Mushroom Kingdom/Princess Peach

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[Mario, Red, Stella and Toad arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom's town of Toads.]

Toad: This way, guys!! The princess lives right on that hill! (leads the trio through the city) Excuse me, everybody, coming through. Got a big adventure happening right now. Just clear a path for us. If I could just... Excuse me...

(A Toad drops a coin and Stella picks it up. A red Toad runs to her.)

Stella: Here you go.

(She politely gives him the coin. She salutes to the Toads, happily greeting them.)

Toad: (loudly) Excuse me, everybody, coming through! These guys' brother and friends are going to die imminently! Out of the way, please! (normally, to the three) Just trying to clear a path. That's all I'm doing. They're gonna be fine. Chanterelle!


Toad: Nice to see ya, bud! (clicks)

YELLOW TOAD: Does this thing work?

ANTIQUES TOAD: Yes, works great. Eh, you just have to blow into it.

Toad: And, up we go.

Mario: Wait, up? (grunts)

[Mario quickly gets on the platform, which takes them up. The gate opens in front of them, Mario, Red and Stella follow Toad on a moving platform. Toad hops onto the next platform, Mario missed the jump but grabbed onto the edge. Mario gets up and breaths heavily, before running after Toad. Toad continues running through the kingdom, and whistles to the trio, who was waving at a toad, to get his attention. The three got off the rising platform and follows him onto bricks that float above. Red and Mario tried not to fall.]

Mario: (pants) Whoa! Okay, so these bricks are just floatin' here? Uh...

Red: You don't see that everyday.

Toad: Just pop in this pipe and we're on our way!

Mario: Oh.

Toad: It's the only way to fly, man. (laughs) Woo!

[Toad gets sucked into the pipe.]

Stella: Let's go! (gets sucked into the pipe) Woo-hoo!

MARIO: Oh, wow! Love these pipes-- (yelps)

(Mario and Red got sucked into it. The two yelled as they get dragged across, hitting every corner, while Toad and Stella are having a smooth ride.)

Toad: Woo!

Stella: Yeah!

Mario: (grunts)

Red: (screams)

[Toad and Stella got out of the pipe and jumps in another. Mario and Red came out next but gets confused on which pipe Toad and Stella took. They get in the wrong pipe and comes out of another.]

Mario: Huh?

[The two tried other pipes but repeatedly ends up in the same place. The camera zooms out to see even more pipes.]

Red: Seriously?!

Mario: Ah, come on!

(Mario and Red finally came out of the correct pipe at the top of the hill. They look completely worn out)

Mario: Ohh... (tumbles onto the ground)

Toad: Here we are. Palace doors. Bing bang boom! (Mario and Red got up, and Mario straightens his hat while staring in awe at the Castle) Come on! (laughs) Woo!

Mario: (quietly) Whoa. (He follows Toad to the castle entrance)

Toad: Pretty impressive, am I right? (The two get stopped by two guards at the palace doors)

BLUE TOAD GUARD: Hold it right there, you four!

Stella: Oh, hey. We need to see the princess. It's an emergency.

[The two guards looked at each other and smirked, deciding to fool them.]

BLUE TOAD GUARD: (beat) What princess?

YELLOW TOAD GUARD: I've never heard of any princess.

BLUE TOAD GUARD: Oh, wait, I did. Our princess, though, is in another castle.

YELLOW TOAD GUARD: Oh, yeah, that's right.

BLUE TOAD GUARD: You should try another castle, maybe. She ain't in this one.

Mario: Huh?

Red: I'm sorry, what?

Toad: Okay, so they're messing with you. And... I don't like it. (takes out his frying pan, screaming a battle cry, places his camping equipment down, and makes food for them, much to the trio's confusion) What do you guys, um... What do you wanna eat? Anything, anything your hearts desire. (whispers to the trio) Go! (to the guards) I am ready to scramble it up. (Mario, Red and Stella sneaks in through the palace doors. They stop to notice some more guards)

TOAD GUARDS: (laughing)

[Mario, Red and Stella pretends to be stoic and salutes the guards while walking by them; the guards salute them back. But just as they drop the look and runs, the guards realize there are intruders and start chasing the trio.]


GREEN TOAD GUARD: Hey! Intruders!

Red: Run!

Mario: (panting)


TOAD GUARDS: Intruders! Stop them! Stop them! Now! Stop them!

[In a large room, a council of Toads are gathered around a hologram that opens from the ground. The hologram shows a world map, displaying all the islands, including Bowser's ship]

TOAD GENERAL: Council, your attention. Bowser, Leonard and Gale have found the Super Star and is headed toward our kingdom. Its power will make them invincible. We will be destroyed.

[All the toads gasp, a green toad faints.]

YELLOW COUNCIL TOAD: Princess, What are we gonna do?

Peach: I will not let them hurt you. (Gets off her throne and walk down the stairs) We are going to stop those three.

YELLOW COUNCIL TOAD: How? Look at us. We're adorable. (makes a puppy face, followed by others.)

Peach: I'm going to convince the great Kong army to help us. Together, we'll annihilate those monsters.

TOAD GENERAL: Their mad king doesn't make alliances. The Kongs will never agree.

Peach: I can convince him. I'll leave for the Jungle Kingdom in the morning. (leaves the room)

TOAD GENERAL: Good luck, princess. For all our sakes.

[Princess Peach walks through the halls, thinking to herself, until she hears foot steps. From her point of view, Mario, Red and Stella appears, making another sloppy turn, and Mario dashes towards her. Everything goes in slow-motion as Mario becomes glad to have found her. Peach stares at him in awe.]

Mario: (slow motion, reaches out his hand) Princess! (He is suddenly flipped onto his back by Peach; normal) Princess! Hi- (Several Toad guards restrain Mario, causing him to scream and cry in agony. Other guards surrounds Red and Stella as the two prepares to fight them off.)

Peach: Wait! Release him. And leave those two birds alone.

(The guards back away from him, before one of them gives him another kick.)

Mario: Ah! (gets up from the ground)

(They move away from Red and Stella too.)

Red: Yeah. That's what I thought.

Peach: Whoa... (looks closely at Mario) Are you...? (gasps) He's a human! I mean, you are a human, right? (starts inspecting him) It's just, you're so small and... (looks under the hat)

Mario: (tries reaching for it) Hey!

Peach: And you two are birds! I mean, you two are birds, right? (starts inspecting Red and Stella) It's just, one of you is a girl and the other has enormous eyebrows and... (touches Red's eyebrows)

Red: Hey, Princess. Can you not touch them? Yeah, thanks.

Peach: Wait, wait, wait. L-Let's go back. (places the hat on his head incorrectly) Where did you three come from?

Mario: Uh, me, my friends and my little brother, Luigi... we-we fell down this pipe, and now he and two of our friends are lost... s-somewhere in the Dark Lands!

Peach: Then it's only a matter of time until they're captured by Bowser, Leonard and Gale. But you're in luck — I'm on my way to stop them.

Mario: Well, take us with you.

Peach: This Bowser guy's a lunatic. This Gale girl's a psycho. They will eat you for breakfast. They won't even notice it probably because you're very, very small.

Mario: You know what? Make fun of us all you want. But you are gonna help me find my brother and our friends! (Princess Peach gives a stern look) ...Please?

Peach: (expression changes) Well, okay. Let's see what you're made of. (walks off)

Red: Is that a "yes"? (follows Peach)

Peach: No. That's a "Let's see what you're made of."

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