Chapter 15: D-1

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It felt right... to make my own decision.

Just to think, this was what I want.

"Are you nervous, Rimy?"

"I am... but I feel pretty good about this."

The day had come for the girls. Geurim stood alongside the Tangerine Entertainment gals backstage of the company's private auditorium. The five of them were clad in their matching black outfits, glitzed up for their upcoming performance with Woohee's produced song. Of course everyone was nervous, but Geurim would feel strikingly guilty if she messes up and ruins her friends' chance at debut. And more so because she wasn't sure how everyone would react to her being a replacement.

It definitely was a lot to take in.

However in the past week, the Tangerine girls have been so cooperative and amazing to her. With the hours they practiced on their performance, they truly made her feel like she was at home. Each girl have been deeply interested in her, asking about all random things, like other favorite hobbies, favorite groups, and many others of such.

Chaeyoung had been so welcoming from the get go since she was from the same school. She had truly lead Geurim through the song when she had difficulty singing some parts. There were even those days when Chaeyoung went out of her way to meet up with Geurim during breaks at school, so she could teach her the song properly. A diamond in the rough. It was only within that week Geurim found out how popular Chaeyoung was at school and amongst the people at Tangerine. Chaeyoung was just that kind of person Geurim couldn't even believe exist in real life. Pretty, lovely, and friendly to all.

And just as Geurim expected from when she first heard her voice, she had a very pretty voice when she sang, one who can easily reach the high notes. And not to forget, Chaeyoung is also an actress, and Geurim had to contain her excitement when she found out she had appeared in a drama she enjoyed before. She couldn't believe she could be friends with someone like her.

Jinyoung embodies a motherly vibe. Even when Geurim barely knew her, the second oldest girl cared for her like she was her own child. She made sure Geurim was hydrated and that she was well fed enough to carry on. There was a warmth to her, and definitely someone that the girls could rely on. Gowon had told her before about how while there were days her parents couldn't pick her up from the company to bring home, Jinyoung was there to look after her and bring her home herself, despite the bus ride over was strenuous. Jinyoung had a heart of gold, Gowon had said. While Geurim only knew her a few days, she could clearly see that.

Geurim wasn't sure how she felt about Woohee from the beginning since of her abrupt and blunt personality. However, she learned that the oldest one of the bunch was the most passionate. Woohee has trained the longest. She had bounced from two companies before she reached Tangerine Entertainment, which was brand new when she was first discovered. Whenever other trainees looked upon Woohee, they all saw her as the well-rounded, talented trainee who was meant to debut soon. Her dancing was sharp, her rapping had good flow, and she produces songs that could be future hits. Geurim could definitely see the great potential and talent that the older girl possesses, and she could only wish to be like her.

Geurim never thought she would form such a close bond to the rest of Gowon's teammates, but she found herself admiring them with fondness. She was happy she accepted the request to help them with the group evaluation. Working alongside them made her want to help the girls more with their debut.

"This is it, ladies," Jinyoung chimed up when the prior act had finished their performance. With the clap of her hands, she gained everyone's attention. "I know we're all nervous and anxious right now, but we need to remember how fantastic we have practiced for this. If we do what we have done every day up until this point, then we are good as gold! We are a solid group that could do anything when we are together, and more so with reliable Woo Geurim on our team. We're going to be spectacular."

All of them cheered to the speech.

And with one last breath, the five girls put on the simple black masks over their nose and lips and stepped out onto the stage. The seats of the auditorium were no where near filled, just a speckle of people sitting within the first couple rows in front of the stage. Just at a table further back were the judges. Two of which Geurim was told were important people. And of course, sitting at the far right of the table was Tangerine Entertainment's CEO, Kim Aeyoung. She looked as elegant and fierce as ever.

Geurim gulped down her nerves as she moved into their formation. This... didn't seem any much different than from the evaluations she had done back at SM. Just the same ole thing.

Then the music began to play, and Geurim moved as if possessed by a mythical being. She moved and swayed to the song as if she wasn't jittering about only minutes before. She didn't even miss a beat of singing her parts of the song. While still a little shaky, she sang with a shocking confidence.

Woo Geurim was an absolute beast.

And she blended in so damn well with the other four girls who danced and sang along with her. No, she wasn't a center, but a team player who helped her mates sparkle.

The way the five girls moved together was mesmerizing. They all shined with their own unique quirks and skill, having their own individual chances to show their worth. Vocals, dance, rap, and their cohesion together; it was a magical stage. And, just when the climax of the song came, and Gowon and Geurim were able to succeed with their synchronized flips, it earned a loud cheer in awe.

When the song ended, those who were just merely audience had given them their deserved round of applause, with a couple cheering and hollering for a fantastic job done on the stage. The Tangerine girls stepped forward in a line and bowed in respect for the people before them, Geurim quickly followed after and did the same.

They then removed their masks, Geurim also doing the same with hesitation. Audience members looked at the unknown girl in surprise. She wasn't a Tangerine trainee, who was she?

However, one person smiled knowingly and nodded.

"Group 4, with Min Jinyoung, Kim Woohee, Jung Chaeyoung, and Park Gowon," one of the judges said into his given microphone. The man pushed up his round glasses as he gazed upon the five. "I see that Lee Taeha was not able to perform with you girls and have found a replacement on such short notice."

Jinyoung was the one to chime in into her wireless mic. "That is correct. We had thought that the performance wouldn't be enough with just the five of us, so we have found a friend to fill in for Taeha." She simply glanced over at Geurim and signaled for her to introduce herself.

Geurim gotten the message and brought the microphone to her lips. "Hello, my name is Woo Geurim. After hearing their dilemma, I wanted to really help them. I hope that me not being a trainee in your company doesn't give them any bad points..."

At her statement, the two judges had turned towards the CEO for her word on the matter. Kim Aeyoung's smile never left her lips, in fact, she looked far too giddy in her seat. She was only suppressing more excitement on this. "I have no concerns on the matter. I would have thought it would be unfair to have used one of our trainees for the performance for chance of extra points or possibility of it not working out. So, I am okay with Geurim working with you." A small hum. "I am actually very enraptured by how well she was able to work with you four. Don't you agree?" She asked the other judges.

Both of them, and even the other audience, have voiced their agreement. "It is quite amazing. The teamwork on this performance is outstanding. The five of you together is really something else. If I could let you all debut together right now, I would," The third judge responded with a pleased nod.

"I would too," CEO Kim quipped. Geurim could feel her gaze. Tangerine's CEO was staring right at her as she said that.

But no, she wasn't going to allow herself get intimidated this time.

"Thank you, ladies, for the amazing performance. You can go ahead off the stage and we will grade accordingly," the male judge said next. The five girls thanked everyone one more time and exited to the left of the stage. Once they were off, the five of them brightened up and cheered amongst themselves. The praise they gotten was enough to shoot them to the stars. They felt they were on top of the world.

"Did you hear that? They said we could be a debuted group!" Woohee gaped. "They really said that!"

"I know, isn't that amazing?" Chaeyoung replied after, clapping her hands out of joy. "We did so so well!"

"I seriously am so proud of us, girls. We worked hard and we have prevailed!" Jinyoung said next, patting both Gowon and Chaeyoung's shoulders. She peered over at Geurim. "And I think it was meant to happen for Geurim to join us like this. This was our fated performance and I can never be ever more thankful to you, Geurim-ah."

Gowon stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her best friend, crushing her into a hug, which then Chaeyoung had to join in... Then Jinyoung and Woohee. Geurim was in the middle of this sweaty, yet loving hug.

"Thank you, Rimy. This is going to be something I am going to pay you back for the rest of my life," Gowon murmured to her.

Geurim beamed as she nudged her friend away. "It's not that serious. I did what I should." She peered at the other three. "I feel rewarded enough to be able to perform with you all. It... really made me realize again how much I love dancing and performing."

I really do.

"Hey... even though we might not be able to perform like this again, we should all still hang out, okay?" Chaeyoung replied, while she grabbed onto Geurim's hand and squeezed it. "I am going to bother you so much now at school, okay?"

"Haha, okay, Chae-unnie," Geurim grinned, returning the squeeze of her hand.

"Well, also us," Jinyoung interjected. "If you ever need to talk or need insight or just hang out, us too."

"Of course."

But... It doesn't have to be like this, right?

.  .  .

It was a different day. Actually, it was already a week and a half after Geurim had helped with the Tangerine group evaluation.

She was at a cafe, her hands folded in her lap, as the nervousness rose with each minute.

This was truly... a wild decision.

She could only tell her parents about what had been running through her mind. Geurim was grateful that she had such supportive parents, who would allow and accept her own choices on her future, because they believe in her.

She should've told Jaemin.

She promised herself that she will after this, if this really pulls through.

"Here's your chocolate milk tea, Geurim-sshi." Geurim glanced over to the cafe's owner, a short-haired woman bound to an electric wheelchair. They were fair acquaintances at this point, since Geurim really enjoyed coming to Queen Kona's, plus since Jiwoo-unnie was close to her as well. Confusion crossed her face. "I gotten a call in advance to make you your usual favorite." She set down the drink, as well as a cup of hot coffee on the table.

As if on cue, Geurim heard footsteps approaching behind her. She whipped her head around and saw that the person she was meeting have finally arrived.

CEO Kim Aeyoung handed the cafe owner the money.

"Thank you for making the order for me. I'm quite low on energy, so I couldn't help myself and get your delicious coffee."

The owner gave a smile, then left the two ladies to their own devices. Tangerine's CEO sat in the empty seat across from Geurim. The younger gave a small bow in greeting.

"Thank you for meeting with me, CEO-nim... and for the drink," Geurim uttered to the older woman.

"It's no worries, Geurim-sshi. I was quite surprised when I got that call from you yesterday," Aeyoung told her before taking a sip of her coffee. "What would you like to tell me about?"

"I..." Geurim's eyes fell to her drink.

She was going to risk it all, wasn't she?

"I am having second thoughts about your offer, CEO-nim."

The woman's eyes widened and she leaned into her seat. "About... wanting to debut in my future girl group?"

Geurim pursed her lips, "Yes. But... only with the ones I have performed with..."

It was quite the request, but this was what she wanted.

She can be greedy. Geurim couldn't allow herself to take anything back from this point.

"With Gowon and Chaeyoung-unnie, Woohee-unnie, and Jinyoung-unnie," she continued with fear in her tone. "You agreed with the other judge that day that we looked like a debuted group. And I agree. I wouldn't even mind more members, it's just that the five of us were so great together. I just would love the five of us to debut together... is all." Geurim's voice trailed off. Maybe she was a little too greedy. Worry pooled within her after realizing how demanding she must've sounded... and to the CEO of Tangerine Entertainment on top of that. "I'm sorry if that sounded forceful, CEO-nim. I think I just crossed a line."

"Not at all, Woo Geurim-sshi," CEO Kim replied, with a calm expression. "That particular group are, indeed, the ones I want to set free into this world with their talents. They are my precious children I want to prepare to debut. They are the ones that have been ready for so long." She laced her fingers together in front of her on the table. "I don't know if you remember but I have envisioned my girl group with a particular vibe. Lee Taeha was a possible candidate, you know. And I had put her in the group for the evaluations to see if she was the last member, but then after certain circumstances, you ended up being there. If that isn't a sign that you are the missing member I wanted—no, needed in the group, then I don't know what is. If we are of agreement, then I would love to accept you into Tangerine Entertainment and have you debut in my future girl group, Woo Geurim-sshi."

The CEO paused, as a thought came to mind. "Have you discussed this with your company?"

"A couple months ago... I did have some kind of discussion with Lee Sooman-sshi and that only lead me to be confused and frustrated," Geurim answered truthfully. "But after some time, I was really able to think it through... and he told me he would be okay if I decide to go on this path. So... I guess, this is happening."

The older woman nodded after hearing the explanation. "I'll set up a meeting with Sooman-sshi and my people to finalize this decision. You and your parents should also join us so we all know we're on the same page. Does that sound good?"

"Sounds good to me, CEO Kim," Geurim replied.

The woman gave a small smile as she held out her hand towards her. Geurim reluctantly let her hand meet hers. "Woo Geurim, I promise you that I will help you reach your much deserved debut, okay? Even though my company is still small, we will do everything within our power to not waste any of your talents. Thank you for joining Tangerine."

"Thank you for helping me figure out what I want to do."

With one last goodbye, Kim Aeyoung grabbed her coffee and left the shop, probably off to get back into her busy work. Geurim sat in her seat, letting what had happened sink in. It was really going to happen. And she really hoped she made the right decision.

She was going to leave behind so many good things that came from being an SM trainee. She couldn't even imagine what her so few fans and everyone else who know her would think about this sudden change. It honestly makes her heart pound with such a force that it was hard to think. The thought of it still felt untrue.

Soon, she won't be an SM trainee anymore.

And from there, hopefully her new life begins.

A/n: The end is getting very near I think?? I could probably start wrapping up in a chapter or so??? So, keep an eye out from me~

And don't forget to leave a comment or so and vote, y'all!


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