Mina's (me)Back!

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Zane: Uno!

Lloyd: Aww, man!

Kai: Rematch, Zane.

Zane: Kai, everytime, you say that, I always beat you.


Me: Hey readers! I'm back!!!!!!!!

Jay: Mina, you okay?

Me: Yeah, I am. After all the guy I used to like is a jerk and I'm happy I have you guys and my Wattpad best friends by my side.

Nya: Aww, thanks, Mina.

Me: So I'm about to do the tag Sopherloafer right-

Lloyd: Mina! We did the tag for you.

Me: Really? That's so sweet of you guys!

Kai: Mina, just always remember that in the future, there will a guy waiting for you. You need to be patient and be you forever. If no guy likes you, then screw them. They just miss their chance to date someone nice and beautiful like you. But remember that we ninja and your Wattpad best friends are always by your side.

Mina: Awwwww, Kai, everyone, thanks.

Cole: Wow, Kai, that's one of the most smartest thing I have ever heard you said.

Jay: So Mina, you're better. What's next?

Me: Hmmm, I'm working on some artworks. Like a pile and looks like I'm slowly working on my 300 follower special story. So I might need a break from Wattpad.

Nya: For how long?

Me: Just 2 days away from Wattpad this upcoming week. Starting on the 20th of May to the 21st of that month.

Lloyd: Will you be still commenting/voting every Wattpad author's story on your 2 day break from Wattpad?

Me: Heck Yeah, Lloyd. I'm back in business but slowly recovering from the depression. So I'll continued recovering on those 2 days I'm taking a break.

Zane: Take your time, Mina. Your readers and us will be patient when you come back on business.

Me: Aww, thanks! Gotta go! I have to get some rest for tomorrow!

The ninja: Okay, good night!

Kai: Let's sign this chapter off!

Jay: But we have to say something to the readers and tagging 7 Wattpad authors for saying thank you!

nali312(thanks for pm her)

Sopherloafer(thanks for tagging her and always being there for her)

Au51in(thanks for being by her side, she'll reward you back)

blackNblue_dragon(thanks for saying something that made her feel better on her message board)

DramaticFangirl12(thank you of being there for her. She is lucky to have someone to have the same birthday as her)

Amy4Walker(thank you for making her feel better)

Aquamarine_Igneous(thank you for cheering her up with a new chapter of Accidentally Attracted and saying something that made her feel happy)

"Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!"
-The ninja signing out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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