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Mariana pov:
I sat on my bed with my best friend and cousin, Lilly.
"Hey Mariana, Are you excited for your trip?"
Lilly was talking about my trip to new donk city, to visit dad. I was packing some clothes in my suitcase.
"Sure, I'm happy to see dad again, I just don't want to see you know.."
Lilly and me both hated my step mom and my step sister. Even though we never met them.
"Haha, oh yeah. Lucille is such a snob."
She opened up Toad-a-gram.
"Look at this new post!"
It showed Lucille and her mom wearing big oval-shaped-pink gold sunglasses from (It's owned by moms friend, pink gold peach)
"Ewww!" We both laughed.
"Dad said he feel bad for Auntie."
"Yeah I wish mom and dad never divorced."
A sharp pang of sadness filled me inside.
"If mom and dad ever divorced I would probably kill myself."
"Oh lilly!"
"Just kidding!" Suddenly a ding came from her iPhone.
"A new post."
She booted up toad-a-gram.
@Goldenglaze-Papa and me are having so much fun!
"Wait is that dad?!" I yelled.
I went on my phone and I typed:
@Calamariana Back off.
Lucille shortly typed after:
@Goldenglaze- ;) :) ;)
"ARGHH!" Lilly stood next to me.
"Come on. Let's finish packing."
{Lilly pov}
I helped Mariana pack, trying to get Lucille of her mind. I knew how much she felt hurt about the divorce. After all, she didn't find out after it.
"Hey, why don't we call rosie?"
"Sure!" Marian smiled.
I faced time rosie on my cell.
"HEY ROSIE!" We both cheered.
Mariana turned her back and kept on packing.
I whispered: "code black."
"Be right there."
She hung up.
"What happened!" Mariana exclaimed.
A bright light shone from the corner of Marianas room.
"Hey rosie!"
"Mom is gonna be so mad if she finds out that I stole her wand."
Rosie's mom is Rosalina, a close friend of marianas mom and mine.
She's also the guardian of the galaxy.
"Miss your dad huh?" Rosie asked.
"Yep. But imma visit him tomorrow!"
"Good. Some quality family time."
I looked towards the door.
Marianas little brother runs in the room.
"Mari, Mari!" He cheers happily. "Hey, Marco!" Mariana smiles. Mariana and Marco looked like total opposites. Marianna looked more like her dad and Marco looked more like his mom, blonde hair and all.
"Sissy, I want to come too!" Marco was four years old.
" I'm sorry Marco, but you get to stay here with mommy." Mariana replied.
Marco started to cry. " WAAA!!!"
Rosie tried to calm him down. " it's ok markie. You can stay here with Lilly and me." She waved her moms wand and suddenly, a bunny plushie appeared. " here. You can play with him." Marco's expression changed instantly. "Mr.CUDDLES!" He hugged the bunny.
"Mommy!!" He ran out of the room.
"He is so cute!" Rosie giggled.
Mariana looked at her suitcase.
"Well. I'm done. Wanna have a sleepover tonight? I leave at 8 in the morning."

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