Epilogue - Greetings from Sunny Isle Delfino

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   One morning, when the condensation from the forest was still settling over everything, a letter fell across the doorstep of a small lone house outside of Toad Town, which was tucked in a homely little clearing off Mushroom Way.

With a yawn which was quickly cut off by an eager hand, the single housekeeper found it on the step later that morning as he went outside. On opening it, he found a small, adorably-wrapped little postcard, along with a folded piece of yellow paper adorned with dolphins and a mischievously familiar handwriting. It read:

Dear bro,

   Ciao from sunny Isle Delfino!

   By the time you get this I should probably be home soon. But that's okay!
   So much has happened over this last week like you can't even imagine. But whatever you do, don't read the Isle Delfino news, and if you do, don't believe anything it says about me! I'm gonna be the first to tell you if I went to jail.
   Anyway, the vacation has been pretty fun so far! There's a giant harbor here where I got to try some lobster and other prelibatezze—don't be jealous, I'll bring something for you! You wouldn't believe the size of the trout that the princess caught the other day when we fished there. Mama mia!
   Sometimes at night I like to go outside and relax under the stars. There's so many visible from Sirena Beach! I also met a yoshi here, but I had to leave him behind. I met a lot of people, actually. This place is pretty busy!
   Speaking of the hotel, it's really nice, but it felt a little bit big at first. Tell Professor Gadd that Imma come visit him as soon as I return. I got his package and I have to tell you all about it!
   Tomorrow we plan to go back to Ricco Harbor for blooper surfing. They ride on the little guys here!
   Anyway, all's well that ends well! Mi sto divertendo molto—don't worry about a thing!
   There is something else a bit important I need to tell you—but maybe I'll wait for that.
And also, if anyone asks, I did not jump off the roof of the airplane.
   I'll probably see you in a couple of days. With any luck, I'll be rested up for another adventure before you know it!

Peach and Toadsworth say hi!




   Later that next week, across a quiet stretch of sand off the coast of Gelato Beach, far, far away, a masked human man happened upon a strange discovery. It was not terribly of consequence, though it was an unusual object, which is why it deserves mention. It was an odd, giant staff like a paintbrush, covered with strange markings, sticking skyward out of the beach by the natural rock wall. It might have held a specific use—a magical one at that—but with the outlander having no idea what this could be, he simply left it to itself, to hold its own against the sun and the sea.

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