Chapter 1

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Me and Celeste were in my room watching anime when Celeste pulls a box from under my bed. It was my old pictures from when I was with the Few. I opened the box and take out some of the pictures, tearing up a little bit. There was a picture of me and the Few standing in front of Asguard when I finished building it. I put the box away and put the picture in my pocket, wiping away a few tears before I go downstairs. I go into the kitchen and see Kawaii-Chan making cookies.

"Kawaii-Chan I'm going out for a while." I tell her. She just nods and I go over to Castor's house and walk straight through the door. He always jumps through my window so I'm allowed to walk through his door. "Castor are you here?" I shout. Suddenly, he is right in front of me. I don't get scared anymore since I am use to it now.

"What's up Jess?" He speeds us into his living room, shooing away the chickens.

"I found this." I show him the picture and he instantly goes to hug me.

"We had to leave them to protect them. If we stayed, he would have killed them." Before I could reply, the television started to say something that interested me.

"Breaking news. There is a villain attacking Meteli, but there are heroes fighting against the villain but they seem to be loosing. The Tv shows Loki battling the Few. Me an Castor look at each other before Castor picks me up and runs to his basement where our suits are and we quickly put them on, also grabbing Mjolnir before we go to Meteli.

"Laurence and Cadenza are also in Meteli visiting their father aren't they?" Castor reminds me, making me fly faster. As soon as we reached Meteli, Iron Man, or Sly, flew straight into me, unconscious. I catch him and look around to see the rest of the Few unconscious around the area.

"This is bad. Castor, get everybody to safety, maybe at Laurence's house for now while I will try to defeat Loki. He nods and grabs Sly off of me and takes him to Laurence's house while I turn to Loki with my hammer in my hand. Luckily, I grabbed a cloak so nobody would recognize me. Nobody would recognize Castor because he is always in a disguise and he took it off when he put his suit on. My head piece doesn't cover my face so I put a cloak on. "Loki I will kill you!"

"Oh niece, not if I get you first!" We both strike at each other and I strike him with lightning. He tries to attack me but I dodge his attack. This carries on for a while, tiring us both out. He knocks me down and I go falling to th ground at a super fast speed, leaving a huge dent in the road but I get up and strike him with lightning before hitting him with my hammer.

"Give up Loki!" He summons a giant gawkin.

"A little present. Until next time niece." He disappears. I go over yo the gawkin and start to hit it with lightning but it was hardly doing any damage so I try to go hit it with my hammer but it hits me and I go flying into a building. I feel a warm substance dripping down my forehead but I didn't have to look at it to see that it was blood. I can feel that I have many cuts all over my body but I still have my hood on. When I jump out of the building, I see Castor trying yo kill the gawkin and it look like he is doing a better job than me. I'm not as powerful because I haven't used Mjolnir for three years. I finish the gawkin off with my lightning before I fly down to Castor.

"Are you okay? Let's quickly get you to Laurence's house." He catches me as I fall from being to weak and he picks me up bridal style and runs into Laurence's house. I look around the room to see the Few all around the place unconscious an I could see Laurence and Cadenza looking at us. By now my hood has fell off of my head, showing the blood on my head. I wipe the blood away from my eye.

"Aphmau? Oh my Irene! Laurence pass me the bandages." I awkwardly smirk at her before falling unconscious but I manage to say one thing before I do.

"Tell anybody about this like the gang or the Few and I will strike you with lightning." This is when I finally let the darkness consume me.

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