00 - girls, girls, girls

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Mark Tuan opened the door to see a room full of trainees, female and male, having one of their many dance rehearsals. He smiled slightly as his own trainee memories flooded his mind; his heart racing when he participated in the WIN survival show, his ears getting attacked when he eventually met the other GOT-members, and his whole body filling with adrenaline when they performed at the showcase. Good times.

The choreographer finished one more move before stopping to greet the incoming guests and announcing a short break. The trainees sighed in relief, and Mark saw a few of them becoming excited as they saw the idols walk in. It was him, Choi Youngjae, Kim Yugyeom, and Jackson Wang. The four had decided to go visit to check out the trainees of the year while they had some free time.

"Hi!" Jackson said, grinning. "Annyeonghaseyo!" Mark could see some of the female trainees almost swoon. Youngjae was also waving to the younger people. Yugyeom started chatting with a trainee in the back, a girl who looked around the same age (possibly older) with glasses and hair up in a messy ponytail.

Mark walked around, hands in pockets, saying "hi" and "hello" to the various trainees. Most of them were a bit unfazed because of tiredness. He got flashbacks of high school as he watched groups of trainees cluster together. He could tell the ones were more popular, the ones were deemed "lower", and the ones who kept to themselves.

He noticed a trio of girls dancing still by the mirror, practicing and perfecting the moves they had just learned. Mark could tell they were very experienced already as they danced fluidly. He was very impressed. Maybe he could go over and talk to them...


"Aiya, I can't believe Kim Yugyeom is talking to her," Ching Lan Fen said. She was commonly known as Lan or jian nu ren, which was Mandarin for a term rhyming with "stitch." Of course, no one called her the latter in front of her. The Chinese trainee from Shanghai was very well known for her pretty visuals, almost perfect dance, and sometimes extreme attitude. She glared over at the youngest GOT7 member across the wide room while retying her purple Nike sneakers.

"Of course he is, lah," Chee Kimmie rolled her eyes. One of the only Singaporean trainees, she also was a skilled dancer, especially with popping and hip hop. Her unique English name and accent made her popular. "Didn't someone saw they knew each other before he debuted?"

"I heard that's why she got in," agreed Lee Hua Ting. The other Chinese girl was a bit shorter than the others, but she stood out with her soprano voice and ballet. At first glance, Hua Ting looked fragile but her persistence in the trainee life made her a worthy competitor for debuting.

"What a cheat," Lan shook her head. "She'll never make it. Ok, I need some water."

She and her friends were about to walk off when someone cleared their throat behind them. The three turned, and Kimmie and Hua Ting simultaneously widened their eyes. THE Mark Tuan was standing there, smiling a bit. He wore a black jacket, a loose white shirt, and black skinny jeans. Typical idol casual fashion.

"Alamak, I think I'm going to faint," Kimmie whispered to Hua Ting.

"Uh...hi," he waved slightly. "I'm Mark."

"Ni hao," Lan said back, pushing back a piece of hair. He really did look good in person. His face brightened up at the Chinese. "Wǒ de míngzì shì Ching Lan Fen."

"This is kind of strange, but Bam dared me to get a trainee's number," he responded in slower Mandarin. "Sorry, that sounded really weird." The three girls exchanged glances. Lan glanced over Mark's shoulder at the girl who had been talking with Yugyeom. He had left to talk to Jackson, so she was sitting by herself, pushing up her glasses every other second. Lan smirked.

"I can give you mine," she said in English, crossing her arms. Mark took out his phone and looked expectantly at her. She recited a string of numbers, and his fingers followed on the glowing keypad. Kimmie and Hua frowned, but Lan cut them off before they interrupted. She smiled sweetly at Mark, who finished inputting the numbers. He slid the phone back into his jacket pocket.

"Xièxiè," he bowed a bit. They heard Youngjae call Mark's name and saw the other members walking out of the room with large waves. The choreographer had decided to continue the long lesson, much to many trainees' dismay. "Well, thanks again. Maybe I'll see you guys around. Great job on the dance." Mark gave another smile before walking over to his friends.

Kimmie wasted no time in smacking her friend's arm.

"Apa yang berlaku?! What the hell?!" she said, soft enough for the choreographer not to hear her.

"What?" Lan said, rubbing her arm.

"You gave him her number!" Hua Ting put one hand on her hip and the other angrily gesturing at the girl in the corner. "THE Mark Tuan! That was probably the only chance we will ever have at texting him!"

"He's only Mark," Lan said, rolling her eyes. "It's not like he's Jackson or anything. Don't bug me about. Come on, let's get water before the lady makes us dance more."

"Fine..." Kimmie sighed. The trio passed by the girl with glasses, smirking down at her as they walked past with perfect posture. She barely noticed as she was too interested in resting her aching feet.


Jackson slung an arm around Mark as they walked back to the dorms.

"So who were those girls? They were piàoliang," the Chinese man teased. "Gonna get a pretty girlfriend, Mark?" Mark laughed.

"Bam dared him to get someone's number," Yugyeom said in Korean. He stuck his hands in his sweatshirt pocket.

"Might as well get the best dancers," shrugged Mark.

"Smart, smart," Jackson nodded. They walked back, mostly talking about Bambam's ego and also wondering why he took so long to get ready. (Youngjae laughed a lot at the last point.)

Mark glanced down at his phone, looking at the new number: Ching Lan Fen. She was actually a bit attractive, plus she was the best dancer in the room from what he had seen. Maybe it could turn out to be more than a dare.

Little did he know, he had just walked into a huge, but nice, mess.



sorry this prologue kinda sucked but i pROMISE ITLL GET BETTER LOL

im kinda in love with this story idea, so i hope i execute it well eheheh

again a smol side note: i'm using the help of google and others for all the chinese and korean in this book so i apologize if it's incorrect ahhhhhhh i'm trying to get all of it as accurate and realistic as possible



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