Seeing Garroth

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Babys P.O.V

Today is the day I get to beat Garroth. I get to show him my true power. I have The Few, my pokemon, and Phoenix Drop on my side. And what does Garroth have. He only has Ohkasis and Jury of Nine. I already told everyone me and my pokemon are taking Garroth. Alex is going to be close by incase. I dont know why he would, I can take Garroth down. "Everyone lets go." I open the portal. We all head out to see Aaron, Laurance, Jeffory, and Phoenix Drop all ready. We all head to the gate to see Ohkasis already at the gates I stay in the back so Garroth cant see me. Aaron goes up to the gates. Garroth says "Well, well, well, I see the lazy Lord has sent her head gaurd to confront me." "Actually you are talking to the lord. Baby isn'tlord anymore. I am." "She backed down right before the war. WOW." I went to the front with The Few and my Pokemon behind me. "Really. Says the person who left us to go with them." "Who are they and what are those." "These are the people who trusted me and those are my pets who will kick your butt." "Thats it. CHARGE" Yelled Garroth. Me and my pokemon ran towards Garroth. He went after me first. I turned in to Lady Thor/Wolf Hybrid/Lady Irena. I flew up and sturk lighting right next to him and made him jump. He looked at me and said "What are you?" "Im Lady Thor/Wolf Hybrid/Lady Irenas and thors daughter. Flame use flamethrower." Flame used flamethrower it strucked him. He charged after me. "Baby watch out" Yelled Alex. I flew up, hit him with my hammer. He was knocked out. I toke him to the jail and locked him up. I went back to find out Phoenix Drop won. We went back to the jail, he was awake. "What happend." "You lost thats what." "Lost what." "The war against Phoenix Drop and that pathetic city you call Ohkasis." "We lost against Ohkasis." "No you guys lost to us." "So he really did it. He really did." "Who?" "Zane switch bodys with me." "Well me and my team are leaving." As we started to leave Aaron said "Please dont leave. I cant take being lord anymore. I want to be a gaurd to a beautiful lord. Will you please stay. The Few and Your pokemon can stay. You can stay Alexs girlfriend. Even thought I wish you werent." "Fine I will stay if you guys let me do stuff on my own or with my team." "Okay!!" "Fine then I will be lord again." "Can I be a gaurd again?" Asked Garroth. "Sure but you aren't first command. Aaron is." "Okay"

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