🎩Chapter 4 | Meeting The Broodals🎩

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*When Blossom is out of Top-Hat Tower*

Blossom: *Looks up and saws the henchmen* !!!

Capette: We are getting close to the top,Bloss!

Blossom: *Saws a dark bird up in the sky* .....

Capette: *Sees Blossom looking up* ??

Capette: Hey,you ok?

Blossom:,Yeah,i'm fine.I found a dark bird at the sky.And Capette...

Blossom: Do you think we are going to save the others??

Capette: Of course we can! 

Blossom: You're right.We can DO this!

Blossom: LET'S A GO!!!!

*When Blossom and Capette are at the top*

Blossom: *Looks around* Ok,we are at the top,Capette.What now?

Capette: *Saws the Henchmen's ship* Uh...bloss?

Blossom: *Saws the Henchmen's ship * !!!!

Blossom: Uh oh.

???: *Saws Blossom and laughs* * !!!

Blossom: *Sees them as Rabbits* !!!

Blossom: What the...heck??

???: Heh heh!  Da boss warned me there'd be Princess Blossom comin along!!

???: Guess we oughta introduce ourselves...We're da wedding planners for da happy couples!

Blossom: *Gets her swords* Who are you guys??

???: Dey call us....


Topper: Da names Topper,and these da others ones:Rango,Harriet,and Spewart.

Blossom: Why are you guys here in the Cap Kingdom??

Topper: We got dat treasure we needed,so we ain't got no more business in dese parts.

Topper: Of course,roughin up,goody-two-shoes meddlers WAS in da contract...so I guess we still got a little work to do!

Topper: *Jumps out of the ship and lands on the ground*

Tooper: *Starts to throw his hats at Blossom*

Blossom: *Gasps while saws some hats come towards her*

Blossom: *Dodges* AH!


Blossom: Wait what?! Are you crazy!?

Capette: TRUST ME!!!

Blossom: *Throws Capette at Topper*

Tooper: *Gets hit* OW!

Blossom: Alright,let's make this a quick battle!

Capette: Ok!! ^^

Blossom: *Punches Topper in the face*

Topper: *Gets punched by Blossom* OW!

Tooper:,Ugh...*Falls to the ground*

Tooper: *Disappears*

Blossom: That...was quick.0_0.

Capette: Yep.It was. *Saws the ship that is gone* !!

Capette: Hey....where did the ship and the others go?

Blossom: I don't know Capette.But I don't think we don't have to worry about that.

Blossom: *Saws a Spark Pylon* !!

Blossom: Hey! That's a Spark Pylon!

Blossom: *Walks to The Spark Pylon* ....

Blossom: Capette,do you think this  Spark Pylon will take us to the next kingdom?

Capette: Yes it can! Mario uses that Spark Pylon to get to the next kingdom!!

Blossom: Then....what are we waiting for??

Blossom: LET'S GO!!

Capette: YEAH!!

Blossom:,*Throws Capette at the Spark Pylon,making her transform into a Ball Of Electricity*

Blossom (Ball of Electricity): *Looks at herself* AW YEAH!

Blossom (Ball of Electricity): Let's go save Mario and the others!!

Blossom (Ball of Electricity): *Starts to zoom off across the ocean to the unknown*

*Little did Blossom and Capette know,that their BIGGEST Adventure is just beginning!!*

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