Zil-Hijjah (Its significance)

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), his blessed descendents and noble companions.’



There is no special action that has been proclaimed Islamically for this month.


S.1 The 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th days of this monthare the days of Hajj;

S.2 It is waajib* to read loudly the Takbirat-e-Tashriq:


Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Walillaahil-hamd.


Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is none worthy of worship besides Allah and Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. And all praise is due to Allah alone.

(From the Fajr of the 9th day till the ‘Asr of the 13th day after every Fard Salah).

* It is waajib for women also to recite the Takbirat-e-Tashriq, though softly. (Shami)

S.3. The act of Qurbaani (the sacrifice of an animal) is waajib after ‘Eid-ul-Ad-ha Salah upon a sane, mature Muslim who is a possessor of Nisaab. (i.e. 87,68 grams of gold or 612,36 grams of silver or its value in cash or stocks).

S.4 It is Mustahab to keep fast on the first nine days of this month and especially the fast of the 9th — that is the day of ‘Arafat.

S. 5 Our Nabi SAW has said that the reward of 700 years of Ibadat will be accorded to that person who fasts on

Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays of the sacred months of Rajab, Zil-Qa‘dah, Zil-Hijjah and Muharram. (At-Targhib)

Note: It is prohibited to fast on the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of Zil-Hijjah.

S.6 It is also narrated that a reward, equal to two years of worship, will be accorded to that person for each of the three days (i.e. Thursday, Friday and Saturday) of fasting during these sacred months. (Tabraani)


A/N ;)

So yes, don’t miss the awesome fast of ‘Arafat and the wonderful rewards that go with it In sha’ Allah…

And a blessed ‘Eid ul Adha Mubarak to you and your family!

With Duas and Salaam,

abdurRahman (Gudi ;))

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