Chapter 10

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By morning, Tamandua returned. Sunshine was tired from her long day yesterday and yet had a hard time falling asleep, was fast asleep at the time. Queen Glory, however, was wide awake. "Tamandua," she whispered, "how is Sunshine doing with her studies?"

"She is the fastest learner I have ever met, especially at such a young age," Tamandua replied. "She can count to 100, count by 10s, and she can read the alphabet and some basic words! Most adult RainWings can barely even say that much!"

Queen Glory thought for a moment before saying thoughtfully, "Then you both deserve a break today. You may have the day off and return to the school tomorrow. You will teach Sunshine three times a week and work at the school for the rest of the week."

Tamandua bowed and flew off. "I don't trust them," Deathbringer whispered to Queen Glory.

"You don't trust anyone," she replied.

A few moments later, Sunshine awoke, blinked, sat up, stretched, yawned, and sat, retrieving her bearings. "Good morning," she said blearily.

Queen Glory responded affectionately, "Good morning, sleepyhead."

After a few moments, Sunshine seemed to fully wake up, confused and scared, and began an avalanche of questions, increasing in intensity and speed as she continued, "Did I wake up too late again? Am I late for breakfast? Where's Tamandua? Did I miss my studies? Where am I? Where..."

"Calm down, Sunshine." Queen Glory commanded. Sunshine obeyed, so she continued, "Tamandua is not coming today. Today you can do whatever you want. I have more work to do further away, so I am assigning you RainWing guards to help you. Pineapple, Passion, And Starfruit, you are Sunshine's guards. Stay with her, help her go wherever she wants in our territory, and make sure she doesn't get into any trouble." She and Deathbringer flew away, followed by all of the other invisible RainWing guards.

Immediately, Sunshine was surrounded by her three guards, who were all some combination of pride's purple, elation's pink, and nervousness's pale green. Pineapple also sported her usual yellow. They were all asking Sunshine questions at once, like "Are you hungry? I'm hungry." "Are you tired?" "What do you want to do today?" Eventually, Sunshine just curled back up on her reed mat, frustrated. She knew they meant well, but this was no different than the nursery. She closed her eyes willing herself to shut it all out.

"Give her some space," Starfruit, who was a nursery helper before, instructed firmly, quieting the others. She had been silent through all of this, letting the others do the talking.

After a few seconds of them waiting in an awkward silence, Sunshine stood up and addressed her guards. "Well... I guess I am a bit hungry."

"What would you like to eat?" Pineapple asked.

Sunshine responded, "Do you have any lizards?"

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