Chapter 25

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Aphmau POV

I jump down from the beam and run to my room in the hall, avoiding Katz and Garroth. I quickly jump on the portal and run out of the chest room before Sly and Steven saw me and I put in the password to the vault.

"Jess?" I hear Alex say. I quickly grab his arm and pull him into the vault and shut the door before anybody notices. As soon as he turns around, I hug him.

"Hey Alex. We haven't talked in a while have we? The last time was probably three years ago." I let go of the hug.

"Yeah. We never got the time to talk since you came back. You were always busy." He tells me. I smile at him before turning around and grabbing some Uru blocks and other materials for the girls suits. I also grab a little armour set for Boomy.

"Well I got what I came here for. I'm going to go back to the girls if you don't mind. I will see you later." I tell him. He grabs my wrist, stopping me.

"Can I come?" He asks me. I smile at him and nod.

"Sure. I have an idea to get you away from them without looking suspicious." I explain to him my plan and he nods. He loosely ties my hands together but enough to look tight and he picks me up over his shoulder before walking out of the vault. I have the stuff I got in my pocket. Don't ask how it fits.

"I told everybody to go to the hall." He tells me. We soon arrive at the hall.

"You really are troublesome aren't you Jess?" Steven says. I stick my tongue out at him.

"So Alex, how has your day been?" I turn to him.

"Fine. Had to chase a crazy lady around Asguard. How about you!" He asks me.

"I was having a good day until metal head over here kidnapped me." I point over to Sly while saying this.

"Maybe if you stopped playing with him, you would never get caught." He sticks his tongue out at me. I return the gesture.

"Well I'm gonna run now. See ya Bffl. Tell Castor I said hi!" I pretend to run off but I am now trapped in the circle.

"Jess can you please stop running. We can just talk this out." Sly says. I glare at him.

"I'd rather leave, thank you." He just sighs.

"Jess Loki is after you. You can't just adventure around. He could attack you at any moment." Sly says. I just give him a 'I'm not stupid' look. "He is out to kill you. We want to protect you. Please come back so we can keep you from harm."

"The reason I'm staying away from you is so I can protect you. You being with me is slowly going to kill you. Loki is going to kill all of the people around me just so I can suffer." I look at him dead in the eyes. "Not everybody here can protect themselves. Not even Travis knows how to use his full speed yet and Laurence doesn't know all of his weapons. You guys will be vulnerable if Loki attacks you because you have to protect the others as its your duty as a superhero. I'm doing my part now you do yours." I tell him before pulling my hands out of the hold behind me and grabbing Alex who is next to me. "Until next time." I teleport to Katelyn, me and Alex falling on top of her.

"Ouch! Jess you need to lose weight." She shoves me off of her, Alex already standing up. Katelyn gets up and notices Alex. "Why is Alex here!" She asks. I just awkwardly smile at her.

"Long story. But I brought goodies!" I pull out everything from my pockets and put it on the cave floor. I just noticed we were in a cave.

"Oh! What did ya get?" Cadenza asks, walking in with Timberly.

"You actually took his chickens?" Alex looks at me. I grin at him.

"I needed to borrow them." I dig through the big pile of stuff, taking out a sew stacks of explosive baterangs and giving it to Cadenza. I then take out some cloth and give it to Kala. Her suit is ripped and is hardly staying together and she needs a new one.

"I can make a new suit!" She squeals before running to the crafting table.

"And I have some tools for Katelyn!" I give her some swords, pick axes and iron ingots. She goes and makes iron armour, with help from Alex. "Boomy come here!" He comes to me and I put a helmet on his head. "You look so cute!" I squeal.

"What's with the helmet?" Boomy asks me.

"You said you wanted to help so you will obviously need armour. We can't leave you without protection." I pick him up and hug him. "I don't know what I would do if you left me. I already left you once." I kiss his head before putting him down.

"I will always be with you." He tells me.

"Now let's go repair my suit! We attack tomorrow." I run over to the crafting table after Katelyn walks away from it. Katelyn is telling Alex about the plan. As soon as I finish repairing my suit, I place five beds down and face plant into the one closest to me. I then summon my hover board and send electricity through it and give it a lot of power.

"When did the board turn purple?" Katelyn asks me.

"The blue one I gave to Travis. I made this one. You watched me make it." I tell her.

"Oh yeah." She face palms. I just get under the covers and let the darkness consume me.

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