Sunnah (Introduction)

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’

                                                            - Aameen.

Sunnah (Introduction)

Almighty Allah Ta‘ala has declared in the Holy Qur’an:


"Today I have perfected your Deen (Religion)

and have completed My Favour upon you

and I am well pleased with Islam as your religion. ”


Being a complete, final and perfect religion, Islam offers an all-embracing, comprehensive Code of Life; so much so that its teachings and directives extend to people from all walks of life in every aspect of their existence.

 However, this perfection emanating from Islamic teachings can only be attained through the study and practice of the instructions of our Noble Prophet Muhammad. As a Muslim, it is essential among other things, for one to have a sound knowledge concerning the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W); for around his life revolves every teaching of Islam.

 Following the Sunnah of the Prophet is a pre-condition for obtaining the love of Allah. In the following verse of the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Prophet is being told to inform mankind: -

 “Say (O Muhammed): If you love Allah, follow me;

Allah will love you. ”

 A thorough knowledge of the Sunnah of the beloved Nabi (S.A.W) gives one a deep understanding of proper Islamic practices. In this book, the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is going to be portrayed on virtually every facet of his blessed life Insha Allah. Sunnats pertaining to acts of worship, social functions, and communications between people, miscellaneous dealings, transactions and many other practices will be documented.

 The Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W) is the second fundamental source of Islam. It embodies the entire pattern of the life of Nabi and includes every detail containing his actions, his conduct and his attitudes whether explicit or implicit. Every aspect of life and conduct has been reported to us in the vast collections of Ahadith.

 In addition to the Qur’an every Muslim believes in the Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W) as a model of guidance and wisdom. The Noble Qur’an establishes that the Sunnat of Prophet (S.A.W) is inspired and guided by Allah SWT:

“Nor does he say of his own desire; it is nothing but revelation

that is revealed.” (S.53: V.3-4)

“Whoever obeys Rasulullah he indeed obeys Allah.” (S.4: V.80)

Therefore, in the Sunnah of Muhammed (S.A.W) lies a fountain of divinely guided wisdom and a perfect way of life.

 Imam Ghazzali (A.R.) in his Kitabul Arbaeen has very beautifully, though simply, proven that it is not only the Sunnats in worship that should be adhered to but the Sunnats in every aspect of our daily lives.

In essence, Imam Ghazzali’s (A.R) theory is that if the Prophet (S.A.W) chose between two alternatives it simply meant that by the light of the Nabuwah (Prophethood) and with the aid of the knowledge revealed by means of Wahy (Divine inspiration) and Ilham, he was informed which is the better to practice upon.

Imam Ghazzali (A.R.) maintains that in the total observance of and dedication to the Sunnat and the life of Nabi (S.A.W) in all its aspects, including such personal habits of his such as eating, drinking and sleeping, lies the key to Sa‘adah (total bliss).

Imam Ghazzali (A.R.) draws support for this theory from two Verses of the Qur’an:

“Say if you love Allah, follow me - Allah will love you and

forgive your sins.” (S.3: V.31)


The above quoted verse of the Holy Qur’an commands us to follow in the footsteps of our Nabi (S.A.W) for which there are two profound benefits to be derived, namely

 i) We become Allah’s beloved, and

ii) Our sins are forgiven.

The second verse from which Imam Ghazzali (A.R.) draws support is-

 “And whatever the Prophet (S.A.W) gives you, accept it and whatever he forbids you, abstain (from it).” (S.59: V.7)


This verse is also explicit in commanding us to follow Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) thus indicating that he was divinely inspired. Our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) has also exhorted us to practice upon his Sunnats.

 Hazrat Anas (R.A.) has narrated that Nabi (S.A.W) has said:-

 “That person who loves my Sunnah loves me, and he will be with me in Jannah (Paradise)” (Tirmidhi)


In the time of mischief and trial, when the Sunnah is being mocked at, when the practices of the non-Muslims are regarded in high esteem, at such a time, Allah SWT will grant the courageous Muslim who revives a single Sunnat the reward of a hundred martyrs. (Ahadith)

 The purpose of this compilation is to bring alive the Sunnats of our Nabi (S.A.W) in the Ummah i.e. the Muslim community Insha Allah. As mustahabs and etiquettes are a ‘type’ of Sunnah, therefore, no pains have been taken in differentiating between these and both have been classified as Sunnat with the abbreviation ‘S’.

May Allah SWT give us all the ability to practice on the Sunnats of our beloved Nabi (S.A.W)! Aameen.

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