Job II

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(Warning: There's quite a bit of vulgarity in this chapter. I mean, like ridiculous bathroom vulgarity. warned. :))

   Onetiny, gray little morning, Luigi was awakened by a giant, rumbling noise. Hejumped out of bed and ran into the main hall of the castle. It was coming fromMario's door. Luigi busted into his room. Mario was sleeping. He was alsosnoring into a megaphone.

"Ugh," Luigi groaned. He figured he might as wellwake Mario up now that he was up. He screamed his famous scream into themegaphone. "EEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Mario screamed as he woke up. "Sup," hesaid to Luigi. "Let's go karting!"

Luigi blinked at him. "Okay," he replied.

They went outside and got into karts. Then they karted up the road. Luiginoticed a paper taped to a tree.

"Look, it's a paper taped to a tree!" heyelled. They stopped, got out, and looked at it.

"Help," it said, "really needa plumber. Hoping for Mario or Luigi. Location: mushroom house by tall mushroomhouse by square. Phone number: 1-800-TOADETTE," Luigi stared at it. "Let'sgo!" he said to Mario.

They hopped in their karts and drove to the mushroomhouse by the tall mushroom house by the square. A reddish Toadette wearing awhite apron answered the door. "GREAT!" she yelled. "The toilet's this way."

She led them to the back of the house, where there was a bathroom. "Have fun!"she said. She slammed the bathroom door behind them.

Luigi peeked into thetoilet. He fainted. Mario looked at him. Then he pulled a plunger out of hisoveralls. "This is something I haven't done in a while," he said.

"Me neither,"added Luigi, who got up off the floor. He pulled out his own plunger.

Marioopened the toilet. A garrison of flies swarmed out.


Mario covered his face with his cap while dozens of bodiespelted him. Luigi opened the door and they flooded out. Inside the toilet was agiant pile of poop sitting in a pool of pee, with tee-pee frosted around theedges and a whole roll on top. Luigi stuck out his tongue.

"Please tell me howa Toadette could possibly load a toilet this full without flushing it!" Marioyelled.

He plunged his plunger into the poop. He pushed it all the way down tothe bottom, making a hole, and then plunged the hole. The pee went down alittle. Luigi stuck his plunger in and tried to shove the poop into the hole. Marioclipped his nose with a clothespin.

"It's not a nosepin," Luigi said, laughing. Mario looked at him. Luigi shut up.

Mario turned his attention back to the toilet. He pushed more poop down it.Finally, it was all gone. He plunged the hole, and the pee went back in, and heplunged down the tee-pee as well. Finally, he flushed it.

"Voila!" Mario said,taking his clothespin off. He left the bathroom, and Luigi followed. "We fixedyour toilet," he told the Toadette.

"Wonderful!" she said. She gave him sixtybucks. "I prepared a snack for you, also," she said. "Please do wash your handsbefore you eat, though!"

Luigi and Mario washed their hands. "I get half thatmoney," Luigi whispered to Mario.

The Toadette placed a two-liter coke and aplate of cookies on the table. "I'll be in the living room," she said and left.

Luigi licked his lips. Mario's tongue dropped and he started drooling. Luigigroaned. He sat down and took three cookies. He poured some coke into hisglass. Mario took the whole plate of cookies and poured himself the rest of thetwo-liter. Luigi looked at nobody dumbly.

Mario vacuumed the cookies into hismouth. Then he gulped down the coke and said, "Let's go."

Luigi finished hisfirst cookie. He groaned, grabbed his cookies and coke, and followed Mario outthe door. He sat in his kart and ate them. Then they took off for home.

Whenthey got there, Luigi said, "Give me thirty of the sixty we earned."

"NO! Thisis for me!" Mario said.

"I'll give you some lasagna if you give me thirty,"Luigi offered.

"DEAL!" Mario said. He handed over the thirty bucks. Luigi madehim some lasagna.

"Piece of cake," he said to himself.

"WHERE?" Mario asked.

"Nowhere," replied Luigi.

"Gimme some!" Mario yelled. So Luigi made him a cakeand he wolfed it down. The end.

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