2 - I'm so "happy" for you

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I rub my eyes as my annoying alarm barks, filling the once silent room into raging dogs going crazy. It's not a pleasant sound to hear first thing in the morning, trust me. I rolled off my bed and flopped onto the hard, cold floor. I laid like that until I remember something. Eunha told me to meet her extra early to help her, shoot. I glance at my clock, I have 5 minutes before I have to leave. I jump up from the floor and start getting ready. No time to pick an outfit and do my hair.

I sprinted out the door, waving a quick goodbye. My legs felt as if they were on fire. For Eunha, you can do this, SinB. I see her standing in front of the doors of the school, waiting anxiously.

"Eunha!" I call out. She turns around and a big grin creeps onto her face. "SinB! I thought you didn't remember," She pulls me into a hug.

"Of course I did!" I lie. "I was just really lazy today."

"I can tell," She laughs, looking at my outfit. I look down at myself. I'm wearing black sweatpants and a really over sized blue hoodie. I touch my hair. I guess I tied it into a messy bun, I can't even remember what I did this morning. My brain is going on a vacation.

"Anyways," I say, changing the topic. "When's Jungkook going to ask you?"

She shrugs, "Maybe at lunch, in front of everybody." She smiles, daydreaming about him. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I actually like him.


I scanned the cafeteria, attempting to find Eunha. No such luck. She is a shortie, if she was at least my height, I maybe could find her through the crowd of students. I finally find her short black hair floating in the midst of people. I slide into the seat next to her. "I've been looking all over for you."

She ignores me and smiles to herself.

"Eunha?" I tap her shoulder.

"Oh, sorry, what?"

"I said," I pause but shake my head. "Never mind, not important."

"Well, okay." She spots Jungkook in the doorway of the cafeteria. "He's right there! Do I look fine?"

I nod, "More than fine. He shouldn't like you for your appearance, just saying."

She doesn't hear the last part, probably because of the excitement draining out everyone. I look around the cafeteria, but all my eyes do is land on Jungkook. He's perfectly styled hair, his adorable smile, muscles popping out. He is the definition of perfection. His two friends, Jimin and Taehyung, who are also angels, stand next to him, giving a pep talk to him. Jimin nods his head and they walk towards our table.

A hush fell over the students, mesmerized by their handsomeness. Eyes follow each step they take. Jungkook finally starts singing, accompanied by Jimin's and Taehyung's angelic voices. Jungkook takes Eunha hand and she stands up. Her face as red as a bright cherry tomato. I can't help but feel jealous. I really should get over this crush of mine, but it won't let go.

"Eunha, will you be my galaxy so I can be your shooting star?" He asks, smiling.

"Of course, is that even a question?" She smiles too, both of them showing their bunny smile.

Everybody claps for them. Oops, I almost forgot they were there. It was too quiet. Quieter than usual. Jungkook wraps his arm around Eunha's shoulder and they walk out of the cafeteria. As soon as they are gone from sight, the noise in the cafeteria grows louder.

Goodbye my crush, Jungkook.


I avoid them all day but wherever I go, all I can hear is "Couple Goals", "I knew he would ask her out", and "Eunha is such a lucky girl."

I need to accept them being a couple, but my heart won't. I need to be happy for them. In all honesty, they are perfect for each other. Even though I wish it was me.

I drop my textbooks that I was carrying onto the floor, in front of my locker. A loud thud echoed through the hallways. Jhope turns to me, "You okay?"

"What do you think, genius?" I look at him, shooting lasers out of my eyes. 

"Woah, geez, just trying to be nice here." He murmurs under his breath.

I lazily pack my bag up and lock the locker. But my head wasn't think straight. I forgot to leave one of my notebooks in there.

I groan in frustration, "I hate life."

Jhope mutters a "Me too" and locks his locker. "What happened to you?" He asks me.


"I mean, look at you." He nudges his chin towards my outfit. "Something's wrong."

I sigh, "Just leave me alone."

"Fine, woman." He walks away but turns around. "Do you know where Eunha is?"

He didn't hear the news, wow. He must be deaf or something. I sigh again, but more deeply. "No."

I turn to leave the school. Finally, I'm out of this jail.


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