The Letter

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Babys P.O.V.

Me and Alex just got back from the mall. I called for Aphamu, Kala, Emma, and Shadow to come and try there dresses on. We all went to my room to try them on. They all fit. Alex called us. We quickly took off the dresses. "Yes Alex." I noticed Night. "Hi Night." "Hi Baby. I have a letter for you, The Few, and The Gang." I took the letter from Night. "Thank you Night." "No problem. Well, bye Baby." "Bye Night." Night flew off. I opened and read the letter. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." "Why are you so happy?" Asked Steven. "Because my village is having a Valentine dance. But I have one problem." "And what is that." Asked Pbat. "All the boys that like me are going to ask me and I'm going to have to say no to them if someone else asked me first and I said yes." "Oh." "Aphmau, will you go to the Valentine Dance with me?" Asked Sly. "Of course I will." Said Aphmau. "Baby, will you go to the dance with me?" Asked Alex. "Yes!! I will." I said. "I'm going to go pack all of my new clothes and the dresses for the other girls." I said. "Can I come and help you?" Asked Jose. "Sure." I said. Me and Jose headed to my room. "So Jose, who are you going to ask?" I asked. "I don't know yet." Jose said. "Well if you want I can introduce you to some of the girls in my village if you want." I said. "I would love that." Jose said. "Okay, well lets finish packing my stuff." "Okay." We finished packing my stuff. So did everyone else. We teleported to my house cuz we all had to much stuff. "Come on Jose. Lets have you meet some girls." I said. "Okay." Said Jose. "Can we come to. We don't know who to ask?" Asked Kats, Steven, Kats, and Castor. "Sure." Said me and Jose. "Lets go." I

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