Super Mario Galaxy: Tasting Star Bits

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A/N: Based on a comic called "Super Mario Galaxy" by an awesome Deviantart artist, Paratroopacx

[Mario's P.O.V]

"Dear Mario, please come to my castle on the night of the Star Festival. There's something I'd like to give you."

From Peach.

Something? What could she-a possibly mean by something? Usually, she would say- I mean- write- "I've baked you some cake" but this time she made it more MYSTERIOUS.

Maybe she-a got me a brand-spanking new Wii! (Remember this was 2007, ten years before the Nintendo Switch XD)

Anyway, in case you didn't already know, the Star Festival takes place one every-a century to celebrate a huge comet that passes the Mushroom Kingdom. Not only that, but countless shiny, colourful gem things fall from the sky! They're called Star Bits and they're actually edible! Their flavour depends on their colour. Here's a little list of my favourite-a Star Bits.

Red Star Bits: Strawberry

Yellow Star Bits: Honey

Purple Star Bits: Chocolate Fudge

Oh, but there was-a one color of Star Bits that I hadn't tried yet: the green ones.  I slipped on my trademark red cap,  skipped cheerfully out of my house; only to be greeted with a lawn adorned with multi-colored Star Bits twinkling in the moonlight. I gazed in awe at the splendid sight. I mean, I was-a used to seeing them but they would always impress me!

I ran out onto the lawn and scooped up a couple of green Star Bits. I placed one of them into my mouth and began to slowly chew it...




I-a quickly swallowed away the loathsome solution and let out a few coughs. One thing-a for sure was that I was never eating a green Star Bit again. NEVER AGAIN! 

To compensate my taste-buds for the suffering they had just endured, I began to eat a couple of the ones I liked. 

[Peach's P.O.V]

I had found this mysterious star child in the courtyard of the castle. He told me his name was Luma and that he was trying to get back to his home in Space. As he tagged along after me into the castle, I asked him a few more questions.

"Luma, do you have a mother?" 

"Oh yes, Princess." he chirped.

I looked up at him. Hopefully, if he could clearly describe what his mother looked like, he could be returned to her.

"What does your mother look like?" I inquired.

"Well she's, um, tall and she has an...eye."

I widened my eyes in shock.

"An EYE? J-just one eye?!"

"Y-yes Princess Peach."

"D-don't worry," I replied, dumbfounded,

"W-we'll find your mother."

"Alright," The young child chirped, eyes lighting up with hope.

"Also, my friend Mario is coming over this evening. He's a great guy. He also knows a lot about the Real World since he was born there. We've known each other for years now. He can help you get home, too."

"Ohh, Mario..." Luma cooed, unexpectedly.

"Y-yes.. His name is Mario. Heh... He's Italian.." I replied, awkwardly.

"Are you sure you don't like him more than just a friend?" he added with a smirk.

"Hey!" I squeaked, blushing in embarrassment.

"Tell me! Tell me!" he chanted.

"It's... complicated grown-up stuff. You won't understand," I  told him, my cheeks still a bright red.

What a cheeky child he was! XD

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