Chapter 13

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Joey is driving Juliette’s car, you’re sitting next to him on the passenger’s seat. Joey’s parents and Juliette are walking. You couldn’t cause you just raised from the death. Joey keeps his eyes on the road but asks: “are you all right?” “my head and chest hurt a little bit but I’m fine” you see him having an ‘inside laugh’ you’re curious: “what?” “nothing” you don’t believe him: “tell me, I know you know more about it” ‘that sounds funny’ Joey shifts his few from the road to you while talking: “well, hehe, ehm, it’s a pretty funny story you know, , when I got you out of the house, I had to ehm, drop you, you bumped your head. And in the hospital, I slammed you on your chest, that’s what brought you back. So ehm, it’s all my fault actually” you smile: “well, it was all to save me so it’s okay. I’ll survive” he laughs. He looks at you: “I’m glad you made it” “me to… Crap! Keep your eyes on the road!” he barely missed a car: “oeh, he’s not happy right now” Joey smiles when he says that. You feel your heartbeat calming down again: “Damn, you almost killed me… Again!” you both laugh.

When you reach home, your mother calls you: “Bonnie! We have a surprise for you!” you and Joey walk to your backyard. You can’t believe your eyes: Joey’s parents are holding Joey’s grand-mother. You see Jara is having fun: “you can do to her whatever you want” you are angry. You look at Joey, he immediately knows what you mean and nods. You both walk to her and with a sidekick you kick off her head, together. Joey is impressed: “good kick” you smile: “thanks, you too”. You wake up out of an sort of daydream by your friend Lara saying: “come on Bonnie, you’re such a dreamer!” ‘what? Wait a second… this is the day of the note! The day I got detention!’ You run to Joey. “Bonnie! Where are you going?!” you ignore Lara. Joey is sitting in class talking with his friends, you open the door: “can I speak to Joey?” the teacher doesn’t like it but says: “all right than” the class jells: “oeh! What did you do?” he smiles and is relaxed. He closes the door and asks: “what’s wrong?” “not here, walk with me” you take his hand and you start running (really fast of course) to Joey’s island, to the tree. You stand under the tree, Joey smiles and stands in front of you: “will you please tell me what’s wrong?”. He’s close to you. You kiss him. He’s surprised but doesn’t lean back. You get your hand through his hair. He puts his arms around you and pulls you closer to him. You look each other in the eyes, he lays his hand against your cheek and looks deep in your eyes. You know what he’s doing, he can ‘see’ your memory’s. “so that’s why you brought me here” you nod: “yeah, pretty weird huh?” “I’m glad we did this” you tease him a little bit: “what contains ‘this’?” he smiles and gives you a friendly push against your shoulder: “you know what I mean, telling me what would’ve happened so I don’t need so experience it and worry so much about you! and of course, this” he kisses you again. “come on, let’s get you back to class” Joey takes a sigh: “yeah, my teacher is not going to be happy” when you’re back, you hold his hand for a second when he goes in. When Joey sits down Kyle says: “Don’t tell me you guys only talked, I won’t believe it” Joey smiles: “I won’t” Kyle looks at him with an open mouth. Joey and you got married after a few years and got a daughter, a lycan, Lola the lycan. A new species is born; the Lycans…


Hey guys! This is the final chapter, no more. No follower either. Sorry, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much for your support and for reading my story (stories) and I hope you will also read the story I'm still working on (Dark Dreams, Bright Nightmares). Anyway, thanks again, and I hope to see you soon again! (Actually read, as in commends or something) Enjoy!

-XXX- RainbowRose8

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