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It was a fine evening rain drops were playing on the floor it was a drizzling and birds were chirpping on the trees and some were flying in the sky they were trying to reach their nest as soon as possible and A girl was standing at her balcony by keeping her arms on the railing and she was holding a cup of coffee in her hand and were looking at the sky first her smiling lips shown then her closed eyes she was feeling the rain drops on her face then she sip the coffee and her face shown she was smiling.

Girl's pov:

Hey Hi i am avni avni Neil khanna and right know i am standing at the balcony of my apartment which is at 6th floor and I am enjoying the weather it is my daily routine of morning and evening i made coffee for my self and came here to enjoy the weather my husband Neil khanna is a COO of the company so he always busy in his office work no no I am not complaining don't get him wrong he always try to give me equal time after his office hours he came home tired so we talk on something and then he sleeps he has a lot of things to do so daily morning he went to office and came back according to his work something 6 sometime 7 or sometime later I felt bored so I also start the job but i work from home beacause I am an introvert and being an introvert I prefer to work from home so I join an online business so my daily routine is doing some house hold work as I am the only one who lived Neil went in the morning and came home at evening so I do the household work myself then do my office room that's it and at evening it came here and talk with the nature so it is my daily routine but Sunday Sunday is my favourite it is my day because Neil spent the whole day with me on every Sunday we visit a place do the dinner outside and most important I see his romantic side on this day he became another person the another version of Neil khanna the romantic and naughty Neil khanna.

She hears the sound of opening the door.

Avni's pov ends.

Avni: oops I think Neil came so I am going will meet you soon bye.

She went.

Next morning it was Sunday like her routine she was standing in her balcony and was sipping the coffee and smiling she was lost in her thoughts then she realized the hands on her waist she smiles because she knew it's her hubby he was standing by hugging her he smiling his hairs were massed and his eyes were saying they want to sleep more his face shown he was handsome man.

Neil: good morning.

Avni smiles and cups his face with her hand.

Avni: morning finally you awake.

Neil smiles and said in her ear.

Neil: yes.

Avni: so what will you cook today?

Avni's pov.

Avni: oh I forgot to tell you every Sunday Neil prepared the breakfast and he is an awesome chef once you eat the food of his hand you will crave for it always.

Avni's pov ends.

Neil: what my queen want to eat today?

Avni: umm anything which you will made with your heart.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok but first my morning kiss.

Avni smiles and kiss his cheek Neil shooks his head and turns her to him and kiss her after that Neil look at her and her eyes are closed and cheek are red because of the blush Neil smiles to see her.

Neil: I love you.

Neil kiss her cheek and went avni open her eyes and turns.

Avni: see I told you he become another person on Sunday today the whole day will spend like this.

Avni smiles on the other side Neil was preparing the the breakfast like a real chef he was wearing the head and aprean and was stirring something he do every thing with perfection then he covers that for some time and thinks.

Neil's pov:

Hey hi you all know me because of my wifey she must gave you my introduction but let me start with introduction so I am Neil Neil khanna I am a COO of a multinational company and that's way my life is so hectic I worked like a robot I mean meetings projects parties and what not so because of that I am very busy so it is my small intro hope you feel nice to meet me you know because of my hectic schedule I didn't give much time to my wifey though I tried alot always to give her as much time but couldn't make that but she being a sweet heart never complained she is so supportive and cute I just love her sometime I shout at her because of my office issues but she always handle the situation calmly and i felt guilty but she said it's ok I understand and these words give me peace so as I said i am a busy person so on every Sunday I tried to give her happiness and showered my love on her let her feel that I am with her our relation is normal like other couples I know she must be thinking I turned into another person another version of me but honestly that is my true face I am like that I love her alot and I am doing hard work to give her a good life and I know love is also Important so I showered my love on her on Sunday I.

Neil's pov ends.

Neil smells something she look at the stove.

Neil: o.

Neil quickly remove the lid and stir the dish he took a deep breathe by closing his eyes.

Neil: thank God I save it on time ok so will meet you soon now it's time to feed me wifey the food of her favourite chef that is me.

Neil smiles he put the dish in the plate and put that and a glass of water in the tray and remove the hat and aprean then he went to the room where avni was reading the book Neil smiles and went to her.

Neil: here is the breakfast for my queen.

Avni look at him and smiles he put the tray on the bed and he takes the spoon and feed her but before that he blows that then he feed her.

Neil: how's it?

Avni: amazing like always.

Neil smiles.

Neil: so my reward.

He show the cheek and point on it Avni smiles and kiss him neil smiles then avni took the spoon from him and feeds him.

Avni was getting ready as they went outside on every Sunday Neil came and hugs her from behind he hide his face on her neck avni close her eyes.

Avni: Neil leave me let me get ready.

Neil look at her in the mirror.

Neil: wifey can we cancel the plan and spend our day at home.

Avni: why cancel the plan no I want to go outside.

Neil roll his eyes and look at the other side and leave her and say

Neil: tubelight.

Avni asked while looking him in the mirror.

Avni: what what you said?

Neil: nothing get ready fast.

Neil turns to go avni holds his collar and pull him to her Neil was shocked and saw avni is looking at him.

Avni whispers: I am not tubelight I know what you mean we will do that but after coming back.

Avni wink Neil widen his eyes then smirk.

Then they went outside they went for the long drive avni keep her head on his shoulder Neil smiles and kiss her hairs then when walk and their hands were intervene.

Neil: avni see there.

Neil point to the other side avni looks there Neil kiss her cheek avni widen her eyes and look at him he winks avni blush Then they went for the dinner where Neil order her favourite dishes and they enjoy their time with candle light dinner and then they came back home after changing avni was combing her hairs Neil holds her wrist and pulls her to him and look at her romantically he put the hairs behind her ear she close her eyes he look at her and kiss her then he takes the hair brush from her and throw that avni look at him.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: what you said before going we will do in evening.

Avni: tomorrow is your office.

Neil: I took the leave for my wifey i know she needs me and my love.

Avni was looking at him Neil cups her face.

Neil: avni if we love someone then it's not necessary to say I love you everyone some things we have to understand ourself I am not saying expressing love is bad no it's good but understanding is also important we don't need to say I love you every time I love you avni and you are the most important person in my life so never think that i am ignoring you and not giving you my time or I don't love you I am doing hard work for you for giving you a good life never judge my love.

Avni's eyes filled with tears she put her hand on his hand and kiss that then she holds his hand.

Avni: i know Neil you don't need to say all this I know how much you love me inspite of your hectic schedule you always tried to give me time you planned surprises for me Neil love is a emotion which we can feel and I know you loves me alot you know Sunday is my favourite day because every Sunday we spend time together the whole week you spend by working and on Sunday you don't take rest you cook food for me and I feel blessed that I get you in my life who always think about me not for himself if you want you could spent your Sunday by sleeping but no you spent the day by pampering me and that is enough for me I love you Neil I really do.

Neil smiles with teary eyes and kiss her forehead avni closed her eyes and tears falls from her eyes Neil wipes her tears and picks her he went to the bed and lays her he switch off the lamp light and went close to her.

Later avni was laying on the bed.

Avni pov:

So that was my Sunday now you understand why this day is my favourite because I spend this day with my love my Neil it's not necessary we daily shower our love to our partner to show our love sometimes a small gesture of love is enough to show how much we love our partner so this is my Sunday story hope you like our way of spending Sunday ok now I am sleepy good night.

Avni's pov ends.

Avni look at neil who was sleeping besides her by hugging her she smiles and kiss his forehead and look at him then she close her eyes.

The end.

Note: as avni and Neil said it's not necessary to say I love on daily basis for avni the Sunday's love was enough because she knew Neil loves her a lot
love is a feeling and you have to feel it Neil loves her alot but he also know financial stability is important for a good life he always tried to give her equal time avneil knew love trust mutual understanding and financial stability these four things are important for a relation Neil loves her and try to give her financial stability and they understand each other and avni trust him and love him also for them their Sunday was enough. Loving someone and saying I love you both are different things love is important in every relationship but mutual understanding and financial stability are also important for the smooth run of relation if any one thing is missing it will make the relation complicated so try to understand your loved one shower your love trust them and try to win their trust relations are not complicated we make them complicated by not sharing our feelings because their was no understanding so try to understand eachother.

Thank you hope you like the story.

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