Chapter 8

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You have made a plan so you’re on your way to Jason’s house. You knocked on the door and after a few seconds Jason opened the door. You go inside and suddenly you don’t feel that confident about your plan. You know it’s too late to turn back now, so you say:” hey J-J-Jason” Jason sees there’s something wrong:” hey, what’s wrong?” You are shocked when he says that, Jason sees you’re not comfortable:” hey, you’re shacking, just tell me what’s wrong. You can tell me anything. What’s the problem?” ‘you are’ you think. “N-nothing. It’s just…” you stare at the ground when you touch the inside of your pocket and say:” I’m so sorry” then you pull out a gun and you point it at Jason, ”what the hell are you doing Jara?” he asks, “I need to do this” you answer with a hoarse voice. “ I know your family is a vampire hunting family but I thought you really loved me” you’re fighting to hold your tears and you whisper:” I do love you” Jason doesn’t hear that:” don’t I mean anything to you?” this only makes it harder for you:” Just walk with me oké?” Jason wanted to reject but sees the pain in your eyes: ”Oké”…

When you arrive at your house, you call your parents. Jason tries to walk to you but you stop him:” stay back! I don’t want to shoot you” Jason walks backwards again, you see he’s hurt. When your parents get home your mother says:” you got him already? That’s quick! Wonderful!” you aren’t happy but still you say:” Thanks mom” you look at Jason and you see the disgust in his eyes. It looks like your heart is being stabbed and crushed. Your father says:” now there’s only one thing to do left, to make sure he’s dead, you first shoot him in the chest, so you can come close safely, and then you need to pull of his head and burn him” you’re shocked, you didn’t know you had to do that! You lift up the gun and you point it at Jason. your hand is shaking. You father is getting impatient so he takes the gun from you and points it to Jason. Jason is still looking to you. 

You wake up out of a sort of day-dream. It didn’t happen yet but it’s already that far that you’re pointing the gun at Jason, even your parents are looking to you. A tear is rolling over your face. Your mother asks:” Jara, what’s wrong?” “Mom, I need to tell you something” you lower your gun and you walk to Jason, he smiles at you. Your mother is scared and says:” Jara, come back here, before that blood sucker is killing you!” you stand next to Jason and you hold his hand. Your father is getting angry:” what’s the meaning of all this” you take a deep breath and say:” well, Jason and I are a couple, well at least we were, until I betrayed him.” You look to the ground, you feel ashamed. Jason turns to you and grabs your other hand:” I still love you, I never stopped.” you look to him and you smile:” I never wanted to hurt you”. You embrace him and then you kiss him. Your mother can’t take it and she faints. Your father gets angry and says:” Jara, step away from him” you look at him in surprise, he doesn’t understand your love for Jason. Your father is losing his mind:” Jara do as I say!” your father walks to both of you and is planning to shoot, but that moment Juliette in werewolf form jumps through the window…


Hey guys, another chapter. I hope you like the way I've planned, and if you don't? Well, then I hope you can bare it. Thanks for reading it and enjoy!

-XXX- anouk1904

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