Patrick's Day

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   One Mushroom Kingdom Day, Mario was sitting at a round table playing Crazy 8 with Peach, Blue Toad, and Yellow Toad.

He played an 8. "Spades," he said.

"No spades," Blue Toad said, picking. "Pass."

Just then Luigi burst into the room with a clover on his cap. "Patrick's Day is tomorrow!" he cried.

"What's Patrick's Day again?" Mario asked.

"A day that we celebrate in honor of Patrick, the Toad who invented pizza," Luigi replied.

"Oh, yes, that's right," Mario said. He threw down his cards. "Let's get ready," he said.

So everybody threw down their cards and got ready to make a big shindig. Mario set up a big, long table. He told the cooks to make green foods, because Patrick had been a green Toad.

"Everyone has to wear some green as well," Luigi said, smiling proudly.

Mario rolled his eyes at Luigi. Then he went and changed into his Jedi getup, which is a green shirt and cap with brown overalls. Then he went into the hall, where Toads were setting up clovers on the walls along with arching green streamers. He went into the kitchen and found Peach baking a cake. She was wearing her green Smash Bros. dress. Every single Toad had changed into a green vest, even if they weren't green. Luigi kept walking around smiling. Mario thought he was ridiculous. He decided to help the Toad cooks make the food. They were mostly making pizzas. Mario helped. Every time a pizza came out, the smell would hit him like a blow from Bowser. Luckily, he controlled his drool.

He came parading out carrying a pizza pie. He set it down on the long table by the other pizzas. After several were set out, the Toad cooks prepared a few small desserts to go with Peach's cake. She was taking out three big layers.

"Can I help?" Mario asked eagerly.

"Sure," she replied. She frosted the first big layer white. Then she added the second layer, frosting it white, too.

Mario frosted the last layer and stuck it on top. "Great!" he said.

Then Peach went to work piping green around the edges. Mario watched as she piped tiny swirls of green icing over and over. In twenty minutes, the whole cake was lined with green. Next, she piped a few clovers around the layers. Mario piped 'Happy Patrick's Day' on the second layer while she went to find the cake topper. She placed a big clover on a stick.

"Why do we use clovers again?" Mario asked.

"I don't know, because they're green," Peach replied.

She swirled some green icing around the big clover. "There, I'd say it's about done." She picked it up and carried it out to the dessert table, where a few smaller cakes and cookies were. "I'd say we're all set in the food department." Peach said.

Mario noticed that two Green Toads were putting up a banner that said 'Happy Patrick's Day' on it. He also noticed that Green Toads were everywhere. He tapped one on the bubble.

"What?" he asked.

"Why are there so many Green Toads about?" Mario asked.

"Don't you know?" the Green Toad replied, "every Patrick's Day, every Green Toad in the kingdom comes over to the castle to share in the festivities."

"Ah," Mario said, perfectly understanding.

Then he went and sat down in a chair. For the first time in his life, he realized that he had nothing to do. So he twiddled his thumbs. He was actually getting pretty distracted by it when the lights dimmed. Two Green Toads wrapped in a human-size cape ran onto the stage. Blue Toad stood on top of them, making him look like he was as tall as a human.

"Good evening, everyone," he said. "Welcome to the Patrick Party! We have all contributed a lot to the upbringing of this event, so I'd like to thank the princess, Mario, Luigi, me, Yellow Toad, Green Toad, Green Toad, Green Toad, Green Toad, Green Toad, Green Toad..." and then he said 'Green Toad' a million more times. "...and Green Toad, especially. Thank you and enjoy the party!" he finished.

Then some dinner-theaterish-music started playing. Mario loaded up on pizza and cake and cookies and coke. Then he sat down at a table with Peach, Luigi, Blue Toad and Yellow Toad. They were happily eating.

"This is great," Luigi mumbled through his giant mouthfuls of food.

"Hey, Mario, have you read Frollo's personality on Disney wiki? It's absurd!" Blue Toad said. "Here, I'll pull it up for you."

"Uh, why?" Mario asked after he washed down some pizza.

"Because it's absurd, man!" Blue Toad said. He pulled out a tablet and began tapping at it.

Mario sighed through his bite of pizza. The sigh barely made it out because of the pizza, though.

"Alright, almost got it," Blue Toad said as he ate a hunk of cake. "Alright, here it is," he said, showing a list to Mario, that said:


 Blasphemous, ruthless, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, vain, vile, wicked, heartless, violent, monstrous, complex, religious, manipulative, deluded, selfish, profane, merciless, irreverent, psychopathic, mysterious, racist, hypocritical, vindictive, corrupt, oppressive, vicious, tyrannical, cunning, prejudiced, judgmental, intolerant, abusive, murderous, loathsome, genocidal, intimidating, vengeful, intelligent, dishonest, strict, ominous, sadistic

"That's despicable," Mario said sarcastically.

"Yes, it is, isn't it?" Blue Toad replied. Then he ate his cake.

"What a great list!" Luigi said when he read it.

"Marvelous!" Peach exclaimed when she saw it.

"Looks good to me!" Yellow Toad observed.

"So everyone likes it!" Blue Toad said proudly. Then they kept eating for the rest of eternity.


A/N: Don't ask me what went on with the ending there. -_-

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