Yoshi's Story

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    One bright day, in the middle of the forest, a Yoshi stood on alert. On a bed of leaves behind him was an assortment of Yoshi eggs—all different colors of spots. Yoshi was proud of the green one, because that egg would be his heir, due to the fact that they both would be green. The other eggs were red, yellow, black, blue, light blue, and purple spotted.
    Suddenly, the Yoshi perked up. He sensed movement in the woods. Without warning, a Magikoopa (Kamek, to be exact) shot out of the trees toward him. The Yoshi had pretty fast reflexes, so he leapt up in the air and landed a kick to Kamek in the gut. He flew back, but didn't crash his broom. He swirled his wand and shot a magic blast at the Yoshi. The Yoshi jumped out of the way, but much to his dismay, the blast hit his green Yoshi egg instead! It sent the egg flying into the forest. Yoshi called for his egg, but it had already rolled too far away.
    The egg flopped through the forest, rolling off of leaves and such, glowing with purple magic and mist. It came to a cliff, teetering on the edge, and then fell off. It landed on a mushroom and rolled off onto the ground right into a village with lots of foot traffic. Had anyone been watching this event they would've died from worry, but luckily, no one was. The egg was kicked a few times, propelling it along, until somebody kicked it so hard it flew through the air, hit a door, and then landed on the doorstep. The purple magic glow had worn off by then.
      The door to the house opened, revealing a guy. "What's this doing here?" he asked himself, looking at the egg. He picked it up and brought it into the house, which was a mushroom. As it happens, this egg had rolled into Toad Town, where Toads were always busy walking the streets.

      The guy carried the egg into the living room and set it down on a rug by the fire. "Maybe it'll hatch," he said, knowing it housed a Yoshi. "Luigi, we've got company!" he yelled through the house.

"Who is it?" Luigi asked, coming into the room.

"An egg," Mario replied.

"Ooh, that's a Yoshi egg!" Luigi said.

"I know, dummy," Mario replied.

"Why are you so mean to me?" Luigi asked.

"Because you say dumb stuff a lot," Mario replied.

"Hmph." Luigi said, crossing his arms. A crack suddenly erupted from the bottom of the egg.

"It's HATCHING!" Mario yelled.

The whole egg was almost instantly covered in cracks, and purple light suddenly spewed out, blinding Mario and Luigi.

"This isn't normal!" Luigi yelled.

All at once, the egg busted open. The baby Yoshi was laying there, purple mist floating about him. Once Mario and Luigi had regained their sight, they eyed the Yoshi. It was tiny, and its eyes were closed. Once the mist had settled, the Yoshi spread out some white, feathery, bird-like wings.

"What in the galaxy??!!" Mario yelled. He was a bit scared of the Yoshi, but Luigi crouched down next to it and picked it up.

"This Yoshi must've been hit by magic!" he said. "When it grows up, it'll be awesome to ride!"

Mario raised an eyebrow.

"Let's call it Yoshi!" Luigi said.

Mario grumbled about this matter and went to bed. Luigi slept with the Yoshi.

       And so, as the years passed by, the bros raised Yoshi to be a big, flying dino. They soared him through the skies happily, eternally impressed by his amazingness.

On the bros 26th birthday (since they were twins they celebrated on the same day), they all declared themselves grown-up. They had a nice big cake. They cut Yoshi a slice and had a shindig.

It was on that day that Yoshi said, "I want to go out and look for my family!"

Mario spit out his cake. Very few things were shocking enough to make Mario spit out anything, but this was something else. "That's absurd, Yoshi! We have no idea where your family could be! Besides, your family probably lost your egg in an accident and forgot about you. You're really lucky you found people like us." Mario said.

"That's probably not true," Yoshi argued. "My family has probably missed me forever and thinks that I died. Well, I want to return to them, if they are alive, and live with them again."

"Yoshi, come on, you're ours!" Luigi said. "We don't want to lose you!"

Yoshi crossed his arms. "Well, I think going back with my family is the right thing to do. Wouldn't you want to do that?" he replied.

Mario sighed. "Come on. I guess it would be fair to leave us on our 26th birthday," he hopped onto Yoshi, and so did Luigi.

They busted out of the house and took off up the cliff. They flew into the woods.

"Where on earth would your family be?" Mario asked.

"I don't know!" Yoshi replied. He landed in a clearing.

"They could really be anywhere," Luigi remarked.

Yoshi settled down on a bed of leaves that was sitting there. Mario and Luigi got off and leaned against Yoshi.

"This was a boring idea," Luigi said.

Suddenly there was a rustling in the leaves, and much to their surprise, a green Yoshi walked out towards them. "What the! Who are you?" he asked. He had an armload of berries. "Why on earth do you have wings?" he asked Yoshi.

"Well, I think I was hit by a blast of magic when I was an egg," Yoshi replied.

The other Yoshi looked shocked. "Could it be?" he asked. "I think it is! You're my son!" he ran over and hugged Yoshi after he had dropped his berries. "Everybody! My son has returned!"

A bunch of different colored Yoshis dropped down from the trees and emerged from the bushes. "We're your brothers!" They yelled.

"You see, when you were an egg, Kamek attacked and hit you with a blast of magic, and you were sent flying away. I would've saved you, but I had to save my other eggs. I ended up defeating Kamek, but I never saw you again. Well, until now." The dad Yoshi told Yoshi.

"Wow," said Yoshi. Then he turned to Mario and Luigi. "Well, I'm gonna miss you guys," he said.

"Yeah, us too." Mario said. He hugged Yoshi, and so did Luigi.

"Well, bye." Luigi said. Then they turned to go.

While they were trekking back to Toad Town, Luigi said, "You really think that was the right thing to do?"

"I guess, because it made Yoshi happy. And if Yoshi's happy, I'm happy." Mario replied.

"Good." Luigi said.

The End

A/N: So I know this story is kind of different, but it's just a random idea I had for a fanfiction. It actually has...drama! ...and...plot!!
  So, yeah. Hope you enjoyed. :)

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