Shopping Day

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On another boring little morning, Mario woke up, refreshed to the max. It was shopping day. The day when everyone went shopping together. Mario shook Luigi and Peach and Daisy awake.

"IT'S SHOPPING DAY!" he yelled.

Everyone got up, ate, and soon they were blasting into the wonderful world of the Mushroom Kingdom in Mario's GLA. Mario slammed the brakes almost immediately. They had stopped at Walmart.

"Walmart's boring," Luigi complained. He was always sitting in the back.

"Nuh-uh," Mario said. He parked and unlocked the doors. "Everybody out!" he yelled.

So they all got out and went in. Mario saw a plain, red shirt.

"Hey! Look at this shirt!" he said. "I'm getting it." He pulled it off the rack and put it in their cart.

Soon they came to all the food. "Whoa," Mario said.

"You say that every time," Luigi groaned.

"Let's get some seltzer, Donkey Kong cereal, pasta, soup, crackers, hot dogs, burger patties, ketchup, and buns." Mario replied. He started drooling.

"Ugh." Luigi groaned.

"Let's get some orange juice, milk, and a YAM!" Mario said, naming practically everything he passed. "Oh, let's get some yogurt! And, uh, some pizzas!" he was having a major drool eruption.

"Okay, why don't we go to the game section?" Luigi asked, eagerly turning their cart around.

"Uhhhhh, okay..." Mario said, sucking in his drool.

"This store is gonna be a pool if we stay any longer, anyway," Luigi mumbled.

So they went to the game section. "I wanna get Sonic Boom!" Mario said dreamily.

"I think food has totally messed with Mario's brain," Luigi said.

He picked Mario up and laid him on top of all their food. "Let's get out of here," he said.

He pushed Mario and the food all the way to the checkout. He bought all the food and Mario's shirt. Then he put Mario in the driver's seat of the GLA.

"Hey. Mario." Luigi said. He slapped Mario.

"WHAT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Mario yelled. "Oh, uh... Hey. I was just dreaming." He said.

"Okay, well, can you drive us somewhere else now?" Luigi asked.

"Sure," Mario replied. He slapped the gas and then hit the brakes right away. Everybody went flying. Luigi smashed right into the CD player. "Luigi, what on not earth are you doing?" Mario asked.

"I was just dying from your crazy braking," Luigi answered, getting up and dusting himself off. He went back to the back.

"Don't bother sitting back down, because we're here." Mario said. They were at Dunkin'. They all got out and went in. Mario leaned on the counter. "A dozen glazed donuts and four strawberry coolattas, please," he said to the Toad.

"Sure!" he answered. Then he grabbed a box and put twelve glazed donuts into it. Mario started drooling right away. Then he went into the back and came back with four coolattas with a giant blob of whipped cream on top. "Since you're Mario, you get a discount. That'll be... uh... thirteen dollars!" he said.

Mario paid the bill. After they left, Mario popped open the box. He luckily caught himself about to drool on the donuts, so he drooled onto the seat instead. He grabbed one and took the best bite of his life. Which is actually every bite of his life. He offered one to everybody else, and then passed them their coolattas.

"Delicious!" Luigi said.

Mario was constantly sipping his coolatta to avoid drooling. After they had all devoured their donuts and coolattas, they hit the road again. Mario stopped them at a GameStop. Nothing really appealed to them inside, so they left soon.

"I don't know where else to go," Mario said. "OH, let's go to Olive Garden for lunch!" he yelled.

"But Olive Garden is more of a dinner place," Peach said.

"Well, let's go to...uh...Taco Bell, then!" Mario said. He slammed to a stop at Taco Bell.

"Hey, Mario!" a Toad at the counter said.

"I'll have a taco. Oh, actually, four tacos. With sodas." Mario said.

"That's pretty broad," The Toad replied. "We'll just give you some premium Toad-style tacos. How's that?" he asked.

"Fine," Mario said.

He led them to a table. The Toad came over with their tacos almost immediately. Mario tied a handkerchief around his face to hide his drool.

"Here's your tacos and sodas," the Toad said. Mario didn't say anything.

"Thanks," Luigi said for him. Puffs of steam flowed off the tacos.

"Darn, I should've gotten three for me," Mario suddenly said. He grabbed a taco, ripped off his handkerchief, and dug into it. He took a giant sip of soda. Peach and Daisy looked at each other a tad disgusted.

After they were done Mario paid the bill and left. "That was great," he said.

Then he stopped at Dairy Queen. He pressed the button. A Toad's voice said, "How can I help you?"

"I need a medium Master Blast with Reeses." Mario said.

"I'll have a small blast with strawberries," Peach said.

"I'll have a small blast with Butterfingers," Daisy said.

"I'll have a medium blast with, uh, M&M's." Luigi said.

"Comin' up!" the Toad answered. In no time he came roller skating out to them. "Hey, Mario!" he said. "Here's your blasts." He added, handing Mario the tray. Mario starting drooling right away. "Uh, have a good day." The Toad said, hurrying away.

Mario was obviously having a blast (literally). After they were all done, Mario started driving. "I don't know where to go." He said. "Maybe it's about time we went home."

"Yeah, I'm really tired." Luigi said.

"Alright, then," Mario said. He turned around and blasted back home.

When they got there it wasn't really dark. Luigi opened the trunk and pulled out mounds of food. Mario helped. Soon they had gotten their groceries into the house. Mario parked the Mercedes out back.

"This has been great," he said. Then he collapsed in bed.

"Yeah, I guess we can just go to sleep, even though it's still kind of early," Luigi said. He took off his shoes and cap and got into bed. He was asleep in two seconds. Peach and Daisy wanted to stay awake.

So, that was pretty much the end of their food-filled day. Mario went on to dream of food. The next morning presented the nicest breakfast anyone had seen in a long, long time.

A/N: Another thing customary to these stories is Mario's drool problem, and also a lot of food in general. You'll see!! :)

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