Chapter 1

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Through the years, a medicine is discovered. If you’re a vampire, you can take a vaccine so you can be in the sunlight without dying. But it has gone wrong once, with Scarlet, so now, she can switch body-forms and turn “into someone else”.

Bonnie P.O.V.

You and Joey are both 18 years old. Joey’s parents have bought an island where they build a house to live, but that’s just a holiday house, they also have an apartment on solid ground. You are with Joey on his island: “you’re very lucky you have your own island” you start the conversation. You and Joey are walking in the jungle on his island. Joey smiles and says: “yes, I guess I really am lucky” “guess? You guess you’re lucky? I wish I had my own island” you take a sigh. Joey says: “well, you can always come over” “thanks”.

You and Joey still go to school so you’re back on solid ground and are now walking in school: “Joey, this is my class, see you in the cafeteria?” Joey nods and walks to his friends. You look at him while he walks away, Joey is a little bit smaller than you are but you notice something: ‘were his shoulders always that broad?’ your friend Lara calls you: “come on Bonnie, you really are a dreamer!” you smile to her and run to class. You can’t concentrate because you constantly think about your father, he isn’t home a lot because he found a job as a dragon trainer. He’s home only two weeks in a year. You’re shocked by the teacher saying: “Bonnie, pay attention!” you get red and say: “yes, I’m sorry” Lara writes a note when the teacher isn’t looking : ‘see, you really are a dreamer’ You write something back : ‘oh, sh…’ but you get caught before you can hide the note: “Bonnie! Not paying attention again? Are you writing notes? I’ve had enough, detention for you” you’re shocked, you never had detention before! When class is over Lara walks to you: “I’m sorry I got you detention” you smile to her: “It’s oké” you walk to the cafeteria and you see Joey sitting with his friends. You sit down next to him: “hi, we can’t go home together, I got detention” one of Joey’s friends which you also know very well says: “oeh, our little girl was being naughty” “oh shut up Kyle” he puts his hands in the air and says: “oké, sorry, please don’t hurt me” everybody laughs, Joey says: “oh, she can easily beat you, she’s way stronger” only you and Joey know about vampires and werewolves so Kyle doesn’t believe him: “really? But she’s a girl! I bet I win when we arm wrestle” because you’re a werewolf you’re stronger than normal so you say: “I’ll try” you put on your most innocent face. Kyle says: “I’ll try not to hurt you” that moment the bell rings, you’ve got to go to class again. Kyle says: “tomorrow, here” you nod and walk away…


hey guys! I'm back! I wasn't gone, but anyway... So, this is part two from the story. Like it said before; it is written from both Bonnie and Joey's point of view. Thanks for reading my story, so enjoy!

-XXX- RainbowRose8

 PS: Again dedicated to Dreamyme1998, for supporting me through writing it all again and making the beautiful picture for the front

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