Chapter 3

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Aphmaus POV

I wake up to a chicken pecking my face. Ouch. Why did Castor have to like chickens, he isn't even allowed chickens in the house but the landlord doesn't want to talk to the 'crazy chicken shaman'. I get out of the bed and grab my hammer, taking it down to his basement and putting it in its rightful place where my suit also is already before I go down stairs to the kitchen and get some painkillers for my headache. I go to reach for a glass but a chicken jumps I front of me, making me drop it, making a loud noise. Suddenly, Castor is right in front of me.

"I heard a smash, are you alright?" He looks on the kitchen counter behind me and notices the smashed glass then looks at me again. I just raise my hands up in a surrender position.

"The chicken scared me." He grabs me another glass and gives it to me after filling it with water. I put the glass down as soon as I finish taking the painkillers and we both go into the living room and change the channel from the chicken channel to the News channel. Yes, there is a chicken channel with only one person who actually likes that channel.

"I will go make us some breakfast so you just stay here and rest since you took quite a beating yesterday." I just nod and turn my head back to the news, paying close attention to what's happening.

"The damage done yesterday in Meteli by the villain was humongous. Who knows what would have happened if the superheroes didn't come to try and save us. I am here now at the scene of the fight where everything happened." It shows us a bit of the damage and the battle before showing... The Few flying down in front of the camera? I quickly call Castor before paying attention to the Tv again.

"Hello I am Sly Stark and we are The Few. Yesterday, while we was all knocked out, two of our friends who have been missing for three years appeared and saved us all. If you have any information then please tell us what you know by calling the number that Kala is holding up now." Kala holds up a sign with a phone number in. "Please tell us if you know of our friends, Lady Thor and Hawk Eye." They all fly off.

"Well that was interesting." Was the only smart thing I could say at that moment, still in shock that The Few is still trying to find us even though we left without a trace, only taking our suits and weapons.

"What should we do now?" Castor asks while setting down the bacon in front of me.

"We could call the number and threaten them to not try and find us, we need to scare them away." I take my phone out and quickly type in the number before giving Castor the phone to see if he calls it. He does, putting it on speaker. "I can take care of the talking and hiding the connection." I have become a good hacker but only Castor knows that. I get my laptop out and quickly hide the connection of my phone.

"Hello? Can I ask who this is?" Kats answers the phone. I haven't heard his voice in so long! I miss him.

"You have no need for the knowledge of my name. I have information concerning your friends." I say is a deep voice what nobody can understand over the phone.

"Where are they!" I hear the Few on the phone, notifying me that they were all there.

"I can't figure out where the call is coming from!" I hear Sly say in the background.

"I have one thing to say, stop looking for your friends or they will be no more." I evilly laugh before Castor hangs up.

"Well I did not know you were capable with that deep of a voice." Castor tells me.

"I did good though, right?" I ask him, giving him puppy eyes.

"Yes yes, you did. Now excuse me as I go to feed my people. I suggest you go home to your friends since they are worried." He walks into the kitchen with the chickens following him. I shout a quick bye before heading out of the door, getting into my car and driving home.

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