The Marriage of Queen of Jannah: Hadrat Fathimah az Zahra (R.A.)

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


The Marriage of Rasool a Kareem SAW’s daughter: Queen of Jannah: Hadrat Fathima az Zahra (R.A.)

When Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.) was 15 years old (and of marriageable age), Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) and Hadrat ‘Omar (R.A.) sent proposals to Rasool SAW to marry Hadrat Fatimah.

Rasulullah SAW however declined, for the reason that she was still young in age.

N.B.: Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.) had turned 15 when proposals for her marriage began to come from high and noble families. But our Nabi SAW remained irresponsive.

Hadrat Ali (R.A.) was at that time 21 years of age. He has related: ‘It occurred to me that I should go and make a formal proposal, but then I thought “How could this be accomplished, for I possess nothing.”

At last, encouraged by the Prophet SAW’s kindness I went to him and expressed my intention. Rasulullah SAW was pleased and, accepting the proposal, asked:

“Ali, do you possess any riches?”

I replied, “Apart from a horse and a shield I possess nothing.”

He SAW said, “A soldier must of course, have his horse. Go and sell your shield.”

Hadrat ‘Ali (R.A.) went and sold his shield for 400 dirhams. Thereafter, Rasulullah SAW called Hadrat Bilal (R.A.) and asked him to bring ‘Itr’ (non-alcoholic perfume) and a few other things and sent Hadrat Anas (R.A.) to call Hadrat Abu Bakr, ‘Uthman, Zubair (R.A.) with some men of the Ansar.

When these men arrived and had taken their seats, Rasulullah SAW recited the Khutba of Nikah and gave Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.) in Nikah quite simply to Hadrat Ali (R.A.).

The Prophet SAW said: “Bear you all witness, I have given Fatimah to ‘Ali for 400 mithqals of silver and ‘Ali has accepted.” He SAW then raised his head and made Du‘a.

Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.) was sent without any clamor, hue and cry in the company of Hadrat Umme Aiman (R.A.).

Rasulullah SAW himself visited them and made du‘a for them and asked for a basin of water in which he blew after reciting Qul-huwAllaahu Ahad, Al-Falaq and An-Nas and then sprinkled on both Hadrat ‘Ali (R.A.) and Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.).

Rasulullah SAW gave Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.) a silver bracelet, 2 Yemeni sheets, 4 mattresses, one blanket, one pillow, one cup, one hand grinding mill, one bedstead, a small water skin and an earthen pitcher.

Nabi SAW advised them that Hadrat Fatimah (R.A.) should take care of the work of indoors, while Hadrat ‘Ali (R.A.) should perform the outdoor work.

In this simple fashion the wedding of the daughter of the leader of both the worlds took place.

Thus, in following the Sunnat style, a wedding becomes so simple and easy to fulfill.



We understand, from the above:

a) The present day customs as regards engagements are contrary to Sunnah. A verbal proposal and answer is sufficient;

b) To unnecessarily delay Nikah after having reached the age of Nikah is incorrect;

c) It is appropriate that the bridegroom be a few years older than the bride;

d) There is nothing wrong in inviting one’s close associates for the occasion of Nikah. The wisdom being the announcement of the Nikah to all. It should also be borne in mind that no special pains should be taken in gathering the people (from far off places) but a few who are at hand (close by) should be called.

e) If the father is an ‘Aalim (scholar of Deen) he should himself solemnize (and indeed perform) the Nikah; 


f) It is incorrect to extract exorbitant Mehr;

g) It is better to give the mehr-e-Fatimah (amount equal to 400 mithqals of silver - Today the mehr value is calculated by using the weight of silver which would equal the amount of dirhams. For example the mehr-e- fathimi is 131.24 tolas. [this weight is constant it will not change]. But the value of this amount of Silver is continuously changing according to the stock market. The change takes place every month or so), but if one does not have the means then there is nothing wrong in giving less;

h) Rasulullah’s SAW’s daughter’s wedding was a very simple affair. We should bear in mind that she was the daughter of the leader of both the worlds and yet there was no pomp and show;

i) On the other hand if we are in possession of substantial means, then it is only a wastage of such means to make a show to the world by holding extravagant weddings in the purchase of new attire and for travel (on the wedding occasion);

j) It is completely un-Islamic for those, who are not in possession of means, to incur debts in order to have grandiose weddings.

k) It is a fallacy to imagine that one’s respect and image will be lost if one does not invite many people. Can our respect be anything at all compared to that of Rasulullah’s ? (Allah forbid!). It is incumbent upon us to know at all times that we are lower in respect and rank than Rasulullah SAW.

l) The present day practice of the intermingling of sexes (on occasions of marriage) is an act of sin and it is totally inappropriate that the newlyweds have to commence their married lives in sin.

m) It is haram to hold engagement parties and so called “mehendi parties”.

n) The bride should not, out of shyness remain seated during times of Salah.

o) If the house of the son-in-law is close by, then the Sunnat practice of sprinkling water should be fulfilled.

p) It is incorrect for the bride to remain veiled in front of her husband after the Nikah.

q) Three things should be borne in mind when giving one’s daughter gifts and presents at the time of the Nikah:

* Presents should be given within one’s means (it is not permissible to take loans on interest, for such presents).

* To give necessary items,

* A show should not be made of whatever is given.

r) It is Sunnat for the bridegroom’s people to make Walimah.

Note: In Walimah, whatever is easily available should be fed to the people and care should be taken that there is no extravagance, show and also that no debts are incurred in the process.

s) It is incorrect for the bride’s people to have a Walimah or any feeding before or after the Nikah.

t) To delay nikah after the “engagement” is un-Islamic.

u) In aping Western methods sheepishly, Muslims have adopted many customs which are un-Islamic and are frowned upon.

Some examples are:

*Displaying the bride on stage in front of Na Mehrams;

*Inviting guests for the wedding from far-off places;

*Receiving guests in the hall;

*The bride’s people incurring unnecessary expenses by holding a feast which has no basis in Shari‘at. We should remember that Walimah is the feast arranged by the bridegroom after the marriage is consummated.

v) It is contrary to the Sunnat (and a practice of some non Muslim tribes in India) to wish, hope for or demand presents and gifts for the bridegroom, from the bride’s people. We should always remember that our Nabi SAW did not give Hadrat ‘Ali (R.A.) anything except Du‘a.


A/N :)

May Allah SWT grant us such blessed marriages based entirely on Sunnah style! Aameen Summa Aameen ya Arhamar Raahimeen.

With sincere Duas and Salaam,


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