Final Battle

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[The scene cuts to Mario & Luigi's family in their dining room.]

MARIO & LUIGI'S FAMILY: That's beautiful. You made these, right?

[The dining room starts earthquaking as Mario & Luigi's family alertly watch.]


[The Warp Pipe in the underground sewer shoots Mario and Red out of a manhole and Mario and Red crash-lands onto the ground before getting up.]

Red: (groans) That was dynamite. (Looks up) Uh, Mario?

Mario: Huh?

[Mario realizes he and Red are back in Brooklyn.]

Mario: Brooklyn?

[Foreman Spike almost hits Mario and Red with his truck before hitting the brakes.]

SPIKE: Mario? Red?

[Foreman Spike gets out of his truck and lifts Mario by his overall straps.]

Red: Hey, beat it, Spike!

SPIKE: You two almost dented my-

[Bowser's Castle emerges from the pipe, as do several Mushroom Kingdom debris. Peach, Toad, Leonard, Gale, and Donkey Kong get trapped under debris while Luigi frantically takes cover inside a dumpster and Chuck, Bomb, and Stella took cover on some debris. The Super Star is launched from Bowser's Castle and lands a short distance in front of Mario and Red. An infuriated Bowser gets up.]

Bowser: MARIO!

Red: Mario, go!

[Mario races toward the Super Star, but Bowser leaps from his castle and blocks him.]

Bowser: You want THIS?

[He brutally grabs Mario by the arm and holds him up. Mario exclaims fearfully and whimpers in fear. Bowser snarls and gives him a massive sucker punch, sending him flying backwards into a car's windshield. Bowser breathes fire at Mario, who dodges the flames.]

Bowser: (growls) You RUINED my wedding! I was FINALLY gonna be happy! Now you will SUFFER... LIKE ME!

[He was about to grab Mario until he felt a pole hit his head. Unaffected, he turns to face Red, who now drops the pole with fear.]

Red: (chuckled nervously) Oops.

[With a mighty whack of his tail, Bowser blasts Mario and Red into the Punch-Out Pizzeria.]

Bowser: You really thought you could stop me? You worthless, weak little nothing! COME OUT AND FIGHT! Or are you too scared? (no response; cackles) Just what I thought.

[Leonard charged towards Bowser, riding on a crate kart in an attempt to run him over until Bowser caught him by the throat. The kart rolled and crash off-screen.]

Bowser: (squeezed Leonard, making him squeal) You really thought a fat pig like you would take me on alone?

Leonard: Of course not; unlike you, I have true friends.

[Princess Peach rushes over, jumps into the air in a spinning kick at Bowser, who grunts. Then Donkey Kong bodyslams into Bowser with a punch, knocking Bowser over and drops Leonard. This angered Bowser even more. With an enraged bellow, he turns his attention to his attackers and fights back. He knocks Princess Peach, Donkey Kong, Leonard, and Toad off with his arm, then he roars at them before charging at them]

Bowser: (roars)

[Mario is on the brink of losing hope after being pummeled by Bowser. He sighs in despondence.]

Red: Mario, c'mon, you have to get back up. (no response) Mario!

Mario: (beat) What's the point? He's right about me. I really am nothing. (He turns away)

Red: Hey, you know what? Me and the others looked up to you. (Mario looked at Red) When me, Stella, Chuck, and Bomb met you and Luigi as kids, I thought nothing bad would happen to us because you were there. You journeyed to a new world just to save our friends and your brother, fighting off gorillas and turtles on cars, and you're nothing? Like you're leaving the world's safety to idiots like me. And that, sir, is sort of terrifying.

[Just then, the TV flickers on, showing the commercial from the beginning of the movie.]

MARIO & LUIGI: (commercial audio) Mamma mia!

Mario: (commercial audio) That's-a why the Sup-Super Mario Brothers are here. To-a save Brooklyn-- Save Brooklyn-- Brooklyn-- Save Brooklyn--

[The TV shuts off completely. Mario's face changes to determination, realizing that it's up to him to save Brooklyn. Mario gets out from hiding, stretches his right arm and adjusts his hat. Red smiled and follows him.]

MARIO: (quietly) Let's-a go.

[Mario comes outside just as Bowser was overpowering Donkey Kong. Peach, Toad, Leonard, and Gale were held back by Koopas while Bowser punches the ape, grabs him by the throat and lifts him up. He lashes his claws out, preparing to finish him off. But...]

Mario: Hey! Leave him alone!

[Luigi peeks out of the dumpster and Chuck, Bomb, and Stella peeked out from under the debris.]

Stella: Red...

Luigi: Mario...

Bowser: [releasing Donkey Kong] You just don't know when to quit!

Red: Yeah. We've been told that before.

[Peach smiles, remembering that same conversation she and Mario had after the latter defeated Donkey Kong.]

Gale: (whispering) Peach! The shell.

[Hearing that, she sees Kamek with the Super Star and gets an idea.]

Peach: Mario! Red!

[Peach respectively shoves and pushes two Koopa Troopas to the ground and kicks a Green Shell over to the Super Star, sending it flying.]

Peach: The star!

Red: Run! (He and Mario ran for the star)

BOWSER: No! That's MINE! [ They run after the Super Star. Bowser breathes fire at Mario and Red, but Luigi, Chuck, Bomb and Stella blocks it with a manhole.]

Red: Guys!

Mario: Lu...

Luigi: Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together.

Stella: And we're keeping that promise till the end.

Bomb: Guys, the manhole's melting!

[As the manhole starts to bend, Mario reaches a hand to Luigi and Red reaches a hand to Stella and the two, who takes it as they leap towards the Star, just when it looks like Bowser's Fire Breath hits them.]

Peach: No!

Bowser: (laughs)

[As the smoke clears, it's revealed Mario, Luigi, Red, Stella, Chuck, and Bomb becoming invincible.]

Bowser: [tries to stomp the group to no avail.] Huh?! [The group then send Bowser flying with an uppercut.]


[The Koopas, Spinies, Shy Guys, Hammer Bros, Sledge Bros, Goombas, Buzzy Beatles, Koopa Paratroopas and Piranha Plants follow Bowser's orders and rush towards the Mario Bros. The Invincible group nod at each other and split up. A Sledge Bro tries to hit Invincible Mario but the hammer gets destroyed and Invincible Mario throws the Sledge Bro at the Koopas, while Donkey Kong jumps with Peach and Toad in his arms. A Shy Guy is jumping on a whimpering Spike as the Dry Bones, Snifit and Hammer Bro watch. Invincible Luigi defeats Dry Bones, uses its shell as a shield to block Hammer Bro's hammers and defeats both the Hammer Bro and Snifit. Invincible Luigi grabs on a Shy Guy's strap, before letting it go, sending the Shy Guy flying.]

Luigi: Oh, hey, Spike! [zooms off as Spike looks up in surprise]

SPIKE: Luigi?!

[Invincible Chuck ran around Koopas and Hammer Bros, making them dizzy before knocking them back.]

Chuck: It's Chuck Time!

[Invincible Bomb sees Sledge Bros, Hammer Bros, koopa minions, Spinies and Koopa Paratroopas charging towards him.]

Bomb: Alright, time to blow up. Surprise birthday parties! Yoga poses! WALKING TURTLES!! (He explodes, causing a huge impact on the minions that were closing in on him. He laughs) I blew up! On purpose!

[Invincible Red and Invincible Stella fought side by side while having a conversation.]

Red: So, uh, hey. You know, after this whole, you know, invasion thing is over, I was kinda wondering...

Stella: (kicks a Koopa away) I like movies. I'll buy the popcorn.

Red: (froze a bit and blushed) M-movies, they sound great. U-uh, Sunday, right?

Stella: (smiles) Sunday.

[Invincible Mario and Invincible Luigi run side by side and zoom into the Koopa Army, defeating them, the Spinies, Hammer Bros, Piranha Plant, Shy Guys, Buzzy Beetles and Goombas. Invincible Mario and Invincible Luigi jump on the Bullet Bills and Paratroopas, defeating them. The scene goes into slow motion as the Mario Brothers' parents are awed by Invincible Mario and Invincible Luigi. Time goes back to normal speed as the Piranha Plant traps them both with its jaws, much to the parents' horror...]


[...but Invincible Mario and Invincible Luigi break free from the Piranha Plant as the Mario Brothers' parents are more awed than ever.]


[Bowser throws a car at them and the birds, once again to no avail, as the Invincible group grab a power line like a trapeze and kick him. Bowser tries to crush them, but Invincible Mario slides underneath him and throws him on the ground. Invincible Luigi headbutts Bowser and uses a mushroom as a trampoline. Invincible Bomb uppercuts and bicycle-kicks Bowser as Invincible Chuck throws a block at him, causing the Koopa King to collapse. Invincible Red and Invincible Stella grab Bowser by his tail, spins him around, and tosses him up in the air. Invincible Mario and Invincible Luigi jump up high and punch Bowser, sending him to the ground, causing a giant crack on his castle. The Invincible group front-flip and prepare the finishing group-curb stomp. Bowser attempts to scorch them to death, but the Invincible group break through the fire breath and strike Bowser, destroying his castle in the process. The main characters (including Mario, Luigi, Red, Stella, Chuck, and Bomb, in their normal state after the Super Star's effect wears off) loom over Bowser.]

Bowser: (groans) Peaches... (chuckles) Uh, listen, this is not the way I pictured it, but give me one more chance.

Peach: Ew. No

Leonard: Ahem, may I, Princess?

[Peach nods and gives Leonard a Mini Mushroom and he walks towards Bowser.]

Bowser: No-no-no-no-no--! (Leonard force-feeds Bowser a Mini Mushroom causing him to shrink; in a high-pitched voice) Hey! Hey! That is not cool!

[Toad grabs Mini Bowser and puts him inside a jar.]

Donkey Kong: Ha! He got the Blue Mushroom!

Mario: (to Peach) See? Couldn't get you a pet pig, but at least ya get a pet turtle.

Peach: (giggles) Not bad, mustache. And Luigi, you're so brave.

Luigi: Oh, thanks, uh, yeah, it's kind of my thing.

MARIO & LUIGI'S MOTHER: (she and Mario and Luigi's father arrive) Ah, my boys! My heroes! (embraces the brothers)

MARIO & LUIGI'S FATHER: Wahoo! Mario! You were amazing! (laughs)

Mario: Thanks, Dad.

Donkey: Ah, bring it in!

(Donkey Kong pulls everyone for a back-breaking hug. Suddenly, the sound of applause sounds out. Everyone turns to see the entire populace, including Mario and Luigi's family, Francis, his owners, and even Spike cheering for Mario, Luigi, Red, Stella, Chuck and Bomb.]

SPIKE: Let's hear it for the Super Mario Brothers and their bird friends!

[The populace continues to cheer the brothers on.]

MARIO & LUIGI'S FATHER: These are my boys!

Mario: Ha-hey!


[The group do their handshake.]

All: Ay!

[Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Red, Stella, Chuck, Bomb, and Donkey Kong strike a pose.]

Toad: Yes!

[The five appear in a newspaper with the headline "BROOKLYN SAVED!", tacked onto a bulletin board in Mario's bedroom. Mario's alarm goes off, and Mario stops his alarm as "Mr. Blue Sky" by the Electric Light Orchestra begins to play.]

Mario: (yawns, stretches)

[Mario and Luigi get dressed, collect their tools and walk out a door into the Mushroom Kingdom, where they now live.]

GREEN TOAD: Morning!


[Red, Stella, Chuck and Bomb meets them outside with the red and pink birds holding hands, now dating.]

Stella: Hey, guys!

Chuck: Last one to the Warp Pipe is a rotten turtle!

[The group race each other to a Warp Pipe and jump in.]

Mario: Wahoo!

["The Super Mario Bros. Movie" title appears and cuts to black. Lumalee drifts into view.]

LUMALEE: Now that's a happy ending. Or is it? Because everything's over now. And all that's left is you and the infinite void. (beat) Kind of makes you want to play saxophone, huh?

[Lumalee pulls out a saxophone and begins to play a jazzy rendition of the Super Mario Bros. theme as the credits roll. After the first half of the credits, a scene plays where Bowser is playing his piano again.]

♪ Mario, Luigi and a Donkey Kong, too

♪ A thousand troops of Koopas couldn't keep me from you

♪ Princess Peach, at the end of the line

♪ I'll make you mine

♪ Oh, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches

♪ Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches

♪ I love you

♪ Oh-oh

[The lights come on and a pig guard comes in, banging on the birdcage prison of the still tiny Bowser. It shows that Bowser is kept a prisoner in Piggy Island.]

PIG GUARD: Hey! Quiet in there. Lights out, little guy.

Bowser: (high-pitched voice) Hey! You can't treat me like this. Do you know who I am? I am Bow-

[The pig guard shuts the door and the credits continue. After concluding, in a scene down in the Brooklyn sewers, an egg with green spots lays among the rubble and begins to hatch. Cut to black.]

YOSHI: Yoshi!

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