Chapter 5

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Joey and you are standing in front of Joey’s apartment and you’re kissing in the rain. When Joey steps back and lets you go he looks in deep in your eyes, you don’t know how but you understand what happened; Scarlett pretended to be you so she could be with Joey, it wasn’t his fault. You can’t say anything. You’re fighting your tears. He embraces you and you let your tears come out. Not that it matters, your face is already wet because of the rain. He strokes your head. You stay like that for a couple of minutes. You’re shivering. “you’re cold! Let’s go inside” he puts his arm around you and takes you inside. Scarlett already left. Joey makes some tea for you: “careful! It’s hot” he gives you the cup and sits down next to you. You look at him and see his cheek is still red: “oh your cheek! I’m sorry” you put your hand against his cheek. He puts his hand against your hand.

You’re sitting in the cafeteria with Kyle and Dean but Joey isn’t there, so that’s what you ask: “where is Joey?” the boys smile, look at each other and look back at you. Suddenly someone puts his hand before your mouth. You’re shocked so as a reflex, you turn around and slap the person in his face, it was Joey. You’ve slapped him on the same cheek as before: “damn Bonnie! How do you do that every time?! It’s the same damn cheek, over and over!” “oh I’m sorry! But you’ve scared me” “well, I got you something” he pulls out a necklace. It’s a beautiful necklace with two dragons forming a heart and holding a stone in the shape of a heart. "oh it’s beautiful!” you say. You turn around and lift up your hair and say: “can you put it on me?” he gets the necklace and while he puts it on you, you feel he is looking. But not just to the clasp of the necklace. He is looking at your neck. “Joey…” he takes a step back and whispers as quiet as he can cause you hear it anyway: “ sorry” You turn to Joey and whisper back: “it’s oké” to avoid suspicion at Dean and Kyle you touch the necklace while saying: “it’s beautiful, thank you”. You truly mean it.

After school you decide to take a walk in the forest. Not the forest on Joey’s island but the forest far from the city. You say goodbye to Joey and just walk as a human. It’s getting dark. When you’re deep in the forest, you have the feeling that you’re being followed. You reach a crossing. You decide to ignore the feeling and you go to the right, deeper into the forest. You don’t feel very comfortable. You hear something behind you so you turn around. You don’t see anything. Suddenly someone is holding a cloth over your mouth and nose. There’s some fluid on it which makes you faint…


hey guys, so here's is (once again) another chapter. Yes I know, it's really fast for this to happen, but it's a short-story after all! Hope you still like it, so enjoy!

-XXX- RainbowRose8

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