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One day, you wake up to see a letter laying near you were sleeping. It's neatly tied with a bow and the seal had a picture of a sun on it. The Sundown city seal.
Filled with curiosity, you open it.

Hello! If you're reading this, you are formally invited to the Quill worlds-wide memorial scavenger hunt!

In honor of the 100th birthday of Ethan Quill and his amazing machines, we are throwing a party at The Rift in Sundown.

There, Mayor Leigh, Venus Quill, and Almond Quill will speak. Then you will get your first clue!

How it will work:
You will work together in a team of five (Or more depending on who shows up.) You will vote to decide who will be the team's leader, then the leader will get their clue. When the alarm buzzes, you will be free to find more clues. Once you get enough clues, you will (hopefully) be able to find Quill's Diary and bring it back to The Rift. The winning team will get 1k dollars for each person.

There will be free refreshments!

~𝕬𝖎𝖉𝖆 𝕷𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍

With the invitation was an old page of a Diary. It has Ethan Quill written on it in blue ink. Looks old.

First entry:

July 7, 1xxx

Imagine a world with magic. A place where you could cure diseases with a wave of your hand. Where you could make dreams come true.

Now, imagine that same place, but with humans. Not as gorgeous now, is it? Again, humans could make world peace, but no. They'd rather use it to build trinkets. To make diseases. to create wars.

Man, humans suck. And I'm writing this as if I wasn't one. Just goes to show you how stupid we are. Pretending as if we were these great entities when we're basically slugs to other beings. Able to be squished easily, but not even worth the attention. And we're slimy. Oh, so slimy.

I think I'm going off on a tangent. Oh well. But anyway, I guess I should introduce myself.

The name's Ethan. If you're reading this I'm probably dead. Don't worry, I lived a long, happy life. I just hope I didn't die a stupid death like choking on an ice cube.

But anyway, here's what you need to know: I come from earth. Like... the original earth. Before it got smashed into smithereens, of course. I was one of the seven hundred people that survived. I'd say I'm lucky, but that's not true. The only reason I'm alive is that I'm valuable to Retah Co. In fact, I was the one who opened the portal to Opal, Pethgoul, and The Plain.

At first, I felt accomplished. Building a working teleporter isn't easy, you know. But then... well, then I realized that there are things here that no person should ever see. Things no person should ever hear. Things no person should ever feel.

It's been a long time since I first came here... I should be celebrating, yet I have no one to celebrate with. All of my friends just up and died on me. Heh. My daughter has children herself now, so she's busy... I guess it's not all bad here though. most of the native species are nice. Except for dragons. They suck. So much.

I'm rambling again, aren't I? I really am just an old man with memories... like before everyone made cities here. it really was beautiful. Rolling hills, meadows with all types of flowers... some known, others unknown. You know, I actually have a flower named after me. The Quill Rose.

Ok. I lied. They're not named after me. They're named after the type of moth they attract. The moth isn't anything spectacular, but the flower is beautiful. It looks almost like a cross between a orchid and a rose. The most common colors are blue and red, but they can look more green or yellow. The most interesting part about the plant are the leaves. When made into a paste, they can numb most pain. Also, they make an amazing tea.

Here's a picture:

There isn't a picture. It must have fallen off. Or he just forgot to paste it on. You can't tell.

As you can see, I gave up my dream of being a photographer for good reason.

I've been writing for a while... My daughter just sent me a telegraph. I guess this technology isn't terrible all of the time. Heh.

There's nothing else on the page.

(Uh, tell me if I made any mistakes like spelling or grammar errors. Or if anything just doesn't make sense lol-)

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