Baby Tears

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  One Mushroom Kingdom Day, Mario and Luigi were on the couch in Mario's house watching a comedy. They were laughing their heads off until the doorbell rang. Luigi paused it and answered the door. It was Yellow Toad and Blue Toad. They were carrying Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, who were both bawling their heads off. 

"We need you to care for these guys!" Blue Toad shrieked over the noise.

 Mario and Luigi looked at each other puzzledly. Blue Toad gave Luigi Baby Luigi. Yellow Toad handed over Baby Mario. Next thing we know, the door is shut and Luigi is standing there holding two crying babies.

 Mario came over and grabbed Baby Him. "Maybe they're hungry," he said. 

He led Luigi to the kitchen where they prepared some heated milk for the babies. But when they presented the bottles, the babies just knocked them away and kept crying. 

"Gee, that really worked," Luigi said sarcastically. 

"Hmmm. Maybe they're tired," Mario said, grabbing Baby Mario. 

He went and laid him in his bed. Luigi put Baby Luigi there, too. For a second, they sat there, crying. But then, they grabbed the pillows and starting having a pillow fight. Mario and Luigi took cover as pillows flew everywhere. Then the babies crawled under the sheets and screwed up the bed. 

"Maybe this wasn't the best idea," Mario whispered to Luigi. 

They peeked out from behind Mario's desk, only to be hit in the face with a pillow. 

"UUUUUUUGGGHHH. I think this needs to stop," Mario said. 

He stepped out from behind the desk and grabbed the babies. They started squirming and crying. Mario shrieked while their tears gave him a shower. By the time they wrenched themselves from his grasp, he was soaked. 

"HA HA!" laughed Luigi. 

Mario was mad, so he tromped around the house until he found the babies eating cookies in the kitchen. "MY GOOD COOKIES!" Mario yelled. 

The babies looked up with crumbs on their faces. He could tell that their mouths were stuffed. They kept eating. Mario launched himself at them and grabbed them. They started crying again. He kept an iron grip on them and took them to the living room. Luigi came in, too.

 "We're going to force them to watch our comedy," Mario said. 

"Uhhhhh," said Luigi. 

Mario sat the babies down on the couch. Luigi sat down, too. Mario played it. The babies stared at it for a second, and then started crying. Mario was getting sick of crying. He took the babies and tried rocking them. 

"THAT'S IT!" he yelled. He gave Baby Luigi to Luigi. "He is YOURS now!" he said. 

Luigi took Baby Luigi to the kitchen and got him some cookies and milk. Baby Luigi had happiness restored. 

Mario came in too. "Is all you can think of making your baby fat? There's gotta be something else they wanna do besides eat cookies and rip up my bedroom!" he yelled. 

Luigi was also eating cookies and milk. Mario sighed and put on a very annoyed face. He took Baby Mario to the park. Baby Mario tried swinging but he fell and hit his bum. Then he started crying. Mario was so fed up by now that he started crying. So he and his baby sat there crying for a while.

Back at the household, Luigi and Baby Luigi finished their snack. 

"Hmmmmmm, let's go find our brothers," Luigi said, picking up Baby Luigi.

They drove to the park and found Mario and Baby Mario crying. They stared at the sight for a while and then sat there laughing. Eventually, Mario noticed them and got mad. 

"Take it easy, dude," said Luigi. 

Just then he noticed Yellow Toad and Blue Toad coming toward them. "Hey, we can take the babies back now," Blue Toad said.

 "THANK THE FETTS!" Mario said, handing over Baby Mario, who was crying. 

Luigi gave them Baby Luigi, who was happy. 

"SEE YA LATER!" Mario yelled as he ran away to his Mercedes. Luigi followed. Blue Toad and Yellow Toad took the babies to Baby Park.


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