Chapter 1 Son of a Goomba!

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Outside Princess Peach's Castle

Everyone was outside as the award ceremony for the recent Double Dash kart race was happening.

Everyone in the top three team ups got awards.

A duo of Yoshi and Birdo was in third place, which earned them the bronze.

Peach and Daisy got the silver for second place.

But the winning golden award went to Mario and Luigi for winning.

Mario jumps up in victory. "Wahoo! We did it, Luigi!"

Luigi does a twirl and poses. "Oh yeah! It's a party time!"

Peach stood next to the brothers. "Congrats on your win, Mario."

Daisy gives Luigi a thumbs up and a wink. "Yeah, good going, Luigi."

Luigi blushed and looked away bashfully. "Uh...thank you, Daisy."

Just before everyone could get to celebration, a voice calls out at them.

"Hey Mario!"

Mario and company turn to see a figure approach them, looking in between the size to plumber brothers.

The guy had clothes similar to the Mario bros, except his shirt and hat were blue, his overalls were gray and his hat had an I instead of an M or L.

Also instead of the same type of cap Mario bros wear, his was more of the shape of a baseball cap, all while lacking a mustache on his face too.

"Long time no see, Mario." The guy said to him, though along that greeting came the tone that felt like he had a score to settle with him.

" I a know you?" Mario asks him with a confused look. "I know imma famous here, but you're acting like we've met before."

The guy gave an annoyed look. "Seriously? You don't remember me?"

Luigi asks him. "Were you a from our home before we came to the Mushroom Kingdom? Your clothes are a lot like ours."

"What is your name by the way?" Peach asks him, not really sure if he was meaning harm or working for a certain tyrant.

"My name is Ian." The mystery person said. "You know? Mario's rival from school?"

"Ian?" Mario raised a brow. "You might wanna refresh my memory, because it's been so long since I've been in school."


Ian's narration

We first met in third grade in one of our classes and I heard about you being the tough kid there.

I decided introduce myself to you in recess through a game of marbles, knowing I was great at that due to beating every kid I've met at that game.

Our first match was close and I was certain I could beat you, but then you surprised me by winning.

I tried several times to beat you more than once, but every match after that day I failed at.

Afterwards, I tried to beat you in dodgeball, but you and Luigi kept winning anyways.

I tried to make either the football team or basketball team, but again, you guys managed to get the last spot before I did.

You even took the girl I was going to ask out before I had a chance to speak up.

Everywhere I went, you and Luigi undermined me in every direction and made me fade into the background with everyone else.

After I graduated, I decided to see if I could find out whatever your career was and beat you in that so I could settle the score.

After watching you go through different jobs and being fired or bored of them, I saw you settled on plumbing with your brother, so I decided to take it further and not only master that, but other repair jobs as well.

I was going to show off to you how successful I was to you, but both of you disappeared without a trace for years.

It wasn't until I found that pipe that sent you guys here that I landed here today.


Ian finished his explanation. "And now I'm here to prove that you're not the all star everyone says you are."

"Let me get this straight." Daisy says while trying to process this. "You went through all this trouble and found your way here....because you want to prove you're better than Mario? What the heck is wrong with you?"

"You can call me crazy all you want, but if Mario is going to trample on me for most of my life, I'm going to hit him where it hurts: his ego." Ian says while glaring at the red plumber.

"If you are a certain about this, then go ahead and name the game you want to play!" Mario says before jumping in the air to show off.

"You and me spar right here right now." Ian says while punching his fist into his palm.

"So we fight like Super Smash Bros, but without all the items? Ok!" Mario nods.

"Super what Bros?" Ian tilts his head in confusion.

Luigi shakes his head and sighs. "It's a long, harsh and traumatic story. Just a get ready."

"Prepare your butt for a beating!" Ian says before pulling out a wrench.

"Let's a go!" Mario says before using a fire flower on himself.

The two ran at each other and met at the center of the field, with Ian striking the first blow by sliding on the ground and using his wrench to trip Mario.

Mario didn't see it coming and crashed head first into a tree, feeling dizzy from it.

"What's the matter, Mario?" Ian taunts him. "Is your head too high in the clouds to see where your feet are?"

The plumber formed fireballs and threw two of them at Ian, forcing the repairman from Brooklyn to duck and roll out of the way.

Mario taunts back. "What's a the matter, Ian? Got the hot foot?"

"Careful with that, you toilet head! Do you want to set this place on fire?" Ian tells him before getting up and jumping at him, going to swing the wrench down on him.

Mario tries to knock him out of the air with fire, but Ian cut through the fire with the wrench and hit Mario through some shrubs, causing the plumber to lose his power up.

The plumber pulls out a hammer and pounds the ground several times, forcing Ian to jump over numerous shockwaves.

The two clashed tools and got into a weapon lock, but Mario overpowered him in strength and knocks him to the ground.

Ian tried to get up, but Mario put a foot on him and stopped him.

"You a give up yet?" Mario says to him.

"I said I was gonna hit you where it hurts." Ian says before slamming his wrench between Mario's legs.

Mario fell to his knees and felt the pain from the hit, as if a Thwomp had hit him there.

"That was uncalled for!" Peach calls out at the newcomer.

Ian got up and says. "Sorry princess, but he needs to be reminded he's still a bum that didn't earn his fame."

Just before Ian could finish the job, the castle was hit with several Bullet Bills that destroyed parts of the roof and the front walls.

Everyone looks to see a fleet of airships arrive, with the king of the koopas on the big leading ship.

"Hello princess!" Bowser says upon stepping out for all to see. "I think it's time we had a heart to heart in private."

"What the heck is that?!" Ian says in surprise at the large turtle.

"Bowser!" Peach says in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'll never marry you or let you have the Mushroom Kingdom?!"

"Oh I'm done trying to marry you or convince you to surrender your throne." Bowser says to her. "Instead, I'm going to straight up do what I should've done years ago: take over the Mushroom Kingdom by force!"

Daisy stretched one of her arms, itching to join Mario and Luigi this time. "Ha! Like we're gonna let you do that? Let's get him!"

"Hold up! Time out!" Ian tries to get everyone's attention, though it went on deaf ears. "Can someone tell me what's going on? I'm so confused!"

Mario managed to recover from the hit Ian gave him and pulls out his hammer. "Let's a go, Luigi!"

"Okie Dokie!" Luigi says before pulling out his hammer too.

Several koopas charge at the Mario Bros in their shells, but they just knock them into each other with a few hard swings.

Goombas stampeded at the plumbers in tall stacks, but Yoshi jumped in and ate some of the bottom Goombas, spitting them back at the rest of them.

Several of the airships fire at the Bros, but Luigi pulls out Poltergeist vacuum and sucks them all up before firing them back at the ships.

Daisy hit away a few Goombas and Koopas with her tennis racket, managing to reduce the army drastically.

Meanwhile, Ian was just trying to avoid getting hit by anything in the fight, completely new to the physics of this world.

Bowser groans and says. "Seriously? I thought going full at them would work! I guess I have to pull out my army's newest addition. You ready?"

Mario hears another stomping sound coming from the ship, but Bowser wasn't moving, so that meant someone similar in size was coming out.

Who was he using?


Whomp King?

Big Bob-omb?

To everyone but Bowser's surprise, another large koopa walked up next to the king, similar yet also so different from King Koopa.

His scaly skin was a dark green, his green spiked shell had ancient gray body markings on it, his face had a scar on the right and his dark hair descended down his back some like a long spiky mane.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Peach asks in surprise, which worried Mario and Luigi since she would've known about all of the koopas by now.

The new koopa gave a polite bow. "The name is Virum, Princess Toadstool. I am here to assist my brother with his goals."

"Brother?!" Everyone else except the koopa twins said in shock.

Bowser laughs at them and says. "Yeah, I was surprised too that I had a long lost sibling. But hey, the more family, the better help I have. Now Virum, could you please deal with the plumbers? Since invasion isn't working, I'll have to go back to the usual plan again until the Toads surrender the kingdom to me."

"As you wish, your majesty." Virum says before looking over at the Mario Bros, who both got ready to fight.

"Luigi! Let's a get some power ups and finish this turtle before he tries anything!" Mario tells his brother.

"Ok Mario!" Luigi says and checks his pockets, only to find it was empty. "Uh Mario..."

"What is it Luigi?" Mario asks, not liking the surprised face he had.

"I don't have any power ups!" Luigi tells him.

"It's ok, I can share mine with you." Mario tells him before reaching into his pockets....only to realize the Fire flower he used against Ian was the last power up he had with him. "........Uh oh!"

"Inseki sutoraiku!" Virum says while one of his palm produces a glowing orb that he throws towards the Mario Bros.

The plumbers had almost no time to react as the orb turns into a meteorite in midair and comes slamming down, causing a gigantic explosion.

Mario and Luigi are hit so hard in the radius of the blast that they're launched through the stain glass window, knocked completely unconscious.

One hour later inside Peach's castle...

Mario wakes up to see Ian there waiting for him while Luigi was still out cold.

"Morning sleepy. Had any good dreams?" Ian smirks at him.

Mario gets to his feet and punches Ian across the face. "You son of a Goomba! Thanks to you challenging me, Bowser got away with Princess Peach again!"

"Hey! Last I checked, you were wanting to accept the challenge anyways, so don't be the pot calling the kettle black!" Ian glares at him.

Luigi wakes up and shakes his head from dizziness. "What a happened?"

Toadsworth, who had been waiting with Ian, tells him. "Master Luigi, the princess has been kidnapped again."

"Why does this keep happening?" Luigi asks himself as he gets up.

"Well now me and Luigi have to go save her again." Mario says before going over to his brother.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"And you gotta help us!" Luigi says as he points at the screen.

"Let's a take Yoshi in case we need him." Mario said as he added to the party.

"I'm coming too!" Daisy speaks up. "I'm not going to sit and do nothing while Peach is in trouble."

"I'm in on this, just to see what you've been doing the past few years." Ian adds as well while stepping forward.

"No. Your rivalry got us into this, and I'm not going to be bothered competing against you during the adventure." Mario tells Ian. "Besides, you're a too new to this world, so you wouldn't last long here."

"I'm a fast learner, Mario." Ian rolls his eyes at him. "Whatever they throw, I'll figure them out quickly."

"If you a say so..." Mario says after sighing before turning to the first door.

"Ok........Let's a go!"


This is basically our intro to the rp, forms and rules are coming up next.

See you over there!

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