented doctors. So all in all... this hospital was ALL IN ONE.

For a student who had a medical degree, who had just completed his graduation, this place was the best place to pursue their high education in order to become the person they wanted to be. To have an identity they had dreamt of ever since those five crucial, golden years of learning, practising and training in this field...

'Bachelor Of Medicine & Bachelor Of Surgery'

New, young doctors and interns were here to accomplish their dreams of becoming a successful doctor and brighten their future. When they would walk around the hospital, all one would see with them were thick books. Books which they would be holding closer to themselves -- that was the temple of knowledge of every medical student.

And today was the fateful day where many newly graduated doctors and newly recruited interns were seen entering into this new world that was this hospital...

Each of them had only one thing in their mind... once they step into the doorstep of this hospital, there wasn't any going back until they accomplish their dreams of becoming ideal doctors just like the team in this hospital was. And they meant it. That much strong their determination was. Even getting selected by this hospital due to their merits and good academic marks was a big thing for them.

But for her, it was a blessing to her.

Getting approved by this hospital would be good for any other person in general, but for her, all this meant much more to her than anyone else could imagine.

And being one of the interns entering this hospital, she was all set. All set for this new beginning. Having a past buried deep down her soul, she made her way towards the entrance of the hospital. The place where everything would possibly change in her life.

'This hospital is my destiny now. And no matter what happens, I'm going to welcome this journey with open arms and from here on I will accept every path that my life takes. It's a promise to myself.'

Those were her final words before she stepped nearer to the hospital.



This was all about her.

Her existence.

Her life.

Her future.

Her self respect!

What was her existence in this world? Was she right about doing all this? Was she right that she was now taking a different road to live her life? Having so many questions unanswered right at the age of twenty two wasn't fair enough.

She had so many questions. So much she wanted to know. So much she wanted to had been arising in her mind. She wanted to ask god, why did he put her and her family through so much? She wanted to ask her late father, why couldn't he ever give love to her mother? But most importantly, she wanted to complain about her fate. The darkness that shadowed a part of her life once and it destroyed everything she had.

Her family, her belief, her trust, her self respect!

She didn't believe in anything anymore. All those fairytale stories in her childhood were now long buried. She never saw them ever again. And she never even wanted to. All that was left in her life was herself and her family. Basically, expectations are the cause of sadness but in her case, it wasn't just sadness.

Her soul ripped apart!

Just because she expected a little bit more, almost everything got snatched away from her... EVERYTHING! What did that 'everything' include?

Her family's esteem, in this area we call society.

And this was everything she had.

She was Swara Bose. A complete package of beauty and brain, yet nobody knew the scarred soul behind her strong demeanor. For the world, she was perfect. A very no-nonsense type of girl. But no matter how people looked at her, she still had a soul that craved for peace.

And the peace... it was something that her dreams of becoming a doctor gave her.

Swara was hardly a seven year old when her father left her. He divorced her mother as he loved someone else. And right from there, destiny started playing terrible games with her family. Right from that time, her mother, Sharmishtha Bose and she shifted to her Dida's place. It was quite a difficult time for her mother to cope up with her loss. And for Swara, to cope up with the loss of their family's self respect. But it didn't happen. It wasn't easy. Nothing had been easy for her. But still, she took care of her family and never let them alone.

Time passed... and with that, Swara's life had already changed. Since they shifted from Jaipur to Kolkata after her parents' divorce, she had everything new in her life -- new house, new place, new society, and new school. Nothing was very normal in her life after this crucial time but she never complained anything to anyone. She was happy with what she had. A lovely mother, a jolly grandmother, what else did she need? The three made a perfect group. Swara's mother used to be her mother and father both. Her mother and grandmother was everything she had. They were her lifeline. Her best friends. Her mentors.

And time kept on flying... Years passed... They all were happy with each other. They never asked for anything else.

As one day, Swara became an eighteen year old on her birthday, here was her fateful day. The worst turn her life took.

A marriage proposal by Sengupta Family!

That day, everything turned upside down. Her destiny, her aims, everything. But even then, she was happy with what destiny was having in store for her. Her marriage got fixed with the son of one of the biggest businessmen of Kolkata.

'Sahil Sengupta!'

When her marriage was fixed with him, she was happy just like any girl was happy when it's her marriage. But then... finally the marriage day came and the storm entered like a whirlwind and the entire world turned upside down.

Everything was going to be over! Everything.

That was the day she lost everything... Her family's esteem, her own. Everything in the society too.

Her marriage with Sahil Sengupta broke.

She couldn't be able to bring herself up any longer. Everytime... every time she thought about her past, she felt as if she failed as a daughter. She failed to herself.

And for now, she didn't want anything in her life except for her family's well being. She was twenty-two now. She had studied for five years only to see this day where she had stood up to her inferiority complex by becoming what she'd always wanted to be. She wanted to repair the damage that had been done to her family. She would do anything to bring happiness back in her Maa and Dida's life! She just wanted to.

So here she was. In front of a big hospital. The best hospital of Kolkata.

She didn't want to think anything. She didn't want to think about her past at all. Now, all that she just wanted was her happy family. Her own identity.

She bent down and touched the ground, her eyes towards the big hospital building. Her lips curved into a smile as the place which was like a temple to her.

'KOLKATA HOSPITAL' -- Her new dream!


Swara got up and looked at the hospital in front of her which was soon going to be a part of her journey. It was the last month of her MBBS internship and she and her best friend were lucky to get posted in this hospital to obtain more clinical knowledge, more practice. A determined and professional smile crept up on her lips as she gave a deep sigh. Nothing could stop her from going ahead with her dreams. She was ready to overcome all obstacles that messed with her.

She had to forget her past... She knew it. All she was doing was for herself and most importantly for her family. She promised to set everything right by making an identity of herself. She meant it.

"Maa, Dida... I promise to you both. Your Shona will become the person she has desired to be. It's my promise. I promise to set everything right. I promise that I will bring the smile back on your face. Your Shona will fulfill her promise!"

Making her sole determination, she smiled taking another sigh and gripped the handle of her luggage kept besides her.

She was about to move a step ahead when suddenly, a girl caught up with her running...

"Hey Swara!" The girl called out as she reached near Swara patting her shoulder.

She scrunched her eyebrows and turned around only to find somebody dearest to her and next moment, her eyes gleamed with happiness and her smile widened.

"Anushka!" Swara was pleasantly surprised as the girl came running to her. Swara went to her and soon enough, both of them found themselves engulfed into a sisterly hug...

After a few moments, they broke the hug and Swara just couldn't control her excitement.

"Finally," Swara couldn't control her excitement on seeing another dearest person of her life. "We are seeing each other after such a long time. You were the only one I've had by my side in these long four years, Anushka. We were best friends and always inseparable no matter what happened!"

"Exactly Darlo!" Anushka chirped back to her. "We were inseparable, we are and we will always be! We stepped into this journey together, and we are going to enjoy this new journey together as well. I'm so glad that for this last month of our internship, we got posted in the same hospital. Now we can be together every time!"

Swara smiled nodding her head and just then, she held Anushka's hand looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"Thank you so much Anushka. You don't know how important you are to me. No matter how things turned out in my life, you are always there. We both have spent our four years together in the medical college. Unfortunately, in last eleven months we were posted in different places but when I found out this month we were posted in the same hospital, you don't know how happy I was!"

"Arey bas! Ab rulayegi kya pagal?" Anushka hit her playfully. "See, it's the first day in this hospital and here madam ji has already begun getting overwhelmed by emotions. Not fair I am telling you!"

Swara chuckled emotionally. Truly, what Anushka had done for her was so much more than a best friend did for her best friend. That was one of the reasons, why Swara considered her as her sister.

Swara pouted folding her arms. "Dr. Anushka Shastri, not done! You have already tolerated me this long, and I guess you should have already learnt how to bear me."

Anushka pulled her cheek shocking her. "No matter how my best friend is, I love her the most! Get it? And now, we both have to bear each other for even longer, since we are entering the same hospital and going to be here together. So now, we are all set to a new start in our lives. Success is waiting at the doorstep, Swara!"

"You are right. Success is at the doorstep." Swara turned towards the huge building that suddenly seemed like it was smiling down at her hearing her words. The sight filled her with euphoria. "I've been waiting for this for so long. I've had many struggles, many loops, but at the end, I still rose high for my Maa and Dida."

"You will see Swara, they are going to be very proud of you!" Anushka assured her.

"Now, let us go inside!" Swara said with smile lacing her tone as both of them went inside the huge hospital.

This was their new dream!



The journey in this hospital had just begun...

Students who had come here for internship were right now having a stroll across the huge hospital... So that they had a look at every room and later on, it would be easier for them to know which room or area was where.

Patient rooms...

Medical rooms...

Operation theatres in case of emergency...

And classrooms where they were supposed to have seminars as part of their internship.

And last but not the least...

The Dean's cabin!

The Dean's name 'Ram Prasad Maheshwari' on the Board put to the door of the cabin.


Swara and Anushka dangled each other's arms as both of them passed through various corridors, only to enter the wide Lobby of the Hospital. If one could have his eyes around, one could see a few good health quotes on the walls, a few frames of the Dean of the Hospital and a few achievement awards kept at the edge of the wide lobby, on the table. This hospital had everything an excellent hospital would have. Proper facilities, proper health care treatments, and much more.

Swara and Anushka were supposed to give in their attendance, to mark their entry to the hospital.

As both of them had a good stroll, Anushka asked...

"Swara! Listen, where and when do we have to go for our attendance?"

Swara stopped walking in her own place and she turned thoughtful. She turned to look at Anushka.

"No idea!"

Anushka was confused. "Whom will we ask now?"

Swara folded her arms and had a look around her. Even though the new interns looked very new to her, she had to catch someone to whom she could ask about all this. And maybe she couldn't ask any fresher, but she had to ask someone who was a doctor in this hospital. Not an intern.

As much as the hospital was new to both of them, so were the people around them. They knew no one there.

"Anushka..." Swara called out to her. "Whom should we ask? I think we should ask someone who is a doctor in this hospital and who might know everything better."

Anushka frowned looking everywhere. "But I can't see any. There are only interns around here. And since today all interns were going to come, I guess all the doctors and seniors were given an off today."

Swara left out a sigh and closed her eyes. How could she expect something to go her way?

"Alright." Swara had an idea. "Kisi nurse ya intern ko hi puchh lete hai. Come."

And with that, both of them turned on their heels and walked towards a nurse who was standing in a corner.

Feeling someone coming near her, the nurse turned around and looked at these two young interns.

"Hey!" The nurse called out to them. "You have come for the attendance right? Then it's going to begin right here. Just wait till all the interns gather here."

Swara and Anushka gave a thankful smile to her as this was exactly what they wanted to know.

"Thank you so much!" They said to her.

They waited there for some time as a random man came with his file. The attendance book precisely. And a few interns had already started gathering there.

"By the way, you said one of your friends was a doctor in this hospital." Swara asked Anushka. "Where is he? I can't see him!"

"Oh haan!" Anushka remembered. "Rajat Sareen! Yes, he is going to be here shortly. I had a talk with him. He is just stuck in some important work."

"Good. So today I will finally meet this Rajat who helped us with our admission in this hospital."

"Sure! Do meet him!" Anushka said happily. "You know, he is really a good person and is a doctor here. In fact, he is the one who told us about this hospital and guided us to get our internship here. You know, he had told that his friend was the son of the Dean of this Hospital. So, he told his friend about us. Our admission here was easier then. Actually... we should seriously thank both of them!" Anushka concluded.

"I agree." Swara smiled. "We will thank both of them. And special thanks to the Dean's son! I want to thank him too."

"Definitely, we will." Anushka replied.

Swara thought something for a while and then looked back at Anushka, before making sure that the attendance had not begun.

"Anyway, what's the name of Rajat's friend? I mean... The Dean's son?" Swara asked curiously. At least she was supposed to know that much.

"I... uhm, I don't know his name, to be honest. Rajat didn't tell me much about him. But anyway, it's okay. We will meet him soon as we are now going to work in the same hospital."

"You are right." Swara replied smiling.

They stopped talking as they waited for the nurse who would be taking their attendance and marking their entry into this hospital.

But all this while...

A pair of eyes were continuously watching at the direction of Swara and Anushka from a distance...

But... most probably Swara!


A/N : What do you think about it? Would everything go smoothly and as per Swara's plans? Would Swara be able to become the person she wanted to be? What do you think about it? What could be her past? Would Swara Bose be able to overcome those dark shadows of her past and move on to achieve her dreams of becoming a successful doctor?

Time will surely tell!

Please express your views guys, I really love hearing them.

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