Author's Note + Trivia

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Thank you all of you for reading Sunset. When I first started this book, there was no solid plot. Therefore, the old draft was very confusing.

I hope you have enjoyed this edited version of Sunset. I also added in a trivia for this book, so feel free to check it out.

See you in my other books!

Editing completed (6/5/17 - 24/5/17)


• Originally, Fern never appeared to save Paddy and Stripes from the zombies. In the first edition, it was Frost. I felt it was too soon, and it also gave me a chance to feature a character yet to appear in Rising Flames.

• In the first draft, Trance gave Sergeant a mutation potion instead of the strange diamond sword. He also renamed him to Major. I felt that it was unnecessary so I cut it out when editing.

• When Trance mentions the "dark lord" in the prologue, it does not refer to Herobrine.

• Snake's full name is Snake of Blazing Fire. However, his real name is Waver.

• Unsurprisingly, the castle that Trance used was Herobrine's. Rest in pieces.

• Before editing, the book had nine chapters instead of ten.

Any questions about the book? Post in the comment section down below!

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