Chapter 3

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"Jason, what are you doing here?" You whisper. Jason doesn't notice that he had to be quiet so he says on a normal volume: "You didn't.." you quickly interrupt him: "Ssst, my parents can't know you're here." He doesn't understand why, but he continuous whispering: "You didn't answer your phone, so I came to see if you're alright." You're touched by his thoughtfulness and you say: "Oh, well, thanks but I'm fine." You see the doubt in his eyes while he asks: "Are you sure?" you nod. He wants to walk to the window, but you stop him: "Wait, actually there is something wrong..." Because he's a vampire, he is really fast and really strong. Suddenly he's very close to you. For a moment he's touching your arm, but he pulls back his hand because you say: "Ehm, please, sit down." he sits down on your bed. You decide to sit next to him. You start talking: "Tomorrow I'm turning 17." You take a deep breath: "My parents told me that our family are vampire hunters. You can start with the training when you're 17. My parents are going to train me starting tomorrow. Since I have a school break, I have time enough." Jason is looking to you, but he doesn't say anything. You give him a few minutes to let him think. Then he says: "So I'm sitting in the house of a vampire hunting family?" He smiles, but it isn't his normal smile, it's a nervous smile. "Actually, yes." You answer. Jason is already more relaxed: "That's pretty messed up". You need to laugh about that. He stands up and says with a big smile: "I can better go then, before your parents find out about it." You don't want him to leave so you say: "Please don't leave." You hear your mother call: "Jara! Your father and I are going out! Bye!" you and Jason are smiling and both thinking the same: Luckily, that's a good moment. You answer: "Alright! Bye!" You hear the door slam. For a few seconds you keep listening but it's totally quiet, now you know they're gone for sure. Then you repeat: "Please don't leave." Jason walks to you and whispers: "I don't want to leave." He pulls you towards him and now he's really close to you. He is holding back not to crush you because he's stronger than an average person. He holds your hand and he caresses your cheek. You look each other deep in the eyes, and then he kisses you...


hey guys, another chapter. Still; I'm really sorry for how short they are! Hope you forgive me!

-XXX- RainbowRose8

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