Chapter 11

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You get out of bed and walk to the front door. "Jason, what does she mean?" his mother is surprised and asks: "Jason who is this?" you get impatient and you ask: "yes Jason, who am I?" Jason is getting red and says: "ehm, ehm, well, ehm" you see a stripe, Jason runs away. His mother says: "he's always like that. Always walking away" you're not in the mood to talk so you also walk away. "well, that was fun, I need to visit my son more often" his mother closes the door and goes away again. When Jason comes back, he's very shy and asks: "is... is she gone?" you think he's cute when he's shy. You walk to him and say: "yes, she's gone. But I'm still here, why does your mother thinks you're still single?" you asked it calm so you wouldn't scare him. You think: 'I need to be careful with him, he is very vulnerable right now' Jason is getting red again: "ehm, ehm, I'm so sorry! I would've told her but, my mother only wants me to go out with other, ehm" "vampires" you help him. "yes, that's true" he looks to the ground. You get mad: "so you just don't tell her anything? We're engaged damn it!" Jason looks at you and says: "you're so pretty when you're mad" he walks to you and kisses you. You already forgave him, you whisper: "how can I stay mad at you?" you smile: "but next time, please tell your parents we're..."you can't finish your sentence, Jason is avoiding trouble so he kisses you again. Your knees are getting weak. Without Jason holding you, you would've fallen down. Jason carries you to the bed. He starts kissing you in the neck, but this time without biting.

You wake up by Jason saying: "get up sweetheart, I made you breakfast" he's holding a plate with an egg and orange juice. You sit up and hold the blanket, you're not wearing anything. Jason puts the plate down on your lap and gives you a kiss on the cheek. You try the eggs, Jason asks: "is it good?" you swallow it and say: "ugh, what did you do with it? These eggs are horrible!" Jason laughs and says: "I'm sorry, I can't cook that well" he sits down next to you: "you can better trough that away" you smile and say: "I'll make something else"

A few weeks later it's your wedding day. You are sitting in front of a mirror while Juliette is doing your hair. She made a beautiful bun with two braids. When you're ready, you walk outside. You and Jason decided to marry on the beach where Jason purposed you. It's night cause else the vampires die. But for the human, who can't know about vampires and werewolves, you put torches along the aisle. Finally it's time. You haven't seen your parents since they fled when Juliette attacked your father, but still, he walks you down the aisle. You see Jason smile at you. You feel nervous. Jason takes your hand, you stand next to him. You take his other hand to. You smile at each other. After a long speech, the horrible question is asked: "if someone is against this marriage, please stand up now, or stay silenced forever" you were already scared this would happen: Jason's mother is standing up: "Jason, don't do this, marry someone of you own species" you father doesn't understand: "what? My daughter isn't good enough?" one of your human friends ask: "what do you mean own species?" this is going to be a hell, you think. "mom, don't do that" Jason is almost begging her, but his mother is continuing: "oh great, normal human, what I mean, sugar pops, is that we are..." Jason had enough and runs on vampire speed to his mother: "enough mother, don't screw this up for us" his mother is getting mad: "you decided to marry this... this..." Juliette is getting involved: "Don't say it" David holds her back: "not now, sweetie, not here" Juliette is to angry and turns into a werewolf. She runs to his mother but now the father is getting involved too, he tackles Juliette with his vampire strength. "Juliette!" David runs to them, Davis whistles on his fingers and a dragon comes, the dragon lands on the ground and growls. David says: "stay away from my girl dad" now, the dragon, wolf-Juliette and David's father are fighting. The human guests are screaming and running away. Oh no. everyone is now screaming and when you turn around, you see Jason's mother coming at you, she's very angry. She walks at you and says: "you... you turned my boy, my baby boy into a failure!" she jumps at you and you are rolling over the ground. Your dress rips and your hair is loose. I can at least move now you think. You stand up and you are fighting to your almost mother in law. She's too strong for you. She have already thrown you on the ground again. She bites you, you feel the venom go through your veins. You scream. Before she can drink and kill you, Jason attacked her. The wound is hurting really bad, it's too much. You hear people scream, and as you whisper: "no, Jason" everything turns black.

When you wake up, you lie in your bed. Jason is sitting next to the bed with his head in his hands. He's crying. You look at him and you ask: "J-Jason?" Jason is shocked, he looks at you and smiles: "you woke up" he hugs you and whispers: "you woke up". You stay like that for a couple of minutes. One of his tears lands on your cheek. You feel him shaking. You bite on your lip, trying not to cry. Jason whispers: "I should be the strong one, I shouldn't be crying" you smile and stroke his head when you whisper with a hoarse voice: "It's oké, don't dry your tears until you're done crying". When Jason looks back at you, he is still holding your shoulders. He smiles to you with watery eyes: "I'm so glad you survived" flashbacks of the fight are flutter through your head: "the last thing I remember is me fighting your mother" your hand shoots to your neck, on the place where Jason's mother bit you. Jason looks sad, looks to the ground and says: "well, my mother bit you, you got a lot of her venom inside your veins. You passed out because you couldn't handle the pain. She wanted to drink and kill you, but I stopped her" you look at him and turn his head toward you: "that must've been hard for you to do that, but, were is she now? And what happened to Juliette? She was fighting your father?" "My mother is banished because she made the existence of vampires public. She is banished to a place in the world where no one can find her and where she can't escape. Juliette and my father are... well, David's dragon interfered" when you close your eyes you see the angry face of Jason's mother. 'Boy she was really scary' Jason continues: "and what the bite concerned, well, welcome to the club?" he lifts his shoulders and is looking to you with a nervous smile. 'I'm a vampire now"

After a few days, you and Jason got married. This time without problems. You and Jason are moved in into Jason's holiday house and you and Jason have a vampire son, Joey. Joey is best friends with Juliette and David's werewolf-daughter, Bonnie. And they lived a happily ever after, they thought...

While you and Jason are living a happy life, Jason's mother is angrier than ever: "I'll get you one day, I'll come back!"...


Hey guys, so, this chapter didn't have any choices so it's longer. (It was longer anyway.)This is the last chapter from this story, but like I said before, there's a part two. It's called 'Super awesome fantasy story part two'. Sorry for the name, but that was in one of the choices (which you didn't get to read, sorry about that) and I'm not that good at thinking up names. So that explains the name. I hope you will read part two too. It's the same style and just as short since this was still for that project for school. We actually needed only 12 chapters, but I went a little faster and with this end, so my writing buddy (dreamyme, a VERY VERY VERY good writer) begged me for a part two. Wow, this was actually a long message. Anyway, I hope to see you in part two!

-XXX- anouk1904

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