30th Dare

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From Laurance
I dare you to tell us who you like more. Aaron. Laurance. Jeffory. Or Alex

Babypups: That is so easy

Aaron: Me right

Babypups: No

Jeffory: No its me right

Babypups: Nope

Laurance: Me then right

Babypups: No. The one I love is Alex. I wish he was here but no I had to teleport all ofy friends away because you guys were going to kill him.

Aaron, Laurance, Jeffory: We are sorry. You can bring in whoever you want. Just not Alex.

Babypups: Really *Teleports Ross* Hey Ross.

Ross: Hey Baby. This place is pretty Rossome if I do say so myself.

Babypups: If Adam was here you would be dead.

Aaron: Whos the Sloth

Ross: Im not a Sloth. Im a Narwal.

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