[2] Traffic

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[Monday, August 14]

Violet ran towards the entrance of the school. It was her first day and she was already late!

Extremely late! An hour late to be exact.

"What a great way to start the damn school year," She said as she ran.

She stopped for a short break since she had been running from her house. Then, the girl resumed running. She knew she'd have to get a tardy slip from the main office, so there she went.

She walked to the front desk and waited for the person to turn around.

"Uh, excuse me? Hello?" She asked.

The person turned around, and Violet gasped at seeing who it was.

The principal...

"An hour late? On your first day? Such a shame, Ms. Mario. I'll have to call your parents." The principal picked up the telephone.

"No no please don't! I didn't mean to be late!" Violet pleaded. "I'll do anything! Have detention for a whole month?!"

"That you'll have. And I'm still calling your parents."




Violet sat up, breathing heavily. What a nightmare, She thought. She looked to the side to see her brother, Luigi, standing there.

"Violet, you okay?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No. No I'm not okay," She said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Let me guess... bad dream?"


"I had a bad dream on my first day of high school. They had kicked me out!" Luigi chuckled.

Violet stared at him, too frightened from the nightmare to give a reaction.

Luigi sighed softly. "Vio, you're gonna be fine. It's the first day. I mean, what could happen?"

"I don't know..." She muttered.

"Exactly! So stay positive." He nudged her. "And start getting dressed. We start early, remember?"

"Yeah, ahuh..."

Luigi smiled a bit and walked out of her room.

Violet pushed the blanket off of herself since she was now sweating. She got out of bed and wiped her forehead as she closed the door to her room.

"Be positive..." She mumbled to herself.

She then heard her phone buzz and looked at it. A text from Mario's girlfriend.

Peach: Omg!! Girl it's ur first day!! R u excited?

Violet chuckled quietly, then grabbed her mPhone to text back. But then at seeing the time, she gasped and dropped it.

"I'll text her once I'm done getting dressed," She told herself as she went to her closet.

While looking through her outfits, she scolded herself for not picking one out the night before.

"You had plenty of time, Violet. You were up till eleven! Seriously?!" She eventually found a decent outfit and yanked it out of the closet, making a tear in it.

"Oh great." She glanced at her black sweater that hung over the edge of her bed. "Well, that's why jackets and sweaters exist, right?"

Violet set her outfit down on the bed and sighed. Light purple long-sleeves with dark stripes on it, then a simple jean skirt and black leggings to go with it.

"Now what shoes do I have to match with that?" 

She looked back at her closet and grabbed her black sneakers. "Huh."

"Violet hurry up! Your waffles are gonna get cold!" Mario yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay I'm going!" Violet yelled back.

She was now trying to tie the laces on her sneakers, but the ridiculous things wouldn't do what they were meant to do.

"Just. Freaking. Agh!" She was now frustrated, only to find that she had tied them up already. "Oh... And I'm going to what school now?"

She rolled her eyes and opened the door, then ran to the kitchen.

"Slow down, squirt." Mario smirked.

"Oh shut up." She ruffled his hair and sat down. "Heart shaped waffles, huh?"


"You should take one for Peach." That was when she remembered she had to text the princess back.

Mario blushed a bright red. "I... I will!" He said and looked away, the blush still there.

"Yeah, sure you will." Violet ate her breakfast calmly, though her hands were trembling.

"Are you that scared?" Mr. Mario asked as he sat down next to her.

"Mmhmm..." Violet looked at him, her mouth full.

He chuckled and put an arm around her. "There's no need to be scared. Except if a boy wants to go somewhere alone with you. That's when you have to be scared."

"Papa, I'm not that stupid..." Violet mumbled.

"I know, but I'm just saying." He pat her head.

"Kiddos, the bus is going to arrive soon!" Mrs. Mario shouted.

"Get your stuff guys, come on!" Mario ordered.

"Look who's the boss," Violet mocked as she scurried back to her room to get her backpack.

After checking about three times to make sure she had everything, she grabbed her phone and sat down on the bed.

Violet: I'm scared. Completely scared. My hands are shaking and I can't make it stop...

Peach: Gurl ur going 2 be fine. Trust me!

Violet: I hope so.

"That star better do it's job," Violet muttered, referring to the star she had wished upon the night before.

She then walked to the front door and opened it to see the yellow bus waiting for them.

"You're gonna be fine, baby." Mrs. Mario told her sweetly.

"Yeah. Go get 'em, kid!" Mr. Mario grinned.

Violet chuckled nervously, she obviously didn't believe she'd be fine.

"Alright, love you guys." She waved and boarded the bus with her brothers.

"Well if it isn't the Mario Triplets!"

The siblings looked at their close friend, Yoshi.

"Yo!" Mario gave his friend a high-five.

"Aw man, Junior year is gonna rock dude!" Yoshi grinned as Mario and Luigi sat next to him.

Violet sat in her usual spot in the back. In the back she felt peace and quiet. Well, I mean, when there's only five kids on the bus of course there is...

But soon enough, the bus was filled with many other students. New and old.


Violet looked up from her sketch book to see Rosalina. She waved her over. The galactic princess sat down next to her friend.

"So, did you actually take my advice last night?"

"Yeah... why?"

"Well, a Luma came up to me and told me your wish."

Violet was surprised to hear this, but this brought her hopes up. "... Did you make it come true?"

"I don't know. Only one way to find out."

"Well, that definitely eases me now doesn't it?" Violet said sarcastically.

Rosalina giggled softly. "You'll be fine, don't worry."

"I had a nightmare this morning."

Rosalina was now intrigued. "Tell me everything."

So Violet told her everything. And Rosalina found this has an odd sign.

"So, the star twinkled last night and you got a nightmare this morning. What could that possibly mean?" Rosalina narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, all of that is just junk, Vi. Don't believe a word she says," Princess Daisy stated, for she had overheard the conversation behind her.

Rosalina gave Daisy a small glare before looking back at Violet. "Now I really don't know what to tell you Vio..."

"Just hope for the best!" Princess Peach smiled widely. "That's what I do."

"Oh, I know..." Violet said quietly as she leaned back in her seat.

The bus then came to an abrupt halt, sending many of the kids forward.

"Ack! Hey! What's goin' on?" Daisy asked, standing up.

"Princess, please sit down." The bus driver asked kindly.

Peach pulled her cousin down onto her seat. Daisy grumbled, then secretly opened the window and looked out.

"Holy shrooms, look at this!"

Violet looked and gasped silently. An accident had occurred and it had caused heavy traffic on their only path to the school.

"W-what does that mean?" Rosalina asked quietly.

"That means we'll get to school late!" Daisy explained with a big grin.

"That's not a good thing!" Rosalina hissed.

"'Course not! To a nerd like you, anyway." Daisy smirked.

Rosalina sent her another glare and went back to reading her book.

Violet sighed and looked down at her phone. School was going to start in fifteen minutes, and by the looks of the traffic, it was going to take about an hour or more to get to the school.

"Ha. Guess my nightmare's actually gonna happen." Violet mumbled.

"But you won't be alone!" Rosalina smiled.

Violet face palmed.

"Nightmare Schmightmare! Who cares?" Daisy slung her arm over the black seat. "We'll get to the school anyway." She shrugged.

"Daisy, if I want to run for Junior representative I have to be at that damn school on time!" Peach hissed.

"Riiiight." Daisy now slumped over the back of the seat.

"Dai, you're gonna fall," Peach stated.

"No I won't."

Violet looked over and bit her lip. "Daisy, yes you will."

"No I won't!"

"Daisy..." Rosalina warned.

"Oh my stars I won't f-Ouch!"

"Told you!" Rosalina said.

"You jinxed it!" Daisy claimed, now on the floor in front of Violet and Rosalina.

"I did not!" Rosalina counter argued.

"Girls please! This traffic has already given me a headache, don't turn it into a migraine!" The bus driver pleaded.

"Sorry, sir." Rosalina apologized and sent Daisy yet another glare.

Daisy stood up, brushed herself off, and then walked out of Rosalina and Vio's row, back to her seat next to Peach in front of them.

The princess slumped in her chair, folding her arms with a,"Hmph."

"That's what you get~" Peach sang as she applied blush to her cheeks.

"Shut up," Daisy grumbled.

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