A Very New Years

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   One Mushroom Kingdom Day, Mario was busily sleeping. Luigi was in the room as well because it had a mirror. He was trying to do his hair into something different. Blue Toad was sitting on a chair reading a magazine that said, "Boo Fancy." At last, Luigi turned around from the mirror.

Blue Toad looked up. "What did you do?" he asked, confused.

"I added an extra bang!" Luigi said. It was hard to tell.

"Fascinating," said Blue Toad, who had returned his attention to Boo Fancy. "They gave this one a fake mane to make it look like a lion!" he exclaimed.

"Great," Luigi said. He shook Mario like a collapsing castle. Mario shot up. His hair was so messed up he looked like Elvis. Well, then again, that's not exactly messed up. Mario went to the mirror. In one stroke with the brush, he styled his hair.

"Okay, let's go see what's happening for New Years," Mario said, heading for the door.

"Alright," said Luigi, following with Blue Toad. They went into the main hall. As expected, Toads were flinging streamers everywhere and a Happy New Years banner was hanging. Toads were laying out burgers and hot dogs.

"Ooh, looks like a delicious feast tonight!" Mario said, his stomach grumbling on cue.

"Yeah, I'm afraid I gotta agree with you," Blue Toad said, taking in the beefy smell.

Mario couldn't stand it, so he went over to the Purple Toad setting out hot dogs. Soon he was munching on one. "This is the best thing I have ever tasted!" he said as he came back over to Blue Toad and Luigi.

"Yeah, that's great," Luigi said.

The doors suddenly busted open. Peach came walking in with a BATHTUB of fireworks. I don't mean it was literally a bathtub; it was just a giant box-load of them.

"Check out this 500-dollar pack I got," she said. Mario's and Luigi's and Blue Toad's jaws all dropped. Blue Toad started digging through them.

"Check this one out!" he said, handing a big, heavy firework to Mario. It said, "The Toad" on it.

"Uh, it's wonderful," Mario said, handing it back. Peach parked the box by the wall. Then she went to do something else. Mario finished his hot dog. "I'm gonna go weigh myself," Mario said, walking off.

"At least he cares," Blue Toad said after Luigi shook his head.

The whole day ended up being boring, especially since nobody was allowed to eat the hot dogs or burgers. Mario made a sponge cake with glaze ALL BY HIMSELF just because he was deprived of good food. And that was because Peach had given them salads and water for lunch.

    Mario pulled the sponge cake out of the oven. The smell was glorious, and he wanted to eat it right away, but his salad was waiting.

"Ew, this is worse than the watercress salad my grandma makes!" Blue Toad said, poking at the leaves.

"This ISN'T worse than E.Gadd's cooking," Luigi said thankfully. He ate a forkful of salad. He expected it to be at least neutral-tasting, but he almost BARFED when he tasted it. He sat there for twenty seconds before he finally swallowed it. "UGH, what dressing did you put on this?" he asked Peach. It was impossible to hide the disgust in his voice.

"It's just balsamic raspberry Chipotle vinegrette with onion cloves," Peach responded coolly.

"What?" Luigi asked, clearly confused. Blue Toad pulled a bag out of his diaper and barfed into it. He actually hadn't even tasted his salad yet.

"You heard what I said," Peach replied.

"Unfortunately," Luigi mumbled to himself as he washed down the stinging taste with water.

Mario came and sat down. He didn't look like he was going to enjoy it. Mario was the LAST person who would be eating this. He grabbed his fork and expertly stuck the entire salad onto it. It amounted into a bite the size of a football. Luigi stared at him in wonder. He did not think Mario could honestly eat that WHOLE thing. But, much to his surprise and dismay, Mario shoved the ENTIRE thing into his hatch. Then, he tasted it. But he didn't gag. Instead, he chewed it for two minutes. And then...he swallowed it.

"Piece of cake," he said once his throat was free. Mario went and cut himself a piece of cake.

Luigi and Blue Toad were staring at other, stupefied. "Definitely a professional eater," Blue Toad whispered.

    Once darkness was finally beginning to settle over the land, Mario wheeled the fireworks outside. Ten of thousands of Toads started gathering outside. Mario lit the first one. It exploded into the shape of his head. The next one was Peach's head. Then Luigi's head. Then a Toad's head.

"How many heads are we gonna see tonight??!!" Mario yelled as Bowser's head exploded into the air.

There were so many heads that soon, Wiggler's head and Petey Piranha's head were up there. Then King Boo's whole self blew up. Luigi laughed at that one.

"King Boo doesn't have a head," he scoffed.

Just then King Boo appeared. "What did you say?" he asked.

"Uh, nutin'," Luigi replied.

"Good," King Boo said and vanished.

"What's with him?" Blue Toad said.

"I duh know, I guess he doesn't like being called headless. I guess his whole body is sort of like a head, except a really fat one."

King Boo appeared again, except this time there were dark, purple rings under his eyes. "Say that one more time and you will die," he scowled.

"You're fat," Luigi said mockingly.

King Boo launched himself at Luigi, who dodged. Pretty soon he had whipped out the Poltergust and was tangling with King Boo while the fireworks show continued. Nobody even seemed to noticed them fighting in the background. Soon Luigi had King Boo pinned to the ground under his foot.
 "Too bad you don't have feet," Luigi said, laughing.
King Boo vanished and Luigi fell flat on his face. Mario walked over a few seconds later and tripped over Luigi. Now they were both on their faces. Blue Toad walked over to see what was going on and tripped over them and was on his face soon. They all got up.

"Klutz," Luigi told Mario.

"You were a klutz, first," Mario replied.

"You're all klutzes," Blue Toad yelled. "And Luigi, you shouldn't have engaged King Boo like that," he added.

"Why not?" Luigi asked.

"Because he's sitting there with an army of Boos," Blue Toad, pointing.

"Great," Luigi said, busting out the Poltergust.

   Soon the New Year's party had commenced. Mario was happily chewing on his hot dogs and burgers. Blue Toad was very much enjoying it, because believe it or not, he ate his whole salad.

"Too bad Luigi is busy with those Boos," Blue Toad said.

"Yep, he would've enjoyed this," Peach said.

"I think it's his own fault," Mario said through a mouthful of hot dog. "Seeing King Boo was like a blow from Bowser," he added. "But Luigi did have a point when he said that King Boo is fat, because I think he is," Mario said. "I mean, he must have a jackpot of cakes and meats and bones to eat, right?" he asked.

Just then King Boo appeared. "You just crossed the line, buddy boy," he said. He trapped Mario in a painting. And then Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon happened.


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