Chap. 12

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"Liontail, wake up, Graystripe wants you to go to Firestar." Stormheart awakened his mate.
"Yes, I'm up. Tell him I'll be there in a heartbeat." Liontail said tiredly but glad to be out of the nursery.
"Ok then, I will." Stormheart left the warriors den. She soon found a fresh mouse lying next to her, it must have been Stormheart. She ate it quickly, praying to StarClan for the good plump pray. She left the warriors den, made dirt in the dirt tunnel, and headed for the Highledge, Firestars den. "Have you assigned patrols?" Firestar asked politely seeing his daughter exhausted.
"No, I can do them now if it's important." Liontail encouraged. She wanted to see her kits on their first day being an apprentice.
"No, I need to talk to you about them." Firestar said.
"Is there something wrong?" Liontail asked eagerly.
"No, I just want you to make good decisions on their first day, when you and your sisters were made apprentices I asked Graystripe to keep you all in camp, he didn't do it though. He's a good friend." Firestar said remembering something I didn't know about.
"I understand, they need a life other than the camp." Liontail responded.
"Ok then, go sort the patrols, tell them all to bring back at least 2 pieces of prey per patrol." Firestar ordered. I went to the shady underneath of the Highledge where the crowd of warriors and apprentices lay quietly waiting for a dawn patrol. "Bumblestripe, you lead a patrol near the Shadowclan border, don't start trouble. Take Foxleap, and Rosepetal, oh, and your apprentice Volepaw." Liontail ordered while the patrol left. "Ivypool, lead a patrol near the Windclan border, take Dawnpaw, Mousewhisker, and Oakpaw." Liontail directed the cats. "Since it is their first day and they can't go on border patrol, you can do the elders den, or go on a patrol with both apprentices together, your choice, just tell me so I know the patrols." Liontail commanded the new mentors, Lionblaze and Dovewing.
"We have decided that they will help clean the elders den, it helps with hunting you know." Sunpaws mentor Lionblaze said before he could argue.
"Ok then." Liontail approved. "Spiderleg, you lead a hunting patrol near the Ancient Oak, take Crowpaw, Blossomfall, Cloudtail, and Brightheart. Get some good prey, we need it." Liontail encouraged. "Berrynose, take night guard. I will lead a hunting patrol near the old abandon twolegs nest with Icecloud, Dustpelt, and Hazeltail." Liontail flicked her tail towards the cats she had called. She lead her patrol out into the bracken wall protecting the camp, the sun was warming. A good sign, new leaf was coming. She flicked her tail in Stormhearts face as he was on day time watch. Stormheart purred in amusement, they didn't need language to understand each other, he knew the kits were fine, he was happy, and so was I. Soon my patrol and I had arrived at the place we began to hunt. "Let's hunt alone today, I think we have a better chance of catching prey, it's more hunting." Liontail proclaimed. She was stalking a rabbit, rarely ever caught in Thunderclan, she was a very good fighter, but only a decent hunter. She closed in as she stepped on a twig, she could be a sloppier hunter than a crow! She chased after it, she luckily got a claw hold on it. I Bit down, and made a swift clean death blow. "Great catch." Someone who she soon realized was Dustpelt, it was a honor to be praised by such a stubborn, older cat like him who's yet been through so much.
"Thanks, I almost missed it." Liontail thanked her praiser.
"Yes, thank you for the catch, the elders and queens will like that." Dustpelt spoke.
"I should take my prey-" Liontail was inturpted by a screech.
"What was that?" Icecloud came over to where the cats were talking. Liontail and Dustpelt both sniffed the air. "Kittypets?!" Dustpelt growled.
"No, I think loners." Icecloud compromised.
"Me too, where is Hazeltail?" Liontail asked.
"I'm right here." Hazeltail called from a few fox lengths away.
"I'll go and see who it is, it might not be a threat." Liontail soothed.
"Or it could be some of those kittypets we chased out of Shadowclan territory." Icecloud snarled.
"No, mousebrain! I don't think they that dumb to come back and face us." Dustpelt sneered as he cuffed his daughter's ear playfully. I sneaked through the undergrowth, sniffing the air, definitely loners, I thought. "Come out, I'm not here to harm you, show yourself." Liontail encouraged the unknown cats. Two cats appeared from the bushes, a queen I guessed and a young Tom, about apprentice sized. "I, I, hav- have, to get, get, them, to safety, and a, home." The tawny looking she cat mother said. "Them? Is there another one?" Liontail asked softly not to frighten them.
"Yes, her name is Violet, and his name is Cliff. My name, is, Mouse, can you, help us?" Mouse asked helplessly.
"Yes, of course, I'll bring you back to camp. Dustpelt, Hazeltail, Icecloud! Come here." Liontail called the warriors to help. "Are you ok? Did they attack you?" Dustpelt snarled.
"No, there is a queen and her two kits, we will bring them to camp. Now." Liontail demanded before Dustpelt could argue. "Dustpelt, Icecloud, carry the kits, Hazeltail, help me support, Mouse." Liontail ordered the patrol.
"Mouse, who's Mouse?" Hazeltail asked.
"The she kit is Violet, the tom is Cliff and the Queen is Mouse." Liontail introduced the loners. Liontail and Hazeltail got the mother back to camp, while Dustpelt and Icecloud carried the kits behind them. We arrived in camp with the loners, we got odd looks but no cat seemed to ask the deputy of Firestar, a former kittypet that takes in all cats, why they had 3 loners. "I will report to Firestar, bring them to the medicine den." Liontail ordered. She climbed the Highledge to her fathers den. "We brought in some loners, they need our help." Liontail informed her father.
"Loners? Are they hurt, did they hunt in our territory? Are they a threat?" Firestar asked concerned.
"No, their weak, they can't hunt, the mothers sick, and we need to help them, please, do this for me, they, seem, special, I think their important." Liontail pleaded.
"Is Jayfeather or Leafpool attending to them, What about the kits? I think they are special too." Firestar said.
"Yes, Jayfeather is helping the mother, while Leafpool is tending to the kits. They are apprentice sized, do you think they will stay long?" The deputy asked.
"Maybe, how did your patrol go?" Firestar asked knowing she was probably thinking how her kits were doing, which she was. "Fine, we caught some mice, a vole and a thrush." Liontail reported to her leader. "Speaking of which, I better send a few apprentices to get the prey." Liontail started to leave.
"No, I want you to tend to it yourself, you need not to worry so much." Firestar ordered.
"Yes, I will." Liontail silently thanked her father for caring with a flick of her tail.

Sunpaw's p.o.v.
"See how my claws are grooving into the moss, that's how you should kill your prey, nice and easy." Dovewing showed the new apprentices. "Oh, well, I think I'm getting better!" Stormpaw howled in excitement. "Am I doing well?" Sunpaw asked eagerly. "Yes, your doing better than Treepaw!" Lionblaze howled satis-factionally. I continued tearing at the moss proudly that I had done better than my show off kin. "Come on, let's take this to the elders den at camp, we will give the extras to the nursery." Lionblaze told the apprentices.
"Race ya!" I challenged Stormpaw as I flicked my tail in her face teasingly.
"I'll win!" Stormpaw declared.
"Should we let them?" Dovewing asked.
"Yes, don't go to far, careful of old worn out burrows, Liontail chased off some foxes off with Stormheart only a moon ago. There might be a badger or maybe another fox there again." Lionblaze warned. I sprinted past my sister, to her surprise, after all, I am the runt, in the litter, I'll show her! I ducked under a short, young oak branch and jumped on the next closest branch, dug my claws in, and started hopping up, branch by branch. "What are you doing?" Stormpaw asked confuzzled. "Racing!" Sunpaw yelled down to his confuzzled littermate. "I'll win now!" Sunpaw yelled in satisfaction. "No you won't!" Stormpaw said stubbornly. She started climbing through the trees gradually.

Stormpaw's p.o.v.
With my bigger build for a she cat, I wasn't as sleek as my brother, so I grabbed the lowest branch and crawled up. I dug my claws into the next branch I could and repeated the motion until I was only a few tail lengths behind him. "I'm coming!" She howled in joy.
" I'll still beat you!" He called from above.
"No way!" She yelled to her full-of-his-self brother. She kind of wanted to let him win, being the runt in the litter, she felt bad, but I guess not that bad! "I win! He called to her.
"No way!" She stared up at her brother that was higher than she could ever climb with nine lives.
"ok, fine, but we should do a do over!" Stormpaw said once her brother was down front the tree.
"No, we must go to camp, we will show you the territory tomorrow, let's go." Lionblaze ordered the apprentices.

Oakpaw's p.o.v.
Ivypool was leading our patrol towards what I thought was the Winclan border, it reacked of dung, some that I've never smelt before, and lots of heather, and most of all, Wind. "Are we close?" I whispered to Dawnpaw who was on my right, Mousewhisker in front to my left. "Almost there, we need to refresh the markers." Ivypool said. Soon we arrived at the border, Mousewhisker showed me how to reset the markers, I soon refreshed all the markers with my clanmates. "What next?" Oakpaw asked.
"We are going to patrol around until we get to the old abandon twolegs nest, then go back to camp." Mousewhisker told the apprentices, as he was the oldest warrior here, he knew what Ivypool was doing, a normal border patrol.I was hooping for something better than walking, i was getting tired and thesun wasalmost setting. We arrived at the old abandoned twolegs nest. "Sniff the air, what do you smell?" Mousewhisker asked his apprentice.
"I think, loners, three of them, a queen, and her two kits." I said assumingly at the milky sent.
" Very good!" Mousewhisker praised.
"Should we track them?" Dawnpaw asked concerned but excited.
"Do you smell anything else, Oakpaw?" Ivypool asked the apprentice.
"Um, Liontail! It must be her patrol. Hazeltail, Dustpelt, and Icecloud." Oakpaw drank in the sent of his mother the most. "Yes, they must have been taking the loners to camp." Ivypool thought out loud.
"Let's see if their at camp, and meet these loners." Mousewhisker said. Then they headed back to camp, with a single mouse and a vole.

The confuzzled part was a thing my friend jake says, lol. So funny. 😸😹 (confuzzled- meaning confused and, um, fuzzled at once.) sorry lots of hmwk this week, needed lots of time and chores seemed to have gotten bigger, this is probably the biggest chap. Yet though, so, your welcome.

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