Ashton Ackroyd

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Ashton Ackroyd




Twenty two








I cannot get this picture to work, but he's in my individual rp if you want to see it.




Ashton is a charming, resourceful young man. He's spent pretty much his entire life around magic, so it's gotten to the point where not much really surprises him anymore.

That being said, Ashton is kind of an asshole. Fay taught him to say anything and everything that comes to mind, and like everyone else in the entire world, he has mean thoughts pretty much constantly. Unlike everyone else, he actually says them. A lot.

Ashton really is a sweetheart at his core though. He loves helping others, and he'll do pretty much anything he's asked. That of course, makes him very open to being taken advantage of.


~Helping others
~The forest
~Lemons, though he rarely gets to eat anything with them
~Sleeping outside
~Any chance he has to show off
~Cloud watching


~Being indoors
~How most medicinal herbs smell
~Being ignored
~Finding out he's being taken advantage of
~Having nothing to do
~Having to fist fight. He can, but he doesn't like to.

Phycological\ Health issues {If any}


Powers {If any}



Ashton isn't exactly sure how he started living with Fay. He's been with her ever since he was young, and he only has brief memories of his life before that. He remembers his mother, a lot of rain... And then after that, his next memories are just of growing up with Fay.

As a child, Ashton didn't think too much about it. Fay pretty much let him run wild and explore the forest to learn most things. She taught him what she considered to be basic skills, of course. Reading, writing, making medicines, basic math, archery and speaking up for himself.

Fay also taught him her opinions, as many parents do. So, without really knowing why, Ashton started hating royalty. He also grew an appreciation for just... Watching the stars.

Of course, with how much of a space case Fay can be, Ashton learned how to take care of things around the house on his own pretty quickly. Cooking, cleaning, organizing Fay's poitions, and anything else that came up.

That was pretty much all there was t
o his childhood. At least that I'm going to mention right now.

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