chap. 15

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Sorry for not updating in a while, SORRY!


I came strolling through the camp with a squirrel in my jaws. I had just arrived at camp from a border patrol near the Sky oak. We had decided to hunt a bit and help the apprentices with their tree climbing. Treepaw and Sunpaw were great climbers, Volepaw although was not. I snorted remebering him climbing the tree. He was scared at first, but soon he realized he was fine. It started to rain, the branches got slippery, we told the apprentices go down, Volepaw being the highest up, he had to go down last. When we got down, before him, we each landed in the same spot in a shifting puddle. Although, when he got down, it was full of the mud from the tree, dripping down into the dirty water. He came down slowly, like we told him. He didn't see the puddle right away, he gently lowered himself down, he slipped and he did a face dive into the puddle. We licked him up as much as we could before we started back. He was complaining of the numerous licks he was given. "I can do it myself!" He cried. No one listened to him, he knew he could get white cough, or even green cough. Present btw. "Volepaw, go see-" Brambleclaw started to say as Squirrelflight interrupted.
"What happened?! Is he okay?"
"He's fine, he fell in a mud puddle, would I let any of our kits get hurt?" Brambleclaw asked his worrisome mate.
"No, I know that." Squirrelflight licked her mates ears. I headed towards Firestar, Greystripe, Leafpool, Jayfeather, and Sandstorm underneath the Highledge. "Greetings, Liontail. Have you come to report the patrols?" Firestar asked as I approached and sat near the group. "Yes. I hope I'm not interrupting?"
"No, of course not! Never, your deputy now. Actually, we needed to speak with you."
"Ok. Volepaw fell out of a tree into a puddle, he's fine, just getting cleaned up, we caught decent prey, Starclan has blessed us this early leaf-fall. Now, you wanted to speak with me?" I asked.
"Yes, Leafpool?" Firestar glanced at the medicine cat. Leafpool sighed, she seemed stressed....? I wonder.. "I got another omen." The brown tabby didn't look up. "It was a sign. During my visit to the moonpool, the moon was covered in storm clouds, really dark clouds. The forest, it was covered in shadows, when I left the moonpool at dawn, there were shadows covering the clans. Littlecloud thought it was a sign . He thinks a great darkness is coming." Leafpool looked at the sun, it was covered in clouds, actually since, dawn, hmph. "What does it mean?"
"We think it means we are going to be attacked soon." Sandstorm answered blankly, she rubbed her nose into the flame colored leaders pelt. "I was thinking, we should make some sort of special patrols, battle training, or something." Graystripe thought out loud. "Yes, I think that would be a great idea, does everyone agree?" Firestar asked his most trusted warriors. "I agree Firestar." The remaining cats agreed, Leafpool and Jayfeather had left to tend to the elders constant back pains. "I'll organize some training sessions now. If that's fine with you, Firestar?" Liontail asked her leader. Yes, go. Sort the apprentices into their unique talents, fighting, hunting, tree climbing. Find cats with those specialties and have them teach them how to use it to their advantage. You do the rest." Firestar ordered the she cat. I left toward the apprentices den. "Come on, we have training!" I yowled into the den. Sunpaw, Volepaw, and Crowpaw came out of the den, each with a small piece of squirrel they must have shared. "Really?!" Crowpaw yowled excitedly with food in his mouth. "Yes, where's Dawnpaw, Treepaw, Stormpaw, and Oakpaw?" I asked the anxious apprentices. "Hunting I think. Lionblaze wanted them to practice, we didn't need to, cause we're the best hunters!" Volepaw howled finishing his squirrel. "Sunpaw, go fetch them. Meet us back at the training hollow." The deputy ordered her son. "Ok!" Sunpaw headed towards the gorse tunnel. "What do we do?" Crowpaw asked. "Stay out of trouble and in camp. I have to talk with your mentors." I dismissed them as they headed to the elders den, probably to here one of Purdy's endless stories. As I approached the warriors den I heard Firestar say the words to summon a clan meeting. "All cats that have learned to hunt please join us underneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!" The flame colored leader yowled after a while. I turned tail to the warriors den and sat in my place as deputy. I still felt a bit guilty for taking Graystripe's place as deputy. I looked over at the long gray haired tom. He looked proud, I wonder why... Maybe Firestar shared a really.. Good vole with him, Sandstorm, and Dustpelt. Those four had been really close lately, I wonder. "Mouse, do you wish to forever stay in Thunderclan?" The great leader looked at the blue eyed loner. "Y- yes." She stuttered at first, but then the last part sounded as if she was as healthy and strong as Graystripe or Brambleclaw. "Then, by the will of Starclan, I give you a warrior name in respect. Mouse, you haven't had proper training, but you have learned about the code, to hunt and to be a true warrior. Your name will be Feathermouse." Firestar dipped his head towards Feathermouse. " Ciff, Violet, step forward." The former loners took a few nervous but bold steps forward. "Do you wish to train as a warriors?" Firestar asked the cats. "I do." Cliff said firmly while his sister barley said anything.
"Then, from this moment on until you have completed warrior training Cliff, your name will be Edgepaw. Your mentor will be Toadstep." Firestar looked at Toadstep. "I expect him to mentor you well, good luck to you both." Edgepaw and Toadstep touched noses, after Toadstep whispered to him. "Violet, your apprentice name will be Violetpaw, your mentor will be Millie. Good luck." The clan started to disperse to their duties, sharing, tongues, or eating. "Wait, I have one more announcement. Thornclaw, Ivypool, Bumblestripe, Spiderleg, do you think Dawnpaw, Treepaw, Volepaw, and Crowpaw are ready for their warrior names?" The crowd of stunned cats were whispering things like - their not done training! Their to young! Etc.- " I beleive so." Ivypool spoke. " I agree." Bumblestripe and Thornclaw nodded. Everyone looked at Spiderleg. He looked in deep thought. "Yes, I think they are all ready to be warriors." He responded and nodded after a few long heartbeats. "Then, by the power of Starclan, I ask you to look after these apprentices, they have worked hard to train and I commend as warriors in their turn. Dawnpaw, your warrior name is Dawnstep." Firestar and the new warrior touched noses. "Crowpaw, your warrior name will be Crowflight, after your mother, you show her courage although your pelt is the opposite." The black warrior touched noses with his leader and shivered with excitement. "Treepaw, I knew the best mentor for you would be Thornclaw from the beginning. Your warrior name, in spite of your courage, and his, I name you Treeclaw." Thornclaw sat proudly as his former apprentice became a warrior. "Volepaw, you've trained especially hard, being the runt in your litter, but you turned out the best hunter. I name you Volefur." Firestar dipped his head to the new warriors. The clan chanted. "Dawnstep, Crowflight, Treeclaw, Volefur! Dawnstep, Crowflight, Treeclaw, Volefur!"
"Excuse me, Firestar, what about the special trading, will they still participate?" I asked my leader.
"Yes, they will. They will have warrior duties, but they will still train, for precautions." Firestar said the last word in a hint. Some cats whispered, well, the young warriors did, all the senior warriors were told about the situation. I stalked over to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw who had started sharing tongues by the medicine den. "Wanna go hunt?" Leafpool's voice surprised me. "Don't you have some, medicine cat duties, er something?" I asked.
"No, I have Jayfeather here, he said I looked stressed and told me to leave, he acts like my mentor sometimes, sometimes I think he forgets I mentored him. Do I look stressed?" She asked.
"A bit, let's go, I have no patrols." Squirrelflight looked at me.
"I can go." I answered. Squirrelflight stood up, followed by Brambleclaw.
"Do not want me to go with, I can stay?" Brambleclaw asked.
"Yes please, we need a bit of sister bonding time. Go play with Stormheart or something." Squirrelflight flicked her tail playfully in her mates eyes, we stalked off into our territory.

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