Chapter 22

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Aphmau POV

I teleport away from Katelyn and land on something. I look down to see it was Vylad. I quickly get off of him. I chose to teleport to Vylad because he was on a mountain, meditating.

"Aphmau? What are you doing here? How did you even find this place?" He stands up.

"I teleported to you. Please don't say anything about me being here." I give permission for Katelyn to teleport. "I'm kind of being chased by super heroes.

"What did you do!?" He jumps away from me.

"I'm a superhero and my friends put me and Katelyn in the dungeon so I teleported to you. Katelyn should be coming soon then we will be gone. I will tell you the story as soon as Katelyn is here. I sit down and wait. Soon, Katelyn teleports to me but with Cadenza and Boomy. Boomy jumps to me while the two girls greet Vylad. I look at Katelyn confused.

"She tries to save us but instead was thrown in the dungeon with us." Vylad is just staring at Cadenza with big eyes. She still has her Batgirl suit but there seems to be a rip on the arm.

"Y-you're Batgirl? Since when!" Looks like we have a lot of explaining to do. We all explain to Vylad about what has been happening. He just nods along.

"And that is why we are now here." I look over at the time to see that it has been two hours since we teleported. It's now 5pm.

"That was one interest story. So what are you girls going to do now?" He asks me. I walk over to the cabinet and pull out a sewing kit before walking over to Cadenza.

"Well I need to fix Cadenza's suit before  we do anything. Her abilities won't work if left ripped." She looks at her ripped sleeve before giving me her arm. I quickly fix it up with my poorly bandaged hand.

"Vylad do you have some bandages I can borrow?" Katelyn asks him. Vylad points up to a cabinet. Katelyn takes out the first aid kit and walks over to me, grabbing my hand before wrapping it properly.

"Thank you so much for letting us stay but we have to go and find a place to stay for the day. I need to call Mjolnir to me." I say to him and I walk out of the door, holding Boomy but I am pulled back in.

"Stay for the night. Not even Garroth knows of this place. You should be safe." I smile at him and thank him.

"Girls, I need to call Mjolnir. Come outside with me if you want but stay a distance away." Everybody follows me outside. I hold my hand up and shout. "Mjolnir! Come to me and aid me in my time of need!" I am struck with lightning. When the Lightning is gone, I am in my suit and I am holding Mjolnir. Everybody is just staring at me. "What? I'm the Godess of Thunder. What do you expect?" Cadenza just face palms.

"Let's go inside." We all go inside and we discuss our next plan of action. I take my suit off after checking  for any tracking devises on all of us. We are devise free.


I just watch Katelyn and Cadenza disappear in front of my eyes. How did they escape this quickly. I punch the wall before turning to Castor who looks very angry.

"We have to find them! I can't let my best friend die!" He disappears after shouting. I mind link all of the superheroes to get everybody to the discussion room in the hall before going their myself. Jess' Wasp suit isn't being tracked on my tracker. Soon, everybody is here looking at the armour stand with her suit on it.

"Guys I have gathered you all here today because Jess, Katelyn and Cadenza have run away from us. They know the location of Loki's base and if we don't find them soon then they are all either going to be captured by Loki or killed. We need to send out search parties to look for both the girls and the location of Loki's base. Any questions?" Garroth raises his hand. "Yes?"

"How are the non superhero showing to help. We don't have speed like you guys do." He says. Travis stands up.

"Me and Jess have been inventing a hover board so I can quickly make you hover boots with my speed but."

"Good Flash. We need all the help we can get." While we are in a big discussion, we usually call each other by our superhero names. I didn't call Jess Lady Thor before because I was stressed. Travis runs to Asguard and starts the hover boots for the guys.

"I can start trying to use spells to locate them but I know Cadenza and Aphmau have both got charms on. Does anybody know about Katelyn?" Lucinda asks. She with a few others still call her by Aphmau.

"Katelyn has enchanted gloves but I don't think it's very strong. It should work if they aren't expecting it." Lucinda nods and goes to her room.

"I found Loki's base! Well, Jess did." I look over at Kala to see her holding the tablet that Jess was using to find his base. How did I not think of this.

"Load the image to the screen." She does as I say. On the picture, there is the side of a mountain but it looks like Jess has put a square around a part of it. The inside of the square is lighter. "Good job Wolverine. Now do you know where the location is?" She goes to check but the tablet turns off. She screams out of frustration.

"Does anybody know where that place is?" I look around to see Aaron standing up.

"That's the mountain near the remains of Falcon Claw." He sits back down.

"Ok. We need to help search for Jess before she goes in." As soon as I say that, I see Mjolnir shaking. It suddenly flys out of the window at lightning speed. Castor chases it. Her suit disappears just as a thunder strike hits a mountain in the far distance. Castor soon comes back.

"She is on a mountain with Vylad. Garroths brother." He informs me.

"Ok, we need to all get ready. She won't leave until tomorrow. Meet me here at 7am if you are going to come on this mission to destroy Loki." Everybody nods and leaves, Laurence saying something about telling Lucinda that she can stop. I look over at Kala to see her glaring at me before leaving. She is still mad at me for saying those things to Jess. I'm mad at myself. At least we know where she is now.

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