The Shadow Night

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Babys P.O.V.
"Lord Baby, you still need to explain you past to us." Said Aaron. "Fine. Lets go to my house." We started to head to my house. On the way, Shadow whispered to me "Do you need help explaining." I nodded. I explained everything to them. "Does anyone havr questions?" "Yes, why did you leave The Few?" Asked Jeffory. I started to tear up. Jose noticed and so did Alex. Jose beat Alex to myside. Before I started to cry, Jose hugged me. I buried my face into his chest. "Lord Baby get away from him." Said Laurance. "Why?" I made out so he could hear while I'm still crying. "He's a full blown Shadow Night." Said Laurance. "Laurance please calm down." Said Garroth. "Why should I, he could kill her any second." "I would never do that." Yelled Jose

Jose P.O.V.
Baby whispered something so only I can hear. "I knew this would happen. Jose please make them stop." "Get him away from her." "STOP." I yelled. "What did you just say." Said Laurance. "I said Stop. She trusts me. We act like Brother and Sister. We are there for each other when the other need them." I snapped right back. I hugged her closely. She hugged me tightly. I could also tell Laurance was a Shadow Night. "I-I'm Sorry." "It's okay." Said Baby. I stroke her hair. "I'm going to fi." Said Laurance. "Laurance wait.

Alexs P.O.V.
I know Baby and Jose have a Brother Sister relationship. But I'm jelouse that she hugged him and not me.

Babys P.O.V.
Laurance came back to my house. I hugged Jose closer. "I'm sorry." Said Laurance. "It's fine. But I need to leave tomorrow. I will be back." "No. If you leave I'm coming with you." Said Aaron. "No, remember our deal." "Fine. Where are you going?" Said Aaron. "I'm going to The Hall."

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