Chapter 16

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Aphmau POV

As soon as I finished explaining to Kawaii-Chan, she falls asleep on the couch. Laurence picks her up and takes her into his room since I didn't finish making all of the guest bedrooms. I should finish building Asguard in my spare time that I'm here.

"Katelyn has also fallen asleep. Should I take her to my room?" Cadenza asks me. I walk over to Katelyn and put her under the purple covers, tucking her in.

"She can sleep here until I can build more guest rooms. I can just sleep on the couch until then." She looks at me worriedly.

"But your arm! You won't be able to heal properly if you sleep on the couch. Sleep in my bed, please."

"I'm fine, trust me. You just go back to your room. Dinner should be ready soon." I turn her around and shove her out of the door. I then sit back down and take out a piece of paper and a pencil, drawing out plans for Asguard, such as guest rooms and a creative room where I do all of my inventing. Soon, the chef comes in and drops me and Katelyn some food off. I thank him. He made us sandwiches and left some fruit. We will get proper dinner later. I eat my food before lying down on the couch and fall asleep.

Katelyn POV

I wake up to see Aphmau, or Jess, sleeping on the couch with a cast on her broken arm. I get up and look at the bedside table next to me and see some sandwiches and fruit. I'm guessing it's for me. I eat it before looking at the time. It's 4pm. While I'm eating, I hear Aphmau scream out in pain so I run over to her but I don't see what's wrong until I see blood coming coming out of a long cut in her cast. She screams out in pain but this time, it's her other arm. I quickly run down, trying to find somebody.

"Hello? Somebody help! Something is happening to Aphmau." I turn the corner to see the gang coming out of the rooms.

"What's with all the shouting?" Travis asks me.

"Aphmau is bleeding a lot and I don't know what to do!" Everybody becomes alert and I see both Cadenza and Laurence come out of the rooms labeled "Batgirl" and "Batman". They are both wearing their suits.

"What's wrong with Jess?" 'Batman' asks me.

"She's screaming in her sleep and cuts are appearing all over her body! I don't know what to do." Cadenza looks at Laurence before running off. He looks back over to me.

"Show them the way to the room while I go to her. Batgirl has gone to get the gang." He runs off and I quickly show them to the room to see Laurence without his hood on.

"L-Laurence? Your Batman?" Garroth stutters. He just nods at Garroth before turning back to Aphmau, picking her up and moving her to the bed.

"Katelyn, put pressure on the arm which isn't broken. I'm going to go find Castor and get him to come help." Laurence says before putting on a ring, growing some bat wings. We all look at him with wide eyes. He just jumps out of the window.

Laurence POV

Jess is in a physical dream and Sly said that only Castor can get her out of it but he is at his house, checking on his chickens. I jump out of the window and quickly fly to Castors house, landing in front of him.

"Hello stupid Laurence. What brings you here?" He shuts the door to his chicken coop and looks over to see my worries look.

"Jess is in a physical dream. We need you to come back and help." All I feel is Castor grabbing my wrist before appearing in front of the portal. We both jump on it and run up to see the Few in the room with the gang. Jess still in her physical dream. Castor walks up to her and puts his hands on her chest, a glow emoting before he falls onto the bed. I quickly put Castor down next to Jess, making Aaron and Garroth jealous.

"Guys don't be jealous or I'm going to have to ask you to leave." They both just sigh. Hopefully Castor can help her wake up.

Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to darkness everywhere. Where am I?

"Hello? Is anybody there?" I shout out, going to walk forward when suddenly, Loki is in front of me. "Loki! I should have known you were behind this." I growl at him.

"Now now niece, calm down. I'm just here to kill you. If you don't struggle, I will make it quick." He smirks at me. I summon Mjolnir and go to strike him with lightning but before I could, I feel vines grabbing my arms and legs, making me struggle.

"Let me go and fight me!" I shout at him.

"Now why would I do that when I could just kill you now and destroy the world?" He summons a knife and starts to cut my arm with the cast on. Luckily it doesn't hurt in physical dreams. I bite my tongue to keep me from screaming in pain but I failed. He goes to my other arm and cuts that seem as well. He does it very slowly. He then moves to my chest. "Any last words!" He asks me. I send a little lightning bolt from my finger and set the vines on fire, willing my body to have fire resistance on. It's my dream as well. I jump down from the vines and I strike him with lightning.

"Do you have any last words before I kill you?" I grin at him. He just tsks before summoning his staff.

"Let's fight then." He shoots a green ball at me. I dodge it and I strike him with Mjolnir. He strikes me again but this time, he hits me in the stomach, making me fall over. "Any last words?" I just growl at him, trapped by his vines. He goes to stab the knife on my chest but the knife disappears.

"Looking for something?" Castor says, holding the knife so he can see it. I smile at him.

"I will be back niece!" He disappears. The vines disappear and Castor hugs me.

"I really need to upgrade the charms. I might do it later today if you want to come?" I ask him. He just smiles at me.

"First, let's get out of here." That's all I hear before I see darkness.

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