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I remember the first time my name came out of her mouth. 

We hadn't used each others names, but we would call each other by the nicknames we came up with. We hadn't officially known each other, but we talked all the time over DM and eventually over FaceTime when we got comfortable. 

Maria and I had met over the internet. We posted comments on the same Instagram post, sharing the same beliefs and the same opinions on the posts topic. We had eventually moved over to DM so we didn't blow up the account owners notifications, or rather before the account owner kicked us out. We continued to talk from there, really getting to know each other and becoming good friends. And, well, the rest went just as you'd think. 

We decided to meet, agreeing on a coffee shop that we both were talking about going to. We had found out that we lived in the same city, just opposite sides. It was about a half hour to get to the other side, so we agreed to meet in the middle. Which is what we did. 

Me being the bundle of nerves I was had gotten there early. We planned to order each others drinks if one of us got there early, so I got in the line to order. 

Once I ordered our drinks I sat down, choosing an open spot where I can be seen easily. I sat with my hands in my lap, fiddling around with them. I kept my eyes down, so when someone said my name, I jumped. 

We had FaceTimed and talked over the phone countless times, so I would know that voice anywhere. Hearing my name roll off of her tongue made my heart skip a beat, the butterflies awakening in my stomach and taking off. She was here. 

"Juliet," said Maria, her voice as smooth and deep as it was over the phone, a slight Mexican accent hiding underneath her tone. 

I snapped my head up, looking at her. Now while I've seen her over FaceTime and in pictures countless times, it didn't compare to the beauty in front of me. She was breathtaking, really. That would explain the hitch I had felt in my throat when I saw her, my heart stopping altogether. 

It had taken me a moment to find my voice again, but when I did I finally spoke to not make myself look like a bigger idiot than I was being. "Yeah, hi. Wow, you're actually here," I said, wanting to facepalm myself. It wasn't my best move. 

She smiled, and I swear my breathing stopped. It was like all of my organs decided to stop functioning and were leaving me on my own here. "Yeah, it's crazy," she started, taking the seat across from me. "It feels like it was just yesterday we started talking, and now we're here." 

I nodded, smiling. I still couldn't believe that this unbelievably beautiful person was right in front of me, yet was choosing to be here in front of me. 

We spent hours talking, catching up on what we didn't catch up on before. We walked around, heading to different stores and different places to see. It was something out of one of my dreams. Better, even, since this was actually real. 

After that we had met up more times, making it a weekly thing to hang out with each other. It was the start of a beautiful friendship, and even the start of something more. 

The more we met and the more we talked, I started to develop feelings for her. I probably should have known that something was going on with the way I felt when we first met, the way my heart and stomach went crazy at just the sight of her and her smile. It was painfully obvious, but I blamed it on nerves. 

I never thought I'd end up with a girl. The thought never crossed my mind. In fact, I never thought I could be anything other than straight. Any time there was any tiny thing that made me think I might not be straight, I pushed it away. It was just something that wasn't possible for me. I've grown to realize that I was wrong. Completely wrong. 

If only I knew that wouldn't be the only thing that would ruin my view on my sexuality. But that's for later. 

I've always been a shy person, and one to hide my feelings. This crush wasn't anything special- I knew I'd guard it with all I have. There wasn't anything that would change that, so I wasn't surprised when we were seven months into meeting weekly that I was still stuck sitting there, my heart yearning for Maria when I knew I had no chance.

We usually met at someone's house, going back and forth each week. We'd migrate from there to go out, or sometimes we'd just have a night in and watch movies on the couch. This particular week was no different. 

"I need to tell you something," she had said, pretty out of the blue for someone of her outgoing personality. She seemed nervous, a term I never would have thought to use to describe Maria. It very much threw me off, so my first thought was that she was dying. 

"Okay… What is it?" I asked slowly, turning to face her properly. She shifted all the way on the couch, turning her entire body to face me. She started playing with her hands, which made me even more nervous. She took a deep breath followed by a pause before she blurted out what she had to say. "I'm gay. And I like you." 

I took a few seconds to register what she said. The first part I kind of suspected, but I always thought that it was just something I wished to be real. I didn't stop to think that it was a real possibility and wasn't just something I made up to make myself feel better. But this was the easier thing to believe. This was what I could handle. It was the second part that I couldn't believe. 

All this time I had been sitting back and enjoying my time with her, hiding my feelings so that I wouldn't have to ruin the beautiful thing we had going for us. Now I know that I didn't have to hide that part of myself anymore. 

I could tell my silence had thrown her off since she started to ramble, which is another surprising thing that I wouldn't associate with her. 

"It's totally okay if you don't feel the same way. I get it if you don't, but I just felt that I had to say something. I didn't want there to be this thing hanging between us and I didn't know how much I could have kept it to myself before it became obvious. If it became obvious then I-" she started, but stopped short when I grabbed her face in both of my hands. Her eyes were wide and she looked vulnerable. And she was, considering she just bared her heart out for me to rip to pieces if I so desired. But I didn't want to. 

"Don't feel awkward," I start, obviously really good with these types of talks. "Don't feel awkward and like you have to explain because, well, frankly I like you too," I continued, watching the confusion and worry in her eyes change to a look of recognition and hope. 

"Really?" she asked, her cheeks still in my hands as she looked up at me. I nod with a smile, seeing a reflection of said smile appear on her face as well. No words were said, but the looks on our faces were saying it all for us; we were super happy that it turned out this way. 

She had opened her mouth, so I thought she was gonna say something, but instead was met with a pair of lips on my own. I was shocked to say the least. It took me a moment to figure out what was going on, but when I did I melted into it. 

My eyes closed and I started to kiss her back, our lips moving together. My stomach was doing somersaults and my heart was warm with feeling. Her lips were soft against mine, our lips eventually falling into a rhythm. It was complete bliss. 

We eventually had to part for air, our breaths heavy and filling the space around us. I looked at her, a smile spreading onto my face when I realized what just happened. Apparently it clicked for her as well, a smile spreading onto her face as well. 

"Now you owe me a date since you confessed first," I teased, smiling over at her. Her mouth fell open, still smiling. "Well okay then. I guess I'll just have to spoil you then," she said, the wide grin never leaving her face. It never left mine either for that matter. 

"Good. I wouldn't want it any other way," I said, scooting in and wrapping my arms around her neck. She looked more up at me, her hands going to my waist. "Me either," she mumbled as I got closer. I moved to straddle her waist, resting comfortably on her lap. She didn't try to move me, which I saw as a good sign. 

Maria scooted me closer to her, really having to look up at me now. "Well Miss 'I want a date now', what should we do now?" she asked me, wrapping her arms more around me, locking her hands behind my waist. I think for a second before looking back down at her with a smile. 

"How about more of this?" I say, leaning down to place my lips against hers again. Kissing her was such a rush that I wanted to feel all the time. And now I'd be able to. 

I pulled away quicker this time, looking down at her. She smiled once again, and I had a feeling I would be seeing that perfect and beautiful smile a lot more from now on. "I think that's a good idea," she said, making both of us laugh. The rest of our day was spent like that, both of us in total heaven and an extra weight removed from both of our shoulders. 

And that is how I got my girlfriend. If only it could have stayed that perfect and happy.


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