The Paradoxical Beauty of Love

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I often wonder how can anything

As powerful and fierce as love exist,

A force that transcends all the reason

And logic, compelling deeper devotion.

A compound sentiment, capable of healing wounds,

Move mountains and bringing immense joy,

But simultaneously possessing enough power,

To leave us with vulnerable pain and hurt.

Even after enduring deep hurt,

We find ourselves offering repeated forgiveness,

Aware of the deeper pain would it bring later,

Since they seem to take it for granted.

The intensity of love within the emotional heart

Is so strong, overwhelming and obssessing,

We loose all our control over our mind,

Resulting in decisions we regret later.

Love is undeniably beautiful and profound, but

Dont forget to approacah it with caution

And mindfulness, for it can introduce both,

Harmony and conflict into our lives.

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