Chapter 20

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Aphmau POV

I set up some snacks and put Once Upon A Time on ready for when Katelyn is finished in the shower. Soon enough, she comes out in a pair of blue pyjamas with gold stars. I then go and get changes into the purple version of what Katelyn is wearing. I walk out and sit next to Katelyn.

"Don't we have to tell the guys that we are safe? They might worry." She looks over to me.

"True. Laurence woke me and Travis up at 6am because he didn't know where I was. I will mind link them now. If you want, you can listen to the conversation but you won't be able to speak." She nods and I grab her wrist before opening the superhero mind link. I added Travis to it as well.

"Guys, since I'm
Hiding from Sly, me and Katelyn will be in my protective anti-Ironman safe room. Just thought I'd let you guys know." I say to them.

"You better hide Jess! You hacked my suit!" I hear Sly shout through the mind link and me and Katelyn burst out laughing.

"Maybe you should upgrade the security of your suit. I did you a favour. Hehe." I eat a cookie while mind linking this.

"How did you learn to hack anyway? That was the best security in the world. You could never even hack your own computer." I hear everybody on the link laughing.

"I have my ways. Now excuse me while I read my Sly related friend fictions with Katelyn. Bye!" I cut the link off and we spend the rest of the night watching anime. We both fell asleep around 6am.

I open my eyes to see that we are at a secret base, scanning the area until I can recognise where we are. We are in the remains of Falcon Claw. Smart idea. Nobody would look here too see the base since it's apparently haunted. I walk in the door which is a slightly lighter colour than the mountain the door is built into. I only noticed it because the doors had a little gap in the middle. I walk in and walk past all of the Gawkin guards that cannot see me. In guessing this is Loki's base from all of the Gawkins. I walk into a room.

"We need to find a way to get The Few away from my niece. If she is away from them long enough, she will slowly start to weaken. Then I can take Mjolnir and harness its godly power, ruling the world." Loki laughs evilly. Who is he talking to? Before I can see them, everything disappears.

"Jess wake up. Please. Your worrying me." I hear Katelyn say. She sounds really worried and her voice is shaking. I sit up and open my eyes.

"I'm okay. What's wrong?"  I look over at the clock on the wall to see that it's 2pm. I'm 2 hours late for our meeting.

"You were mumbling inaudible things and you was sweating. Are you okay?"  I hug her, assuring her I was fine.

"Happy birthday by the way. I move back and give her a cupcake, finding a candle. I light the candle and made her blow it out before giving her the cupcake. "Now I need to hurry up and get to the meeting to find Loki. You might not see me for a while but if you need me, even if you want comfort, just mind link me." I hug her before taking a shower and leaving to the Hall. I walk in too see all of The Few here, including  Laurence, Cadenza and Travis.

"Jess where have you been? We was meant to meet up two hours ago!" Sly scolds me.

"I was with Katelyn and I didn't set an alarm. Katelyn woke me up." I sit down at my table and look over at everybody else, waving.

"Anyway, we need to find out where Loki is hiding. Do you guys have any ideas?" Sly pulls up the map on the wall behind where the judges post is. It shows all of the areas of the world of Minecraftia. While everybody is giving out ideas, I take out a tablet from my table and go onto minecraft maps, looking at Falcon Claw. I move over to the mountain and I see the doors of Loki's base. Well, the lighter version of it.

"Jess! Are you even paying attention? We are trying to figure out where Loki's base is while you are just playing and not paying attention! He is your uncle and the reason he is trying to kill us is because of you!" I stand up and walk over to Sly, my hair covering my eyes. When I am I front of him, I look up at him, feeling my eyes go a little red. I slap him across the face before shouting at him.

"Playing? While you guys have been talking, I found his base." I glare at him, my eyes going even more red. When a superhero is very angry, our eyes turn red a little bit but never has it turned this red. All I can see is red. "I know that it's my fault Loki is trying to kill you and I'm sorry! Why do you think I left? He blackmailed me saying he would kill you all if I stayed! This is why I tried avoiding you guys at all costs for the last three days, hiding my identity? I wanted to protect you guys!" I slap him again before tearing up. "This is why I'm just going to leave and kill Loki by myself. Goodbye. I will tell Katelyn when I have accomplished my mission and I will stay away from you all." I take my suit off and put it on an armour stand I had on me, leaving Mjolnir next to it. "Have a good life Sly. Take care of Asguard for me." I run out of the hall, teleporting to Katelyn who is in the hall.

"Jess? What's wrong? Who do I have to murder?" I drag her into the vault, locking the door behind me.

"Sly told me how he really felt about me. I'm leaving." I hug her and cry into her shoulder. "Did anybody remember your birthday?" She shakes her head.

"Please don't leave me. At least take me with you!" She starts to cry.

"It's not safe and I need somebody to take care of the others and Boomy." I let go of her again and I jump up to my armour stands, taking Wasp girl. "You will always have me in the link. Give me your gloves for a moment." She gives me her gloves and I enable the ability to teleport only to me if I agree to it. "Just press this button if it flashes green and you will be able to teleport to me."

"Thank you for always being here for me. Good luck and stay safe." She whispers to me as we walk out of the vault. I see Sly at the front door, searching frantically so I hide on the roof. I see Katelyn go over to him and punch him in the face. "That's for chasing my best friend away!" Sly holds  his bleeding nose and looks at Katelyn with wide eyes.

"Where is she? Please! I need to know. I need to apologise! I didn't mean what I said." He starts to cry.

"It doesn't matter now. She has gone to kill Loki with her Wasp girl suit." He opens up the screen on his arm and loads something before looking up at me sitting on a block.

"Tracking devise?" I jump down. He nods at me before going to hug me but I move out of the way. I look on my suit but I couldn't find the tracker. "Where is it." I go to look again but I could feel my arms being held behind my back gently.

"Sorry Jess but we can't let you leave by yourself." It was Castor. He picks me up and takes me to the cells, locking me in one.

"Castor let me out!" I shout at him. I see Sly teleport to Castor with Katelyn, throwing her in with me.

"I'm going to kill you for throwing me in here!" She goes to punch the wall but I pull her back.

"It's electrified, it won't work." She just huffs and crosses her arms.

"You are staying here until you calm down and let us help you. We don't want you to go and get yourself killed." Sly says with authority.

"It would be for the best since it's my fault my uncle is trying to kill you! You should be happy that I would be out of your life!" I provoke him. He just looks away. "Just leave." I glare at them both, waiting until they left. As soon as they are gone, I punch the camera, turning to Katelyn. "Let's get out of here." We smirk at each other.

The game is on.

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