Sunnats when a child is born

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’




It is indeed a joyous occasion when parents are blessed with the birth of a child. However, the extent of the joy will be enhanced even further if the laws of Shari‘at are observed and all other meaningless rituals are cast aside since they are neither mentioned in the Holy Qur’an nor cited in the Ahadith.

If you are childless, pray to Allaah SWT for favour of granting you pious offspring in the same manner as the venerable Prophet of Allaah Hazrat Zakaria [A.S.] had prayed to Allaah SWT to grant him a pious offspring.

“Rabbi Hablii milladunka dhurriyatan Tayyibatan innaka samee‘ud du‘aa i”

(“O Allaah! Bestow upon me by Thy bounty goodly offspring. Lo! Thou art the hearer of prayer.”)

Do not feel downcast on the birth of a child. Strictly guard against feeling remorse or considering the birth of a child as a burden because of financial hardship, ill health or for any other reason.

Do not procure an abortion. Abortion or killing a child after birth are both acts of heinous barbarity, gruesome cruelty and extreme cowardice and eternal ruination in this world and Hereafter. Allaah SWT affirms,

 “Qad khasiral ladheena qataloo awlaadahum safahan bi ghairi ‘ilmin”

 (Those who kill their children out of their foolishness are the great losers.) –[6:140]


In an impressive condemnation of human shortsightedness, Allaah SWT has clearly forbidden the genocide of children:

“Wa laa taqtuloo awlaadakum khashyata imlaaq; nahnu narzuquhum wa iyyaakum inna qatlahum kaana khith“an kabeeraa”

 (Slay not your children fearing poverty. We shall provide for them and you. Lo! the slaying of them is a great sin.) –[17:31].



S. 1 Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.) reports that when it was time for me to deliver my child, Nabi SAW sent Hadrat Umme Salmah (R.A.) and Hadrat Zainab (R.A.) to me with the instruction that they read Aayatul Kursi, the Surah Al-Falaq and An-Nas and the following two verses of Surah A‘raf for easier delivery:

“Inna Rabbakumul-laahul-ladhi Khalaqas-samaawaati Wal-arda Fee Sittati Ayyamin Thummas-tawa ‘Alal-‘arsh *

Yughshil-lailannahaara Yatlubuhu Hathithaw Wash-shamsa Wal-qamara Wannujuma Musakh-kharaatim Bi-amrihi *

Alaa Lahul-khalqu Wal-amru Tabaarakal-laahu Rabbul- ‘Alamin *

‘Ud‘u Rabbakum Tadarru'aw Wa Khufyah-Innahu Laa yuhibbul-mu‘tadin.”

(Indeed your Lord is Allaah, Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He Istawa (rose over) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He brings the night as a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created) the sun, the moon, the stars subjected to His Command. Surely, His is the Creation and Commandment. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)! Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not the aggressors.) -[7:54,55].


S.2 The afterbirth (placenta) and navel cord should be buried with due care since they are parts of the human body.

S.3 Upon birth, the newly born child should be given a proper ghusl (bath).

S.4 Thereafter, the first words to reach the child’s ears should be the message of the Greatness and Oneness of Allah Ta‘ala and the Prophethood of Rasulullah Sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam. This is done by giving adhaan near the right ear and Iqamat close to the left ear of the newly born (this noble act should be (preferably) the prerogative of an ‘Aalim or a pious elder of the family). If such a person is not immediately available then any Muslim male may perform this Sunnat.

S.5 To perform Tehneek (the placing of a date, softened by chewing, on the tongue of the newborn).

The act of Tehneek should also be the prerogative of an ‘Aalim or a pious elder of the family. If such a person is not available then any Muslim male may perform this act. Honey may be substituted for dates, if dates are not available. (Bukhari)

S.6 To give the newborn an appropriate name on the 7th day. (Abu Dawud)

S.7 To make ‘aqiqa on the 7th day. (Abu Dawud)

S.8 ‘Aqiqa is a form of Sadaqah (charity) whereby the child is safeguarded against misfortune. Two sheep, alternatively two goats, are offered in the case of a male while one goat or one sheep suffices in the case of a female. However, it is not obligatory to slaughter two lambs for a boy, one may sacrifice one animal also. If, for some reason, ‘aqiqa was not made on the 7th day then it should be done on the 14th, the 21st, 28th (or any day in multiples of seven thereafter). The sooner ‘aqiqa is performed, the better.

S.9 It is mustahab to remove the baby’s hair on the 7th day after birth. Gold, alternatively silver, equivalent to the weight of the removed hair may be given as charity to the poor, otherwise its equivalent value in money will suffice.

The hair should be buried with due care and respect.

S.10 Get the male child circumcised on the seventh day after birth. However, if for some reason the operation is put off, it is obligatory to get the circumcision performed before the male child reaches the age of seven. Circumcision is a part of Islamic faith.

 A/N :)

This will be continued In shaa Allah in the next chapter called Etiquette of Bringing up the Children. Hope this was beneficial In shaa Allah.

With Duas and Salaam,


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